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Mysterious Things in Britain Laura Pampa G1B

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Presentation on theme: "Mysterious Things in Britain Laura Pampa G1B"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mysterious Things in Britain Laura Pampa G1B

2 The Giant's Causeway It is a World Heritage Site in Northern Ireland.
Consists of aproximately 40,000 basalt columns Result of an ancient volcanic eruption 60 million years ago The legend tells that the Giant’s Causeway was built by Finn McCool as a walk way to fight the Scottish giant Benandonner.


4 Stonehenge Most famous and best known relic of prehistory in Europe
Located in southern England Construction took place years ago Purpose is unknown Built in three stages


6 Hill Figures A hill figure is a large figure created by cutting into a steep hillside and revealing the white chalk beneath Hill figures are common in Britain The Cerne Abbas giant, the Uffington White Horse, the Long Man of Wilmington

7 Uffington Horse Situated on the upper slopes of White Horse Hill
The oldest hill figure in Britain(1000 BC) 110 m long The image is a stylised representation of a horse (dragon)

8 The long man of Wilmington
Located on the slopes of Windover Hill in East Sussex 69.2 metres tall and designed to look in proportion when viewed from below In the II World War the outline of the figure was painted green so it would blend in with the hillside, to avoid German pilots using it as a landmark.


10 Coin covered wishing trees
In 1700's they were used as wishing trees People believed that a person suffering from an illness could hammer a coin into a tree trunks and the tree would take the illness away


12 Kasutatud materjal mysterious-coin-covered-wishing-trees.html aces/sd-historicplace1.htm and-Legend.T809.aspx

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