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Rebellion and Reaction

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Presentation on theme: "Rebellion and Reaction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rebellion and Reaction
I. Liberalism A. Postwar bargain B. Criminal justice II. Rebellion A. Long Hot Summers B. Draft resistance C. Counterculture III. Reaction A. Chicago, 1968 B. Attica C. Law and Order Politics IV. Reversal A. Corruption B. Watergate

2 Liberal Bargain IN RETURN FOR Welfare state Gradual civil rights
Anti-communism Red-baiting Korea, Vietnam Conscription Cultural conformity Universal white male subject Traditional family Suburbs, consumerism Stable social order

3 Criminal Justice Battles
Warren court Birmingham, Alabama police storming civil rights protesters, 1963

4 Long Hot Summers 1964 1966 1967 1968 Harlem riot
1 dead, hundreds injured 1966 SNCC rejects non-violence Watts riot 16,000 guardsmen called 34 dead, over 1000 wounded 1967 Detroit riot 43 killed 1,189 injured 7,231 arrested 1968 MLK shot Nationwide riots Kerner Commission

5 Draft Resistance Student deferments “Hardship” deferments
Physical Deferments Tricks Conscientious Objectors Flee to Canada 20K men indicted

6 Counterculture Music Drugs Sex Style Beatles, Rubber Soul (1965)
Beatles, Revolver (1966)

7 Democratic Convention of 1968
Peace v. War Sen. Eugene McCarthy v. Sen. Hubert Humphrey Protestors v. Establishment Mayor Richard Daley Royko: “Police riot”

8 Prison riots Attica explodes, 1971
Prisoners take hostages Gov. Nelson Rockefeller sends in state police

9 Law and Order 1972 Presidential campaign
Drug Enforcement Administration, 1973 Rockefeller drug laws, NY, 1973

10 Reversal Corruption Ethics Obstruction Circumvention
Spiro Agnew pleads no contest to taking bribes Ethics Watergate break-in Obstruction Cover up Circumvention Nixon resigns “I’m not a crook” Ford pardons Ford names Rockefeller VP

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