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Presentation at New Mexico Renewable Energy Industries Association

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1 Presentation at New Mexico Renewable Energy Industries Association
ENERGY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT DIVISION STATE of SOLAR in NEW MEXICO MARK GAISER BSEE, MBA Presentation at New Mexico Renewable Energy Industries Association Funding provided by the US Department of Energy / State Energy Program Award DE-EE Dec. 8, 2016

2 SOLAR ENERGY Soho Spacecraft
The Soho spacecraft has been imaging the sun for twenty years – operating continuously on solar power. The small plasma loop on the lower right side of the sun could contain several earth-size objects. SOHO Magnetogram 24 September Mission Day: DOY: 267 Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

3 Fusion Power Converters For Sale
Inexpensive Ubiquitous Minimal Maintenance Required Energy Delivered Daily to Your Location No Advanced Degree Required to Operate Converter On Sale at Locations Statewide “Cheaper Energy than Fission or Coal”  FINE PRINT  Forward looking statements presented during this presentation are subject to change and should not be relied upon as guidance in any financial transaction. Companies, Products, or Services mentioned in this briefing or listed in this presentation are not to be considered endorsements by myself or by the State of New Mexico. Opinions expressed are my own and do not represent positions or thoughts of the State of New Mexico.

4 What I will address today
NM Solar Market Development Tax Credit for PV and ST (solar thermal) Grid Parity Growth Projections Business Models New Efforts and Future Directions

5 NM Residential Solar Tax Credit
New Mexico Solar Market Development Tax Credit was established in for individual taxpayers. Revised in 2008 with an end date of 2016. Tax Credit of $3 million for PV, $2 million for solar thermal (hot water & space heating) per tax year, through 2016. Tax Credit of 10% per system, with a maximum of $9, per system, per year. Two attempts to extend this state tax credit beyond 2016. Solar system equipment and installation costs are exempt from GRT enacted in One attempt to cancel this exemption in 2016. Parallel Federal Tax Law of 30% tax credit per location for the years through 2019 and ramp-down to end in 2022. Please see the ECMD website ( under Renewable Energy / Solar for details of the specific laws and rules.

6 Growth in NM Residential PV Systems

7 Solar Thermal Tax Credits
2016 Solar Thermal 10 Systems to date 15 business days to submit application for the tax credit. 5:00 pm December 30, 2016! The Solar Thermal tax credit is not being used in New Mexico. Typically a solar thermal system will have payback times of less than 10 years and typically may have simple payback times of 4 to 6 years. A Federal tax credit is also available for these systems.

8 Sales and Job Creation with Tax Credit

9 System size is growing while cost per watt is falling

10 Number of Installed Systems with Module Pricing Distribution by Bins for 2016

11 Tabulation of PV Tax Credit Data
Note the decline in the Average cost per Watt for the systems. These system prices are ‘before tax credit’ is applied. The $4.11 / Watt for 2014 is within the grid parity pricing for the PNM service territory as depicted in the NREL charts on grid parity.

12 Top Five Contractors for SMDTC Database in 2016 in the Leading Counties
+ Vivent - ~1000 systems 2016

13 NM Residential Solar Tax Credit
Has the Solar Market Development Tax Credit Program been Successful? A resounding “YES” Should this program be extended? Should this program be changed? Consider how to help different economic strata in the State. Consider what benefits a different program may bring. Consider what the industry should look like in the future. What types of Business Models should a program favor? Develop a new program using new resources?

14 New National Forest in New Mexico Torrance County National Forest
Tree specie is a GE 2.5 with hundreds being planted in the next 5 years

15 Forecast for Renewable Energy Generation in New Mexico
The possible renewable energy component of New Mexico’s electricity supply could be 50% by 2030 with a continuance of business as present and growth rates remaining steady.

