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Welcome! Happy Monday! Put The Homework ON YOUR DESK:

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Happy Monday! Put The Homework ON YOUR DESK:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Happy Monday! Put The Homework ON YOUR DESK: Industrial Revolution Review Questions Social Impact and Economics Narrative Questions 1-20 Get This Paper Off The Front Table: 1. Industrial Revolution Guided Notes Packet YOU NEED TO KNOW: 1. Study for Industrial Revolution Quiz at the beginning of NEXT CLASS

2 WHII.9a-c Industrial Revolution
Guided Class Notes Review Activity

3 Origin of the Industrial Revolution
Began in England Spread to Western Europe and North America. Textile (making cloth) was the first area to become industrialized.

4 Industrial Revolution
Increased demand for raw materials from Americas, Asia, and Africa. This will lead to actions of Imperialism

5 Advancements in technology produced the Industrial Revolution
Advancements in technology produced the Industrial Revolution. Steam replaced water as the industry’s major power source and started the revolution.

6 Advancements in science and medicine altered the lives of people living in the new industrial cities.

7 Produced changes in culture and society as the factory system drew workers away from the rural family to urban areas.

8 Family-based cottage industry was displaced by the factory system

9 Agricultural economies were based on the family unit
Agricultural economies were based on the family unit. The Industrial Revolution had a significant impact on the structure and function of the family.

10 Harsh working conditions, with men competing with women and children for wages

11 Child labor kept costs of production low and profits high

12 Owners of mines and factories exercised considerable control over the lives of their laborers.

13 Division of Classes Industry produced great wealth for the middle class, but the working class lived in grim, crowded cities and worked in noisy, dirty mills and factories. Raised standard of living for many, though NOT all. Many reformers labeled it a society of “haves” and. “have-nots”

14 Division of Classes Women and children entering the work place as cheap labor. Caused dissatisfaction of working class with working conditions Led to development of unions and strikes

15 Impact on Slavery The cotton gin increased demand for slave labor on American plantations. The United States and Britain eventually outlawed the slave trade and then slavery itself.

16 Impact of the Industrial Revolution
Changes in Society Increased Population Urbanization Environment pollution Education Availability of luxury items Improved transportation Introduction of reforms to end child labor Expansion of education for both men and women Women’s increased demands for suffrage (voting)

17 The Rise of Labor Unions
To reform harsh working conditions workers organized strikes to increase wages and improve working conditions. Pressure for laws to improve the lives of workers, including women and children. Assertion of worker rights and collective bargaining between labor and management.

18 Industrial Revolution and Economy
Capitalism and market competitor fueled the Industrial Revolution. Wealth increased the standard of living for some

19 Industrial Revolution and Economy
Social dissatisfaction associated with capitalism produced a wide range of economic and political ideas, including socialism and communism. Entrepreneur – person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business.

20 New Ideas Adam Smith First to explain capitalism and laissez-faire economics Wrote The Wealth of Nations Competition and free-market system (no government involvement) was the best form of economics Socialism Not everyone agreed with capitalism The belief that the means of production should be owned and controlled by society, either directly or indirectly through the government. Operate industry to benefit all people, rich or poor

21 Marxism Karl Marx – German philosopher
Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote The Communist Manifesto “Class struggle” -one class pitted against another Proletariat, or the working class Bourgeoisie, or the middle class Marx’s believed eventually the working class would seize control and create a classless society or communism The governing principle would be “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”

22 Economic Systems You have 2 cows. You give one to your neighbors.
You have 2 cows. The State takes both and gives you some milk. You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows. SOCIALISM COMMUNISM CAPITALISM

23 Leading to Imperialism
Industrial nations in Europe needed natural resources and markets to expand their economies. These nations spread economic, political, and social philosophies of Europe throughout the world. Resistance to imperialism took many forms, including armed conflict and intellectual movements.

24 Industrial Revolution and Economy
Social dissatisfaction associated with capitalism produced a wide range of economic and political ideas, including socialism and communism. Entrepreneur – person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business.

25 Quiz Review A description will appear on the screen.
Write the name/term/item on your whiteboard. Raise your board when I say “Zero!”

26 James Hargreaves Spinning Jenny
Who created a machine that could quickly spin cotton into thread? NAME the machine.

27 Labor Union Associations of workers that combine forces and demand of different workers.

28 Henry Bessemer Who developed an efficient, fast process for making steel?

29 Capitalism Economic system in which individuals, rather than governments, control the factors of production.

30 Working Monotonous with long hours, low pay, and no security describes ________________ conditions during the Industrial Revolution Living Cultural Working Farming

31 Louis Pasteur Pasteurization
Who hypothesized the germ theory? NAME the process he used to kill bacteria.

32 Strike Refusal of workers to work until their demands are met.

33 Henry Ford Assembly Line
Who developed a new process that could mass produce the same item in an efficient way? NAME the process.

34 Socialism Political and economic system in which the government owns the means of production.

35 Adam Smith Who would make this quote? “The economy will function best if the government stays completely out of the private business sector. Let the free market decide economic questions.”

36 James Watt Who developed the engine that replaced human labor with machine (steam) labor?

37 Proletariat Name given by Karl Marx to the working class.

38 Suffrage The increase in middle class women also led to increased demands for _______________, the right to vote.

39 Communism Authoritarian socialism; economic and political system in which governments own the means of production and control economic planning.

40 Laissez-Faire Belief that government should not interfere with the operations of businesses.

41 False True or False: Class divisions decreased between the wealthy and poor as a result of the Industrial Revolution

42 Karl Marx Who would make this quote? “Capitalism is destroying the lives of a huge percentage of workers. It leads to greedy people and an unhealthy society. The government should control all business.”

43 Samuel Morse Telegraph
Who developed a communication machine called the telegraph and a code to be used with the machine? NAME the machine

44 Capitalism Which economic system was described in this book?

45 Women and Children Which two groups were used for cheap labor during the Industrial Revolution?

46 Communism/ Socialism Which economic theory was described in this book?

47 Eli Whitney Cotton Gin Who developed a machine for cleaning cotton that increased slavery? NAME the machine.

48 Working By owning where workers lived and shopped, ____________________ exercised a great amount of control of their workers. Politicians Mine/Factory Owners Local governments Dictators

49 Edward Jenner Who developed the vaccine that prevented a smallpox outbreak?

50 Capitalism An unequal distribution of wealth is considered a problem of which economic system?

51 Introduction to Imperialism
Africa, Asia, South America are targeted and Imperialized for natural resources. Industrial Revolution increases demand for raw materials (natural resources) Industrialized nations like England, US, etc. begin looking overseas for more resources

52 Introduction to Imperialism Guided Reading Activity
Coach Book pages Will finish next class

53 WHII.9a-c Assessment NEXT CLASS

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