Presented by: Tarek Abualam Vice Chairman-ARWP

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1 Presented by: Tarek Abualam Vice Chairman-ARWP
Arab Regional Working Party on Private Sector issues-Working Paper Prepared by: Osman Sultan ARWP Chairman (Doha-Qatar, May 2004) Presented by: Tarek Abualam Vice Chairman-ARWP May 2004 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development

2 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development
ARWP - AGENDA: ARWP Vision ARWP Mission ARWP Chart Sub-groups & Themes Action Plan Feedback May 2004 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development

3 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development
ARWP - VISION "Proudly & ambitiously participating in the transformation of the Region " May 2004 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development

4 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development
ARWP - Mission To Build development opportunities through Public/Private partnerships To Reduce the divide between the countries of the region To Serve all stakeholders Customers ( Citizens of our nations ) Employees ( knowledge holders ) Shareholders ( Investors /Institutions ) Community at large ( Corporate responsibility ) May 2004 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development

5 des Fréquences-Tunisia Vice Chairman for Infrastructure
ARWP - Chart Chairman Mr. Osman Sultan Deputy Chairman & Rapporteur Mr. Mohamed Shabib Vice Chairman for Regulatory Issues Mr. Tarek Abou-Alam TE DATA (Egypt) Deputy Vice Chairman Mr. Yousef Al-Akeel Saudi Telecom Company Saudi Arabia Vice Chairman for Gender & Youth Issues Mrs. Khedija Ghariani Agence Nationale des Fréquences-Tunisia Mrs. Hamida Benlemlih ANRT Morocco Capacity Building (Human Resources) Mr. kamal Al-Bahrani Batelco Bahrain Mr. Ibrahim Nasser Jordan Telecom Jordan WSIS Mr. Riad Bahsoun TIT Lebanon Mr. Akram Farag ABFICT Egypt Vice Chairman for Infrastructure & Service Investment Mr. Mohamed Al-Wohaibi Omantel Mr. Atef El-Barkouky Barkotel for Com. LDCs Mr. Abdigani Jama Somali Telecom- Dubai Mr. Elmahy O. El-Mahy Sudatel Sudan May 2004 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development

6 ARWP – Sub- Group 6, LDC’s Issues :
Sub-Group Themes: Working on diminishing the gap of these countries vis-à-vis the more advanced countries. Sub-Group Members: Mr. Abdigani Jama, Vice Chairman; (Somali Telecom ) Mr. Elhamy O. Elmahy, Deputy Vice Chairman; (Sudatel) Sudan Mr. Osman Sultan , member; (MobiNil ) Egypt May 2004 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development

7 ARWP – Sub- Group 1, Regulatory Issues :
Sub-Group Theme: work on the imperative need of the private sector to have an active role in the regulatory process while maintaining an on going open dialogue. Sub-Group Members: Mr. Tarek Abualam, Vice Chairman; (TE DATA) Egypt Mr. Youssef Al Akeel, Deputy Vice Chairman; (STC) KSA Mrs. Hamida Benlemlih, member; (ANRT) Morocco Mr. Riad Bahsoun, member; (TIT) Lebanon May 2004 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development

8 ARWP – Sub- Group 2, Gender & Youth Issues :
Sub-Group Theme: Ensure providing equal chances for genders and upgrade the youth capacities and opportunities, in the field of technological information Sub-Group Members: Mrs. Khedija Ghariani, Vice Chairman; (Agence Nationale des frequencies)Tunisia Mrs. Hamida Benlemlih, Deputy Vice Chairman; (ANRT) Morocco Mr. Akram Farag, member; ( ABFICT) Mr. Abdigani Jama , member; ( Somalia Telecom) May 2004 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development

9 ARWP – Sub- Group 3, Capacity Building (HR) issues
Sub-Group Theme: Assess and create a generic plan based on the requirements of the employees, since the Human Resources reservoir is a mandatory asset, thus making employees the effective knowledge holders. Sub-Group Members: Mr. Kamal Al Bahrani, Vice Chairman; (Batelco) Bahrain Mr. Ibrahim Nasser, Deputy Vice Chairman; (Jordan Telecom) Jordan Violette Fayek, member; ( MobiNil) Egypt May 2004 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development

10 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development
ARWP – Sub- Group 4, WSIS : Sub-Group Theme: work on enhancing the relationship with the WSIS to create more comprehensive and harmonious cooperation Sub-Group Members: Mr. Riad Bahsoun, vice Chairman; (TIT) Lebanon Mr. Akram Farag, Deputy Vice Chairman; (ABFICT) Egypt May 2004 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development

11 ARWP – Sub- Group 5, Infrastructure & Services investment
Sub-Group Themes: Reinforcing the infrastructure for development which leads us to be a model and a reference Sub-Group Members: Mr. Mohamed El Wohaibi, Vice Chairman; (Omantel) Oman Mr. Atef El Barkouky, Deputy Vice Chairman; (Barkotel for Com.)Egypt Mr. Riad Bahsoun , member; (TIT) Lebanon Mr. Akram Farag, member; (ABFICT) Egypt May 2004 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development

12 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development
ARWP – Action Plan Each subgroup will start it’s work according to the following methodology: Start by having an accurate visibility of the existing situation related to the topic in which the subgroup is involved in (Where we are) Identify deliverables related to this topic. (Where we want to be ) This will take into account the following prioritization: (How We Want To do it ) A- Priority in Timing for any issue which might inquire budget. B- Priority in Impact of deliverables. C- Priority in achievability (Realistic approach). May 2004 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development

13 ARWP – immediate action items
In order to give the proper importance to the LDC’s subject and for the group to highlight this issue in each of it’s meetings. The topic of LDC will always be dealt with and put on top of the agenda of the working group. In order for the private sector in the regulatory processes to have an active role, the ARWP will formally send a request to be a permanent member of the Arab ICT regulator’s network. Target date ,September 2004 for the coming meeting with the list of deliverables of each group. May 2004 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development

14 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development
ARWP – Feedback & ideas For more information,please contact: ARWP Chairman / Deputy Chairman Any sub- group Vice Chair, Deputy or member. ITU Arab Regional Office YOUR FEEDBACK & INVOLVMENT IS A MUST FOR THE SUCCESS OF THE ARWP. May 2004 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development

15 Tarek Abualam Vice Chair-ARWP
THANK YOU.. Tarek Abualam Vice Chair-ARWP May 2004 6th ITU Annual Meeting for Telecommunication Development

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