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Beautiful Libraries in the World

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1 Beautiful Libraries in the World
Strahov Monestary Library To take full advantage of Flickr, you should use a JavaScript-enabled browser and install the latest version of the Macromedia Flash Player.            In Prague Taken in (See more photos here) View Curious Expeditions' map

2 Strahov Monestary Library in Prague
To take full advantage of Flickr, you should use a JavaScript-enabled browser and install the latest version of the Macromedia Flash Player.            In Prague Taken in (See more photos here) View Curious Expeditions' map

3 Strahov Theological Hall - Original Baroque Cabinets

4 Strahov Theological Hall; Statue of John the Evangelist Holding a Book

5 Abbey Library St. Gallen, Switzerland

6 Angelica Library, Rome, Italy

7 August Herzog Library, Wolfenbüttel,

8 Beatus Rhenanus Library, Basel, Switzerland

9 Bernadotte Library, Stockholm Sweden

10 Biblioteca Angelica, Rome, Italy

11 Biblioteca Di Bella Arti, Milan, Italy

12 Biblioteca do Palacio e Convento de Mafra I, Lisbon Coast, Portugal

13 Biblioteca do Palàcio Nacional da Ajuda Lisboa III, Lisbon, Portugal

14 Biblioteca Geral University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

15 Biblioteca Palafoxiana, Puebla, Mexico

16 Bibliotecha de la Real Academia De La Lengua, Madrid, Spain

17 Bibliotheque Alencon, Normandy, France

18 Bibliothéque Nationale de France, Paris, France

19 Bodleian Library, Oxford University, England

20 Boston Copley Public Library, Boston, USA

21 Old British Reading Room, British Museum, London, England

22 Old British Reading Room, British Museum, London, England

23 Cathedral Library, Kalocsa, Hungary

24 Chetham's Library, Manchester, UK

25 Dutch Royal Archives Library, Netherlands

26 El Escorial Library, San Lorenzo, Spain

27 Frederick Ferris Thompson Memorial Library, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York, USA

28 George Peabody Library, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

29 Handelingenkamer Tweede Kamer Der Staten-Generaal Den Haag, the Hague, Netherlands

30 Hereford Cathedral Chained Library, Hereford, England (Rare books were once kept chained to the bookshelf to prevent stealing.)

31 Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek Weimar II, Germany

32 Joanina Library University of Coimbra, Portugal

33 Kremsmuenster Abbey Library, Kremsmünster, Upper Austria.

34 Biblioteca Castilla La Mancha, Spain

35 Library of Congress, Washington, DC, USA

36 Library of Parliament, Ottawa, Canada

37 Library of St. Walburga, Zutphen, Netherland
(Preserved from the 16th century)

38 Library of the Benedictine Monastery of Admont, Austria

39 Library of the National Palace of Mafra, Portugal

40 Library of the Prussian King Frederic the Second in Potsdam, Germany

41 Melk Monastery Library, Melk, Austria

42 National Art Library, Victoria and Albert Museum, London

43 North Reading Room, UC Berkeley, California, USA
(Terrific reader suggestion)

44 New York Public Library, New York, USA

45 Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp, Belgium

46 Queen's College Library Oxford

47 Real Gabinete Portugues De Leitura Rio De Janeiro, Brazil (Possibly the most beautiful library of them all.)

48 Rennie Mackintosh Library, Glasgow School of Art, Scotland (Added on excellent reader suggestion.)

49 Riggs Library, Georgetown University, USA

50 Rijkmuseum Library, Amsterdam

51 Riksdagen Library, Swedish Parliament Library, Stockholm, Sweden

52 Russian National Library, St. Petersburg

53 St. Florian Monastery-Library, Austria

54 Salamanca Library, Salamanca, Spain

55 Sansovino Library, Rome, Italy

56 Sorbonne Library, Paris, France

57 State Library, Victoria, Australia

58 Stiftsbibliothek Klosterneuburg, Klosterneuburg, Austria

59 Suzzallo Library, Seattle, Washington,

60 The New Library of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh

61 Theology Room at St. Deiniol's library, North Wales
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       University-Library, Helsinki, Finland Theology Room at St. Deiniol's library, North Wales

62 Trinity College LIbrary, AKA, The Long Room, Dublin, Ireland

63 University-Library, Helsinki, Finland

64 Vatican Library, Vatican City, Rome

65 Austrian National Library, Vienna, Austria

66 Waldsassen Abbey Library, Bavaria, Germany

67 Wren Library, Trinity College, Cambridge, England

68 Yale, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

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