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Matthew Dig Site 19 Blue Level Questions.

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1 Matthew Dig Site 19 Blue Level Questions

2 What was Simon of Cyrene forced to do? (27:32)
Carry the cross of Jesus Flog Jesus Nail Jesus’ hands to the Cross Mock Jesus

3 What was Simon of Cyrene forced to do? (27:32)
Carry the cross of Jesus Flog Jesus Nail Jesus’ hands to the Cross Mock Jesus

4 What is the name of the place of Jesus’ crucifixion? (27:33)
Jerusalem Golgotha Mount of Olives Bethany

5 What is the name of the place of Jesus’ crucifixion? (27:33)
Jerusalem Golgotha Mount of Olives Bethany

6 What does Golgotha mean? (27:33)
The Place of Death The Place of the Skull The Field of Blood The Potter’s Field

7 What does Golgotha mean? (27:33)
The Place of Death The Place of the Skull The Field of Blood The Potter’s Field

8 What did Jesus refuse to drink at Golgotha? (27:33-34)
Water Juice mixed with gall Olive oil The wine mixed with gall

9 What did Jesus refuse to drink at Golgotha? (27:33-34)
Water Juice mixed with gall Olive oil The wine mixed with gall

10 What was the charge written above Jesus’ head? (27:37)
“This is Jesus, the Jews’ Messiah.” “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” “This is Jesus, the high priest.” “This is Jesus, the Son of God.”

11 What was the charge written above Jesus’ head? (27:37)
“This is Jesus, the Jews’ Messiah.” “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” “This is Jesus, the high priest.” “This is Jesus, the Son of God.”

12 What did the people do when they walked by Jesus on the Cross
They insulted Jesus. They prayed to Jesus. They asked Jesus for mercy. All of the above

13 What did the people do when they walked by Jesus on the Cross
They insulted Jesus. They prayed to Jesus. They asked Jesus for mercy. All of the above

14 What did the people tell Jesus to do, if He was the Son of God? (27:40)
To part the Red Sea To come down from the Cross To strike the Roman soldiers dead To stop the sun from shining

15 What did the people tell Jesus to do, if He was the Son of God? (27:40)
To part the Red Sea To come down from the Cross To strike the Roman soldiers dead To stop the sun from shining

16 What insults did the people hurl at Jesus? (27:39-40)
“Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God!” “You are no king. Where is your crown?” “Where are your disciples? They’ve all left you.” All of the above

17 What insults did the people hurl at Jesus? (27:39-40)
“Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God!” “You are no king. Where is your crown?” “Where are your disciples? They’ve all left you.” All of the above

18 What did the chief priests and teachers of the law say to mock Jesus
“He saved others, … but he can’t save himself.” “Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him.” “Let God rescue him now if he wants him.” All of the above

19 What did the chief priests and teachers of the law say to mock Jesus
“He saved others, … but he can’t save himself.” “Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him.” “Let God rescue him now if he wants him.” All of the above

20 What did the two rebels do to Jesus? (27:44)
They heaped insults on Jesus. They both asked Jesus to pray for them. They begged Jesus for mercy. They spit on Him.

21 What did the two rebels do to Jesus? (27:44)
They heaped insults on Jesus. They both asked Jesus to pray for them. They begged Jesus for mercy. They spit on Him.

22 What happened from noon until three in the afternoon? (27:45)
“Darkness came over all the land.” “The sun turned red as blood.” “There was weeping throughout the city.” All of the above

23 What happened from noon until three in the afternoon? (27:45)
“Darkness came over all the land.” “The sun turned red as blood.” “There was weeping throughout the city.” All of the above

24 What did Jesus cry out? (27:46)
“I’m sorry.” “Come, Elijah, and save me.” “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” “The day of judgement is upon you.”

25 What did Jesus cry out? (27:46)
“I’m sorry.” “Come, Elijah, and save me.” “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” “The day of judgement is upon you.”

26 Why did some people say, “Leave him alone,” when Jesus cried out on the Cross? (27:49)
They wanted to see if God would send angels to rescue Jesus. They wanted Jesus to suffer. They thought an evil spirit possessed Jesus. They wanted to see if Elijah would come to save Him.

27 Why did some people say, “Leave him alone,” when Jesus cried out on the Cross? (27:49)
They wanted to see if God would send angels to rescue Jesus. They wanted Jesus to suffer. They thought an evil spirit possessed Jesus. They wanted to see if Elijah would come to save Him.

28 What happened just before Jesus gave up His spirit and died? (27:50)
Jesus cried out in a loud voice. Jesus ate bread and drank juice. Jesus prayed the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus was transfigured.

29 What happened just before Jesus gave up His spirit and died? (27:50)
Jesus cried out in a loud voice. Jesus ate bread and drank juice. Jesus prayed the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus was transfigured.

30 What happened in the Temple when Jesus died? (27:50-51)
An earthquake destroyed the holy of holies. The temple curtain was torn from top to bottom. The Temple was burned down. All of the above

31 What happened in the Temple when Jesus died? (27:50-51)
An earthquake destroyed the holy of holies. The temple curtain was torn from top to bottom. The Temple was burned down. All of the above

32 What happened when the earth shook and the rocks split after Jesus died? (27:51-53)
The whole city fell to their knees and begged God to forgive their sin. The firstborn of the high priest, the chief priests, and the elders died. Holy people were raised from the dead. A star appeared over Jesus’ cross.

33 What happened when the earth shook and the rocks split after Jesus died? (27:51-53)
The whole city fell to their knees and begged God to forgive their sin. The firstborn of the high priest, the chief priests, and the elders died. Holy people were raised from the dead. A star appeared over Jesus’ cross.

34 After Jesus’ resurrection, what did the holy people who were raised from the dead do? (27:52-53)
They appeared to many in the holy city. They healed the sick. They preached the gospel. All of the above

35 After Jesus’ resurrection, what did the holy people who were raised from the dead do? (27:52-53)
They appeared to many in the holy city. They healed the sick. They preached the gospel. All of the above

36 Who was terrified and said, “Surely he was the Son of God”? (27:54)
The chief priests The Pharisees The centurion and those guarding Jesus The disciples

37 Who was terrified and said, “Surely he was the Son of God”? (27:54)
The chief priests The Pharisees The centurion and those guarding Jesus The disciples

38 Who were three of the women who followed Jesus from Galilee to care for His needs? (27:55-56)
Mary, Martha, Tabitha Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of James and John Martha, Mary, Dorcas Three women named Mary

39 Who were three of the women who followed Jesus from Galilee to care for His needs? (27:55-56)
Mary, Martha, Tabitha Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of James and John Martha, Mary, Dorcas Three women named Mary

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