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Inclusive development strategies How to implement disability- inclusive development through development programmes?

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Presentation on theme: "Inclusive development strategies How to implement disability- inclusive development through development programmes?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inclusive development strategies How to implement disability- inclusive development through development programmes?

2 A holistic and systemic approach to ensure people with disabilities access to services Access to services is one of the priories to reduce poverty Necessary evolution of systems of services : establishment of an enabling system, oriented towards supporting people with disabilities in reaching and maintaining their optimal level of independence and social participation, taking into account their personal factors, their environment and their expectations Twin-track approach : access to all mainstream services and disability-specific support services

3 Setting this enabling system requires actions to: Ensure the required continuum of services Strengthen the capacities of all actors in the system according to the role they need to play


5 Inclusive community approaches Leur objectif : réaliser les droits des personnes handicapées à vivre de manière autonome et être inclus au sein de leur communauté – Community Based Rehabilitation – Inclusive Local Development

6 Examples of inclusive projects funded French Agency for Development (AFD) Cofunding of projects inclusive of people with disabilities: Mali, universal access to basic services project West Africa, project entitled « rights, citizenship, solidarity, inclusion of people with disabilities » C ambodia, disability and HIV/AIDS project Technical assistance to include disability issues: Madagascar, accessibility project Technical support to include disability within the AFD: Awareness raising and production of a cd-rom

7 Key messages Inclusive development needs to be operationalized through relevant strategies, improving people with disabilities access to services in all sectors. A systemic approach is required to facilitate the development of an enabling system that maximizes people with disabilities social participation, through a combination of inclusive mainstream and support services. For the majority of people with disabilities, answer to their needs and priorities can be found at the community level. Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) and Inclusive Local Development (DLI) are examples of possible strategies for improving the inclusion of disability issues in local development and local governance, thereby enhancing access to services for people with disabilities and their increased participation. The French Agency for Development has been supporting Handicap International to implement such strategies

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