16 NM Taxpayer Data and US Census Bureau Poverty Data
All Tax Payers (Tax Year 2013 Data) Income Bracket Number of Returns Percent Returns New Mexico Taxable Income by Bracket Percent NM Taxable Income Estimated Tax on TI in Bracket Percent Tax Under $25,000 614,858 62.54% 10,381,967,505 35.53% 342,296,249 27.05% $25,000-$50,000 141,196 14.36% 6,293,768,972 21.54% 308,394,680 24.37% $50,000-$75,000 88,098 8.96% 3,648,617,224 12.49% 178,841,838 14.13% $75,000-$100,000 49,489 5.03% 2,107,444,355 7.21% 103,264,773 8.16% $100,000-$200,000 60,214 6.12% 3,077,816,583 10.53% 150,813,013 11.92% Over $200,001 29,267 2.98% 3,712,069,574 12.70% 181,891,409 14.37% Total 983,122 100.00% 29,221,684,213 1,265,501,962 From the “2015 Tax Expenditure Report revised “– NM TRD This table is from page 22 This table shows 76% of the NM returns with income of $50k or below Poverty Thresholds for 2013 by Size of Family and Number of Related Children Under 18 Years Size of family unit Weighted average thresholds Related children under 18 years None One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight or more One person (unrelated individual) 11,888 Under 65 years 12,119 65 years and over 11,173 Two people 15,142 Householder under 65 years 15,679 15,600 16,057 Householder 65 years and over 14,095 14,081 15,996 Three people 18,552 18,222 18,751 18,769 Four people 23,834 24,028 24,421 23,624 23,707 Five people 28,265 28,977 29,398 28,498 27,801 27,376 Six people 31,925 33,329 33,461 32,771 32,110 31,128 30,545 Seven people 36,384 38,349 38,588 37,763 37,187 36,115 34,865 33,493 Eight people 40,484 42,890 43,269 42,490 41,807 40,839 39,610 38,331 38,006 Nine people or more 48,065 51,594 51,844 51,154 50,575 49,625 48,317 47,134 46,842 45,037 Source: U.S. Census Bureau.

17 Mixed Use Low to Moderate Income housing in T or C
Mixed Use Low to Moderate Income housing in T or C. What solar business model could serve this community? There are maybe four houses (3 %) that could qualify for a loan or tax credit in this aerial photo. There are 55 mobile or manufactured homes, and about 68 apartment rental units that could not make use of solar as presently installed or presently funded. A New Technology & New Business Model? US DOE SunShot Program: Solar in Your Community Challenge - $5 Million Contest

18 Going Forward ECMD: New Programs and Efforts:
Electric Car Charging Installations at State Buildings. Car Charging Challenge. Sustainability Tax Credit program – new Residential 2017 program. DOE Low to Moderate Income (LMI) Residence Pilot Program for Solar Adoption. Community Solar, On bill financing, PACE, Solar as an Appliance, PV on a Pole, New Energy Building Code. Participants are Taos, Kit Carson Electric Co-op and Truth or Consequences Municipal Utility. DOE Low Carbon Crossroads. A statewide community input project to talk about reducing the carbon footprint in the state while improving job opportunities and living conditions. DOE Small Modular Reactor (SMR) study. Geothermal well drilling management statewide (inherited program from OCD). WasteNot program for 5 communities in New Mexico for waste water treatment facility energy efficiency upgrades. Energy Services Contracts – ESCO’s for state buildings and schools, trading efficiency upgrades for savings on energy use. Re-invigorated efforts for PACE programs statewide. The Property Assessed Clean Energy program did not take off in , and based upon results in other states, efforts are being made to make this program available for energy efficiency and renewables in most markets in New Mexico. Stakeholders are being solicited for input and support of this important program.

