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Primary Percutaneous Thrombectomy with Right Coronary Judkins 8 French Guide Catheter for the Treatment of High Risk Acute Pulmonary Embolism Gutiérrez.

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1 Primary Percutaneous Thrombectomy with Right Coronary Judkins 8 French Guide Catheter for the Treatment of High Risk Acute Pulmonary Embolism Gutiérrez Leonard H., Berumen Domínguez L. E, Ojeda Delgado J. L.., Meneses Bonilla Anton, Páez Lizárraga L.M., Ramírez Aldaraca M.A., Salazar Peña I. HOSPITAL CENTRAL MILITAR, MÉXICO D.F RESULTS: In all cases it was possible achievement for all thrombi. was obtained permeability of the pulmonary branches of 80% saturation was restored and blood pressure in the next few hours. Of the 56 patients, three died during the procedure and another patient had hemoptysis. The procedure had a mortality rate of 5.3% and a morbidity of 2.63% OBJECTIVE: a) patency of the pulmonary arteries by thrombus aspiration with right coronary guide catheter. b) Improve the function of the right ventricle. c) Reduce mortality MATERIAL: A total of 56 patients, 30 female and 26 male between 28 and 64 years from March 2009 to June In 42 patients the obstruction was bilateral in all patients, the degree of obstruction was greater than 80% of the main branches. In all cases, introducing a long metal 8 french by 80cm in length and 8 french catheter coronary Judkins guide and a 20ml syringe. the diagnosis was formulated with pulmonary angiotomography and echocardiogram METHOD: By puncturing the femoral vein was placed a metal sheath of 8 french by 80cm in length to the trunk of the pulmonary artery and this was passed through a guide catheter handle 4 Judkin right coronary to the site of thrombosis and 20ml syringe practice is sustained suction catheter to remove it slowly withdrawing the introducer. subsequently purging the catheter to remove thrombi were aspirated. This maneuver was repeated several times and finally a practical handbook with this catheter angiography to confirm the patency of the pulmonary branches CONCLUSION: This is an effective technique for the treatment of acute pulmonary embolism reproducible high-risk low-cost and reestablished blood pressure, oxygen saturation and right ventricular function and struck morbidity significant

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