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Marjana Mohorko, DVM Sofia, 15 – 16 September 2010 AGR 42214

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1 Marjana Mohorko, DVM Sofia, 15 – 16 September 2010 AGR 42214
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FOOD VETERINARY ADMINISTRATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Slovenian experiences in implementing the Animal Feed National Control Programme Marjana Mohorko, DVM Sofia, 15 – 16 September 2010 AGR 42214

2 Slovenia ► 1.5.2004 EU Member State ► Presidency of the EU 2008
( – ) Political system: Republic Capital: Ljubljana Size: km² Inhabitants: Currency: Euro Official language: Slovene GDP per capita in 2009: Inflation rate in 2009: 1,8% Unemployment rate in 2009: 10,3%

3 Index Feed Sector Competent Authorities - Feed
Animal Feed Control Programme Results ………………………………. in 2009.

4 Feed production (in tons) per feed type

5 Feed production (in tones) per feed type

6 Registers VARS COMMISSION MAFF List of registered FBOs
List of approved FBOs List of Food BOs at the level of primary production of food of animal origin MAFF List of Feed BOs at the level of primary production COMMISSION List of approved feed businesses

7 http://ec. europa. eu/food/food/biosafety/establishments/feed_list_en

8 Number of Feed BOs

9 Imports of feed non-animal origin in RS (in tons)

10 Imports of feed NAO into RS as to feed type

11 Import of feed of NAO into the EU throught the RS per importing MS

12 Imports of feed animal origin in RS (in tons)

13 Import of feed of AO into the EU throught the RS per importing MS

14 Competent authorities
MAFF – DFS (Directorate for Food Safety) MAFF – VARS (Food Safety Division; Animal Feed and Veterinary Medicinal Products Section) MAFF – IRSAFF (Feed Inspection Service) MF – CARS (Customs Administration of RS)

15 Organisation and relations between CAs

16 Tasks and relations between CAs

17 Task and responsibilities cooperation and flow of informations
→ Decree coordinating the operation of ministries and organs under their responsibility having competences in the field of food or foodstuff safety in including in the process of risk analysis (OJ RS 56/03) → Action plan for feed (feed safety) → Annual Animal Feed Control Programme

18 Animal Feed Control Programme
MANCAP → animal feed. Animal Feed Control and Monitoring Programme is a common programme for all the competent authorities in the animal feed sector. It is prepared for every year in advance. It defines the number of official controls, criteria of controls, number of feed samples, laboratories, methods of analysis, reporting. The programme defines feed business types to be surveyed, and types of tests to be conducted on feed samples. Guidelines and instructions on feed controls are part of a coordinated programme. Decision on feed types to be sampled is up to official veterinarians or inspectors (based on risk factors and criteria for implementation of controls and targeted sampling of feed, and based on their own experiences). Programme does not include: - certification - checks in feed businesses in conjunction with approval based on applications, or follow up checks, or checks on the specific control-items,or checks related to specific regulation or problem

19 Basic Principles Official control of feed business operator (rather than product). Planning. Registers of feed business operators constitute the basis for drawing up the animal feed control programme. Use of different techniques of official control of animal feed. Implementation in compliance with Regulation 882/20004/EC. Unbiased procedure of controls. Effective procedure of controls. Control shall be targeted and regular. Control procedures defined in advance → uniform procedure*. Penal provisions. Laboratories …. Ad* Manual on operations of official veterinarians in the animal feed sector.

20 Official Control Legal basis is provided in EU legislation, national legislation, EU recommendations. Legal basis shall be documented. It concerns all the sectors involved in food chain. It safeguards the quality and safety of all products. Frequency of official controls is defined in annual control programme and based on: certain priority criteria in annual control programme, and risk analyses for the determination of frequency of checks in feed businesses (excluding agricultural holdings) ….. taking into account the results of own checks conducted by feed business operators ….. based on former results of the regular work …. ▪ Work Programme is divided into 2 parts (feed sampling programme + feed business/documentation control programme..) ….. FBO classification as to type of production (use of feed additives, fishmeal ..) ….. Level of risk involved in the feed business operator's activity (medicated feed manufacture, feed-drying with direct impact of combustion gasses, mobile mixers …) ….. Quantity of feed produced / imported …. ▪ Limitations: budget, logistics, human resources

21 Monitorig Commission Recommendation 2006/577/EC on the presence of deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, ochratoxin A, T-2 and HT-2 and fumonisins in products intended for animal feeding  Commission Recommendation 2006/584/EC on the prevention and reduction of Fusarium toxins in cereals and cereal products  Commission Recommendation 2006/88/EC on the reduction of the presence on dioxins, furans and PCBs in feedingstuffs and foodstuffs (VARS, MAFF-DSF) Monitoring in the field of radiation (MAFF-DSF) → Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act Monitoring in the field of GMO (MAFF-DSF) → Animal Feed Act

22 Guides, checklists … Manual for the official veterinarians includes: description of procedure of controls at feed business operators, legal basis, lists of feed business activities requiring approval by VARS, lists of feed business activities requiring registration by VARS and MAFF, lists of feed business activities on the agricultural holdings requiring authorisation by VARS (Annex IV Regulation 999/2001/ES) instructions relevant to the approval/registration of feed business operators’ establishments, checklist for checks in the feed business operators’ establishments, checklist for checks of the agricultural holdings as the feed business operators’ establishments instructions on carrying out the controls of feed traceability at feed business operators, checklist for traceability checks in the feed business operators’ establishments, risk analysis for the determination of frequency of checks in the feed business operators’ establishments (excluding agricultural holdings), guidance on the control of use of the HACCP concept; zapisnik o odvzemu vzorcev krme za preiskave

23 Laboratories National reference laboratories (NRL)*:
National Veterinary Institut (NVI) – havy metals in feed and food, mycotoxins in feed and food of animal origin, feed additives, proteins of animal origin in feed National Institute for Biology (NIB) – GMOs in feed Regional Institute of Public Health Maribor (RIPH MB) – dioxins and PCBs in feed and food Ad* accredited from Slovenian Accreditation (EN ISO/IEC 17025) Offical laboratories: NVI, AIS (Agriculture Institute of Slovenia), NIB, RIPH MB analyses listed in Annex to the accreditation certificate accredited from Slovenian Accreditation (EN ISO/IEC 17025) NRLs and offical laboratories are nominated by the CAs with decision in administrative procedure (12. and 13. Article of the Regulation 882/2004/EC).

24 Results of offical animal feed controls
Reporting System → Animal Feed Control and Monitoring Programme Conducted by VARS … VARS ROs report to VARS Main Office every month, specifying the number of inspections, measures taken, fines collected and samples taken VARS ROs prepare by 30 January a detailed report on activities conducted in the preceding year Results of offical animal feed controls

25 Number of checks

26 Number of measures

27 Feed identification checks

28 Number of samples taken

29 Feed Samples and Analyses
Samples Analyses Number Non-compliant Feed safety 299 15 1101 16 GMO Quality 94

30 Checks concerning feeding restrictions for feed (feeding of prohibited processed protein)

31 Sampling and testing … for processed animal proteins

32 Audit Since May 2005 ISO standard 19011:2003
The Quality Control, Audit and Internal Control Department (VARS) The Annual audit plan: → ….. → Fedingstuffs: 4

33 FVO mission

34 Thank you for your attention.

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