19 Making Energy Fun! Photo Courtesy Webb Family 2015

20 Mark Gaiser 505-476-3318

21 New Mexico Solar Market Development Tax Credit Data

22 Residential Systems in 2016 for top Ten Counties


24 Module Pricing Data for 2016

25 Top Five Installers in New Mexico by Quantity of Systems Installed
2012 Top Five NM State Installers Residential Projects Certified Consolidated Solar Technologies 258 Positive Energy, Inc 175 Sunspot Solar Energy Systems, LLC 155 Affordable Solar Installation, Inc 149 Solar Smart Living 38 93 Contractors State Wide Total 1068 Based upon calendar year January 1 through December 31 Tax Credit approvals. 2013 Top Five NM State Installers Residential Projects Certified Consolidated Solar Technologies 224 Sunspot Solar Energy Systems, LLC 211 Positive Energy, Inc. 170 Affordable Solar 157 1B Electric Company 36 101 Contractors State Wide Total 1133 2014 Top Five NM State Installers Residential Projects Certified Positive Energy 206 Consolidated Solar Technologies 201 Sunspot Solar Energy Systems, LLC 179 Affordable Solar 163 Direct Power and Water Corp. 34 56 Contractors State Wide Total 1023

26 Top Five Contractors for SMDTC Database in 2015 in the Leading Counties

27 Grid Parity? Grid parity (or socket parity) occurs when an alternative energy source can generate power at a levelized cost of electricity (LCoE) that is less than or equal to the price of purchasing power from the electricity grid. (Wikipedia) Factors influencing grid parity: Cost of utility provided electricity (see ) Costs to connect PV system (new – capacity charge) Cost of PV system Cost offsets for purchase of PV system (ITC, PTC, Tax credits) Cost offsets for system energy production (REC credits) Financing costs Available solar resource System design and components System lifetime System maintenance

28 NREL Grid Parity Map for 2015 ( 2009 projection)
Break-Even Cost for Residential Photovoltaics in the United States: Key Drivers and Sensitivities Paul Denholm, Robert M. Margolis, Sean Ong, and Billy Roberts Technical Report NREL/TP-6A December 2009 The New Mexico Grid Parity ranges from $3-4 / W to over $6 / W. SPS (XCEL) territory requires the least expensive system, EPE territory is at grid parity with an expensive system. Note: A lighter color would require a less-expensive solar system in order to break even.

29 Is New Mexico at Grid Parity?
Notes on chart: This a distribution of system costs for 2015 in New Mexico over-layed by the NREL chart box colors for the grid parity costs / watt. This is a somewhat apples & oranges comparison since the chart numbers are before tax credits and the NREL numbers are after tax credits. As noted on the chart, these systems costs would move to the right if the tax credits are included. An example is a $6.00 / Watt system when applying tax credits would appear as a $3.60 / Watt system on the NREL chart. All-in costs move this way with tax credits SMDTC System all-in costs excludes ITC and NM SMD tax credits. NREL pricing includes tax credits.

30 Grid Parity in New Mexico? YES!
In the majority of the electrical energy provider’s service areas in New Mexico, Grid Parity has been achieved. PV systems should be viewed as an economically attractive competitive alternative or a competitive complement to utility provided electricity. See for the NREL online tool to look at breakeven costs in your county. Also see for electricity pricing in your area.

31 Solar PV installations by Utility
Utility Id's: CDEC-Continental Divide EC, CEC-Columbus EC, CNMEC-Central New Mexico EC, COAED-City of Aztec Electric Dept.,EPE- El Paso Electric, FEC-Farmer's EC, FEUS-Farmington Electric Utility System, GJU-Gallup Joint Utilities, JMEC-Jemez Mountain EC, KCEC-Kit Carson EC, LADPU-Los Alamos Dept. of Public Utilities, MSMEC- Mora-San Miguel EC, NAEC-Navajo-Apache EC, NORA-Northern Rio Arriba EC, OCEC-Otero County EC, off-grid- no utility connection, PNM- Public Service Company of New Mexico, RPS- Raton Public Service, SEC- Socorro EC, SIEC- Sierra EC, SPEC- Springer EC, SPS- Southwestern Public Service, SWEC - Southwest EC, TCMU-Truth or Consequences Municipal Utility.

32 Solar PV installations by Utility and Year


34 Concept sketch of 1. 2 kW PV system on a pole
Concept sketch of 1.2 kW PV system on a pole. A way to quickly install a system using a lighting pole ground screw.



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