Greenhouse & Nursery Irrigation

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Presentation on theme: "Greenhouse & Nursery Irrigation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Greenhouse & Nursery Irrigation

2 Greenhouse Irrigation
Area nurseries use 4 basic types of greenhouse irrigation systems Solid-set Sprinklers Overhead Spray Emitters Mist Systems Boom Spray

3 Greenhouse Irrigation
Solid-set Sprinklers Used for large volumes of water Suitable for established plants that can tolerate overhead watering with large droplets

4 Greenhouse Irrigation
Solid-set Sprinklers Primarily used for containerized plants 4” and larger Plants with large leaves or canopies can block water

5 Greenhouse Irrigation
Micro spray Emitters Great for sensitive plants Allows for precise watering

6 Greenhouse Irrigation
Micro spray Emitters Efficient & accurate Reduces waste Minimizes weed germination

7 Greenhouse Irrigation
Mist Systems Used mostly for cutting & seed propagation High humidity Frequent, short watering

8 Greenhouse Irrigation
Boom Spray Systems Large volumes of gentle spray Precise delivery Often used on cuttings and annual production

9 Greenhouse Irrigation Boom Spray Sprinklers

10 Greenhouse Irrigation
Controllers Allow growers to schedule irrigation New technology ties controllers to computers and smartphones

11 Greenhouse & Nursery Irrigation
Most groundwater needs amending before being used for irrigation Sand filters take out salts and other particulates Fertilizer injectors allow for even dosing with irrigation

12 Nursery Irrigation Most is done by overhead impact sprinklers
Some microspray is used on sensitive plants or large-canopied trees

13 Nursery Irrigation

14 Nursery Irrigation Large holding ponds are created to reduce the demand on groundwater

15 Nursery & Greenhouse Irrigation
Many similarities in equipment exist However, both are managed quite differently based on the needs of the plants & industry

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