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EOSC Service Architecture

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1 EOSC Service Architecture
Sergio Andreozzi EGI Foundation 2nd EOSCpilot Governance Development Forum workshop, 3 October 2017, Tallinn (Estonia)

2 Outline What does the EOSC needs to support
Roles involved in using/managing the EOSC services Architecture Types of services Next steps

3 EOSC as an evolving system serving a multitude of actors
What: Open Science A systemic change in the modus operandi of science and research Affecting the whole research cycle and its stakeholders Commissioner Carlos Moedas Open Science Presidency Conference Amsterdam, 4 April 2016 This is the first slide of “What” EOSC as an evolving system serving a multitude of actors

4 EOSC supporting collaboration & sharing
Open Science “Open Science represents a new approach to the scientific process based on cooperative work and new ways of diffusing knowledge by using digital technologies and new collaborative tools. The idea captures a systemic change to the way science and research have been carried out for the last fifty years: shifting from the standard practices of publishing research results in scientific publications towards sharing and using all available knowledge at an earlier stage in the research process.” “Open Science has an impact on the entire research cycle, from the inception of research to its publication, and on how this cycle is organised.” EOSC supporting collaboration & sharing

5 Open Science opens up the entire research enterprise…..
EOSC “users” Open Science opens up the entire research enterprise….. Open Science opens up the entire research enterprise (inner circle) by using a variety of means and digital tools (outer circle) [EC - DG R&I 2016, p. 36] EOSC as a facilitator of new scholarly and scientific processes

6 EOSC “users” Scientists Managers Infras provider Service provider
Use functions and tools to perform their domain specific research activities and to collaborate Scientists Managers Infras provider Service provider Service developer Data scientists Facilitate the operation, assistance and quality assurance of the EOSC system and the coordination among its different stakeholders Develop new analytical models, new processes and tools to analyse data and derive knowledge Provide access to computational, storage and network resources, according to declared SLAs Develop services for scientists by understanding their requirements and the Open Science vision In order to reach efficency and sustainability EOSC must offer facilities that support all the OS actors roles. Note: we may need to further specialise them (especially the manageres) and other may have to be introduced (e.g. research managers/administrators monitoring research trends) Operate and provide access to their own portfolio of services according to declared SLAs

7 EOSC “users” (cont.) These users
operate with different types of resources and demand different services and working environments Scientists and developer scientists need services to produce research artifacts (including methods and tools) and need virtual research environments to support their multidisciplinary collaboration Developers of services often demand for access to appropriate platforms, including those providing facilitated access to computational and storage resources Scientists Managers Infras provider Service provider Service developer Data scientists

8 EOSC “users” & “resources”
Research asset / artifacts inclusive of papers, datasets, scientific software, scientific workflows, notebooks, compound “research objects” virtual research environment specifically set up for supporting any research question / endeavor / goal Scientists Managers Infras provider Service provider Service developer Data scientists Service that includes all the functions exploited to deliver, monitor, and orchestrate the EOSC system Policies and Procedures defined to govern the EOSC system SLA used to define the level of service expected from the service provider Scientific software that is almost daily produced, usually developed in the form of scripts / small programs and non- necessarily following strong software engineering practices, likely developed by non- professional computer scientists Computational and storage resources that are made accessible according to the policies and SLA EOSC is expected to deliver Software that is produced, published, and managed according the FAIR principles EOSC is expected to deliver In order to reach efficency and sustainability EOSC must offre facilities that support all the OS actors roles.Note: we may need to further specialise them (especially the manageres) and other may have to be introduced (e.g. research managers/administrators monitoring reserach thrends) Scientific service that is made accessible according to the policies and SLA EOSC is expected to deliver

9 An abstract scenario Provides server “S”
Service Catalogue Publishes Service X on Service Catalogue Service “X” runs on “S” INFRASTRUCTURE PROVIDER SERVICE PROVIDER SERVICE Developer Service X was developed by Server “S” Executes the service on his data gets result Dataset D Finds the Service DATA SCIENTIST SCIENTIST D Collaborate Finds D and use it in a Scientific paper Publishes result (e.g. dataset) In the Data Catalogue D DATA Catalogue

10 A Real-World Scenario: PanCancer (Science Demonstrator funded in EOSCpilot)
Cancer researchers and the end users of BUTLER platform Scientists Managers Infras provider Service provider Service developer Data scientists Provisioning services Ensuring SLAs are delivered Supporting users The data experts who produce the data and are aware of the application requirements of it Cloud and data storage resource providers In order to reach efficency and sustainability EOSC must offre facilities that support all the OS actors roles.Note: we may need to further specialise them (especially the manageres) and other may have to be introduced (e.g. research managers/administrators monitoring reserach thrends) BUTLER and Onedata software developers Service providers running: - Onedata-based service - Cloud compute and Offering storage + computing capacity

