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Which one are you?.

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Presentation on theme: "Which one are you?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Which one are you?

2 Introvert A term introduced by the psychologist Carl Jung to describe a person whose motives and actions are directed inward. Introverts tend to be preoccupied with their own thoughts and feelings and minimize their contact with other people.



5 Extrovert An outgoing, unreserved person. Enjoys social situations, being around people, and keeping busy. Extroverts are expressive and typically not shy.


7 Ambivert Someone who exhibits qualities of both introversion and extroversion. ** We all possess some characteristics of both introversion and extroversion ** Do you tend to favour one side more than the other? QUIZ:

8 Quiz Results: Where are you on the Introvert / Extrovert line?

9 Right and Left Brain what does it all mean?

10 Right Side of the Brain The right side of the brain is best at expressive and creative tasks. Some of the abilities popularly associated with the right side of the brain include: Recognizing faces Expressing emotions Music Reading emotions Color Images Intuition Creativity

11 Left Side of the Brain The Left Brain Language Logic Critical thinking
The left-side of the brain is considered to be adept at tasks that involve logic, language, and analytical thinking. The left-brain is described as being better at: Language Logic Critical thinking Numbers Reasoning


13 But, don’t be fooled! It is important to understand that our brain works best with both sides together, just like our bodies. The right and left sides communicate with each other and share their expertise to enable a stronger “thought”. Although each side of the brain is responsible for specific elements, research has shown that each side performs better WITH the other side. Our 2 brain hemispheres work as a team! They are stronger together.

14 “You complete me!”

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