Empirical and Molecular Formulas

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1 Empirical and Molecular Formulas
Chemistry GT 3/20/15

2 Calculate the percent composition of Na2SO4.
Chem Joke of the Day The photon checked into a hotel. What did it say when the bellhop asked for its bag? “No bags—I’m travelling light!” Drill Calculate the percent composition of Na2SO4. HW: Molecular Formula WS (pg. 4) MM= g/mol 32.37% Na, 22.58% S, 45.05% O

3 Objectives IWBAT Calculate the empirical formula of a compound, given percent composition or mass composition. Calculate the molecular formula of a compound, given: Empirical formula and molar mass OR Percent composition and molar mass

4 Agenda Drill HW Review Molecular Formula Notes
Empirical and Molecular Formula Practice Problems Closure

5 HW Review Let’s go over the answers—any questions??

6 Molecular Formula Molecular Formula – this tells us how many atoms of each type there really are in the compound. Can two substances have the same empirical formula but be different? YES! Benzene vs. acetylene: C6H6 vs. C2H2 What is their empirical formula? How is this different from ionic compounds?

7 Calculating Molecular Formula
STEP 1: You will be given the molar mass of the compound and the empirical formula (or info to calculate empirical formula) STEP 2: Calculate the empirical mass (mass of the empirical formula). STEP 3: Divide the given molar mass by the empirical mass. You should get a small whole number. STEP 4: Multiply the subscripts of the empirical formula with the number obtained.

8 Molecular Formula Example
STEP 1: The empirical formula is CH2O and the molar mass is g. STEP 2: The empirical mass is 12.01g + 2(1.01g) g = g STEP 3: g/ g = 6 STEP 4: CH2O becomes C6H12O6

9 Practice With a group of 3-4; one sheet to turn in
Calculate the empirical formula: Fe 46.56%, S 53.44% Fe 63.53%, S 36.47% Mn 63.1%, S 36.9% K 26.6%, Cr 35.4%, O 38.0% Na 36.5%, S 25.4%, O 38.1% Na 32.4%, S 22.6%, O 45.0% Calculate the molecular formula: P 56.4%, O 43.7%, molar mass = 220 g P 43.6%, O 56.4%, molar mass = 284 g

10 Answers Empirical Formula FeS2 FeS MnS K2Cr2O7 Na2SO3 Na2SO4
Molecular Formula P4O6 P4O10

11 Closure – Empirical Formula Practice
Calculate the empirical formula for a compound with a percent composition of 53.73% Fe and 46.27% S.

12 Closure – Practice The formula mass of a compound is 92 u. Analysis shows that there are g N and g O. What is the molecular formula? N2O4

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