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Gauge/String Duality and Integrable Systems

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1 Gauge/String Duality and Integrable Systems
Kostya Zarembo (Uppsala U.) Annual Theory Meeting, Durham,

2 Yang-Mills fields = closed strings
“rings of glue” or maybe ≈ Polyakov’80

3 string carries constant
Coulomb field vs Flux tube (QED) (QCD) q q string carries constant energy per unit length

4 More refined lattice simulations confirm that the string fluctuates.
From Bali, Phys. Rep. 343 (2001) 1 More refined lattice simulations confirm that the string fluctuates. Caselle,Fiore,Gliozzi,Hasenbusch,Provero’97; Caselle,Pepe,Rago’04; …

5 “Index conservation law”:
Large-N expansion ‘t Hooft’74 “Index conservation law”:

6 N N N N Two expansion parameters: ‘t Hooft coupling: string coupling:

7 Planar diagrams and strings
Large-N limit: time

8 Conceptual problems: Closed strings describe gravity. What is graviton in YM? String theory is only consistent in ten dimensions. How does the string remember that it is made of gluons?

9 Large-N expansion of YM theory
String theory Early examples: 2d QCD Matrix models ‘t Hooft’74 Brezin,Itzykson,Parisi,Zuber’78 4d gauge/string duality: AdS/CFT correspondence Maldacena’97

10 Bound states in QFT (mesons, glueballs) String states String states Local operators Resolves many puzzles of putative large-N string: graviton is not a massless glueball, but is the dual of the energy-momentum tensor Tμν extra dimensions are geometric images of the energy scale and of global symmetries sum rules are automatic

11 AdS/CFT correspondence
Yang-Mills theory with N=4 supersymmetry Maldacena’97 Gubser,Klebanov,Polyakov’98 Witten’98 Exact equivalence String theory on AdS5xS5 background

12 Anti-de-Sitter space (AdS5)
z 5D bulk strings gauge fields 4D boundary

13 N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory
Gliozzi,Scherk,Olive’77 Brink,Schwarz,Scherk’77 Field content: Action: conformal field theory

14 AdS/CFT correspondence
Maldacena’97 Gubser,Klebanov,Polyakov’98 Witten’98

15 Strong-weak coupling interpolation
λ SYM perturbation theory String perturbation theory 1 + + + … Circular Wilson loop (exact): Erickson,Semenoff,Zarembo’00 Drukker,Gross’00 Minimal area law in AdS5


17 Correlation functions
Dilatation operator: matrix of anomalous dimensions

18 Operators Protected Non-degenerate Degenerate (mixes with )
energy-momentum tensor Konishi operator (mixes with )

19 Local operators and spin chains
j i j

20 Tree level: Δ=L (huge degeneracy)
One loop:

21 One loop planar dilatation generator:
Minahan,Z.’02 Heisenberg Hamiltonian Integrability!

22 The spectrum Ground state: Excited states (magnons): BMN (Berenstein,Maldacena,Natase’02) operators



25 Spectrum and scattering phase shifts
periodic short-range potential

26 exact only for V(x) = g δ(x)

27 Continuity of periodized wave function

28 where is (eigenvalue of) the S-matrix correct up to O(e-L/R) works even for bound states via analytic continuation to complex momenta

29 Multy-particle states

30 Assumptions: Bethe equations R<<L
particles can only exchange momenta no inelastic processes integrability!

31 Exact periodicity condition:
momentum scattering phase shifts periodicity of wave function Exact periodicity condition:

32 Bethe equations for Heisenberg model
Rapidity: Bethe’31 Anomalous dimension:

33 Sigma-model in AdS5xS5 AdS5 S5 Classical limit
Metsaev,Tseytlin’98 AdS5 S5 Sigma-model coupling constant: Classical limit is

34 φ yi’ zi t S5 AdS5

35 Light-like geodesics:
Gauge fixing Light-like geodesics: gauge condition: Berenstein,Maldacena,Nastase’02 Parnachev,Ryzhov’02 Callan,Lee,McLoughlin,Schwarz,Swanson,Wu’03 Arutyunov,Frolov,Plefka,Zamaklar’06

36 Bosonic Lagrangian in AdS5xS5 (up to quartic order in fields):
Massive, integrable 2d field theory Lorentz-invariant kinetic terms Lorentz invariance is broken by interactions Gauge-dependent: a=1/2 (pure l.c. gauge) is the simplest case

37 Full asymptotic BA Beisert,Staudacher’05

38 Wrapping/finite size effects
Ambjørn,Janik,Kristjansen’05 Weak coupling: wrapping order captured by ABA Beisert,Kristjansen,Staudacher’03

39 since length of the string = and mass gap = 1 in light-cone gauge
Strong coupling: Schäfer-Nameki,Zamaklar,Z.’06 since length of the string = and mass gap = 1 in light-cone gauge asymptotic exact

40 Large-spin twist-2 operators
where Beisert,Eden,Staudacher’06

41 Weak coupling: Strong coupling:
Beisert,Eden,Staudacher’06 Confirmed by explicit four-loop calculations in SYM Bern,Czakon,Dixon,Kosower,Smirnov’06; Cachazo,Spradlin,Volovich’06 Strong coupling: Basso,Korchemsky,Kotański’07 Confirmed by explicit two-loop calculations in string theory Roiban,Tseytlin’07; Klose,Minahan,McLoughlin,Z.’07

42 Conclusions Large-N SYM is a solvable (and to certain degree solved) 4d theory. The solution is not simple! Finite-size/wrapping effects (Asymptotic Bethe ansatz => Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz?) World-sheet sigma-model (continuous field theory) <=> spin chain (discrete system). How does it work? (Giant magnons? Hofman, Maldecena’06; Arutyunov,Frolov,Zamaklar’06) What can we learn from solving AdS/CFT exactly?

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