In one sentence… Why do religious believers worship?

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Presentation on theme: "In one sentence… Why do religious believers worship?"— Presentation transcript:

1 In one sentence… Why do religious believers worship?
Engage Endeavour Explore Elaborate Evaluate End In one sentence… Why do religious believers worship? Click on picture for link

2 Worship Lesson Objectives:
To understand the actions of different forms of worship To investigate why worship is important To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of worship

3 Please write the following into your books:
What is worship? Please write the following into your books: Worship is the way that Christians show their love to God. It is an outward way of giving themselves to Him and showing dedication.

4 What do you already know?
Christian Worship What do you already know? Create a list or mind map of all the ways you can think that Christians worship. Christian Worship

5 Are these informal or formal versions of worship? What do you think?
What is worship? Holy Communion Singing Mass for Catholics Christian Worship Reading the Bible Sacraments Church services Singing modern worship music Prayer

6 Non-liturgical Worship
There are many different forms of Christian worship… When watching this video, write down anything that you notice. What are they doing? Why do you think they are doing this? How might this help them connect with God? This form of worship is also called Informal Worship!

7 Liturgical Worship Now have a look at this: Liturgical Worship
Write down anything you notice. What are they doing? How is it different to the last clip? How might this help them connect with God? Liturgical: A formula of how public worship, especially Christian worship, is conducted

8 Individual Worship Christians believe that they can worship God in their own way. Catholics for example spend a lot of time praying the rosary with rosary beads. All Christians spend a lot of time reading and studying the Bible. Both can be seen as ways of respecting God. All Christians believe that they can worship God through their actions. Helping others and living out Jesus’ teachings can be seen as a form of worship.

9 Different Christians worship in different ways!
Summarise each paragraph into 13 words or less! Worship Different Christians worship in different ways! Some prefer liturgical where they follow the same structure and prayers every time, passing on traditions and making worship familiar. They feel the rituals and set prayers help and guide them to pray for the right things. People can receive God’s forgiveness through the priest. Others prefer to be more free and informal (non-liturgical), where they can say their own prayers. They believe this style helps the connect with God in a much more personal and individual way. They may share their own interpretations of the Bible. Many Christians will take part in individual worship, which may involve meditation, prayer or Bible study.

10 Why might some disagree with you?
Reflect… “You have to take part in worship in order to follow Jesus’ teachings.” What do you think? Why might some disagree with you?

11 Worship Lesson Objectives:
To understand the actions of different forms of worship To investigate why worship is important To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of worship

12 ‘Informal worship is the most important type of worship.’ (12)
Homework ‘Informal worship is the most important type of worship.’ (12) Agree Disagree Click on picture for link

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