11 How: Experts suggestions
It should “federated, globally accessible, multidisciplinary environment” where researchers, innovators, companies and citizens can publish, find, use and reuse each other's data, tools, publications and other outputs for research, innovation and educational purposes [OSPP EOSC report expanded from HLEG EOSC report, It should “build on existing capacity and expertise where possible” It is approached as a “federated environment for scientific data sharing and re-use, based on existing and emerging elements in the Member States, with lightweight international guidance and governance and a large degree of freedom regarding practical implementation” “It should enable trusted access to services, systems and the re-use of shared scientific data across disciplinary, social and geographical borders” Here it starts “How” Basic “principles” for the implementation of the EOSC system architecture (from the HLEG on EOSC)

12 Excerpts from the EOSC Declaration
federation more capacity for more users co-created with users federation-enabling services needed EOSC Declaration, 10 Jul 2017

13 EOSC as a System-of-Systems
Componets can both enter in EOSC and disappear Components: Exiting and emerging RIs, e-Infras, data repositories, registries,…

14 EOSC as a System-of-Systems
RIj DRs DRz RIx RIt E-Infraa Ra E-Infrab E-Infraa RIk RIg Componets can both enter in EOSC and disappear Rw Components: Existing and emerging RIs, e-Infras, data repositories, registries,…

15 System-of-systems: characterising properties
Operational and managerial independence Each system is independent and it achieves its purposes by itself and for its own objective rather than for the purposes of the SoS Geographical distribution A SoS is distributed over a large geographic extent Added-Value A SoS has capabilities and properties that do not reside in the component systems RIj DRs DRz RIx RIt E-Infaa Ra Evolutionary development A SoS evolves with time and experience E-Infab RIg RIk E-Infaa Rw Heterogeneity of constituent systems A SoS consists of multiple, heterogeneous, operating systems embedded in networks at multiple levels The EOSC architecture is designed to satisfy these principles

16 Need for a federation and access layer
EOSC Hub EOSC Domain 1 EOSC Domain 2 EOSC Domain 3 EOSC Domain n

17 Example of hub concept as designed by the EOSC-hub project
EOSC-hub is a project successfully evaluated in the H2020 EINFRA Call – Planned start 1/1/2018

18 Abstract Class of Services
PID Service Alert Service Recommender Service Data Catalogue IT Security Operational Service Mgmt Citation Service Metadata Enrichment Metadata Linking Metadata Validation Environment continuity Operations bridge Workflow Service Service Catalogue Repository Service Repository Validation Policy and Licence Helper Semantic Integration Helper VRE Factory Service continuity Services for EOSC Managers Service Desk VRE Factory Shared Workspace Social Networking Service Scientists IDE as_a_service RStudio MatLab Validation Environment Service Catalogue IT Security Environment operations Software Repository Assessment Environment VRE Factory Data Scientists Service Desk Services for … Python Validation Environment Transition Environment Service Catalogue IT Security Operations bridge Environment operations Data Catalogue Service transition Service Developers VRE Factory Service Desk

19 Abstract Class of Services (cont.)
Service Dashboard Service Catalogue IT Security Multi-supplier coordination Resource Catalogue Service continuity Service Providers Service Desk Services for EOSC Managers Infrastructure Dashboard Infrastructure Providers Service Desk Multi-supplier coordination Services for … The identification of the EOSC services is intended to be an iterative process that will evolve through the requirements received from the demonstrators with the evolution of the other elements that are involved in its development, like rule of engagement, incentives and rewards, policies, and governance For the set of necessary services identified, it is not yet specified who will be the service provider that will operate and delivery these services

20 Validation and monitoring of EOSC principles of engagement: examples
Scientists Managers Infras provider Service provider Service developer Data scientists Scientists exploiting EOSC must have a known identity and profile EOSC Scientists produced artifacts must be deposited and findable Developed software services in EOSC must have an explicit licence associated with them All EOSC services must be registered in the EOSC catalogue of services Infrastructure providers must ensure the established SLA Service Desk operational hours are …

21 EOSCpilot WP5: Main Delivereables
D5.1 : Initial EOSC Service Architecture the high-level EOSC (reference) service architecture [12] Initial EOSC Service Architecture the high-level EOSC (reference) service architecture D5.4 : Final EOSC Service Architecture [24] Final EOSC Service Architecture describes the high-level EOSC (reference) service architecture updated after input from executed service pilots and WP6 Interoperability.

22 Summary EOSC Service Architecture System of systems approach
Initial actor roles identified Initial service layers identified Initial analysis of types of services per layer performed Service federator role vs. federated system/domain

23 Thank you :-) For feedback: Donatella Castelli EOSCPilot WP5 Leader

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