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Uncovering Argentina’s Prominent Political Leaders: The Literary Representations of Juan Manuel de Rosas and Juan Domingo Perón.

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Presentation on theme: "Uncovering Argentina’s Prominent Political Leaders: The Literary Representations of Juan Manuel de Rosas and Juan Domingo Perón."— Presentation transcript:

1 Uncovering Argentina’s Prominent Political Leaders: The Literary Representations of Juan Manuel de Rosas and Juan Domingo Perón

2 My Research Project My research focuses on comparing and contrasting the lives of Argentina’s two most prominent nineteenth and twentieth century dictators, Juan Manuel de Rosas and Juan Domingo Perón .

3 Juan Manuel de Rosas Encarnación Ezcurra de Rosas Juan Manuel de Rosas

4 The Rosas Government Rosas formed the Federalist secret police, otherwise known as the notorious Mazorca, whose responsibility was to detect and denounce any Unitarians that posed a threat to the progress of a ‘civilised’ Argentina. Operé states that the name Mazorca is said to have derived from: ‘the ear of corn in order to symbolise unity’ (1987: 58), whilst Katra notes ‘mashorca’ which is a pun for másahorca meaning ‘more killing through hanging’ or ‘more of the gallows’ (1996: 64), is a metaphor for the countless executions that took place during Rosas’ reign.

5 Juan Domingo Perón ‘Juan Domingo Perón is among the most contentious figures in the modern political history of South America. On the one hand, many commentators are prepared to argue that he was a fascist, but others see in Peronism, which long retained the support of the Argentine working class, real elements of a social justice movement combined with severely compromised leadership’ (Paul Halsall; 1998: 1)

6 Argentina Under The Rule of Juan Perón
The Perón government was supported by the Argentine proletariat, more fondly known as los descamisados, meaning ‘shirtless ones’. This term was used as an insult by the Oligarchy but Perón transformed it into one of glorification and honour. Despite the many revolutionary social accomplishments that transpired under his administration, Perón was endlessly criticised by the upper classes for his political affiliation with European fascism and censorship of oppositional press.

7 The Three Personas of Eva Perón
La Novia del Presidente La Militante Compañera La Actriz

8 Comparisons between Rosas and Perón

9 The Fundamental difference
Héctor Cámpora – was a dentist which nobody knew, who was elected to power in March 1973 before ending his term in office in July of the same year. His political slogan was ‘Cámpora in government, Perón in power’.

10 The Women Behind The Men
Doña Encarnación Ezcurra de Rosas Eva María Duarte de Perón

11 Juan and Encarnación Rosas
Did Juan And Eva Perón Model their political personas on their precursors? Juan and Encarnación Rosas Juan and Eva Perón The Liberating Revolution that deposed Perón, nicknamed his regime ‘the second tyranny’- the first having been Rosas’ dictatorship’ (Rein; 1998: 52).

12 Bibliography Crawley, Eduardo. (1984). ‘A House Divided: Argentina ’. Bloomsbury: Hurst. Halsall, Paul. (1998). ‘Juan Perón ( ) : Justicialism’. Modern History Source Book. Katra, William, H. (1996). The Argentine Generation of 1837: Echeverría, Alberdi, Sarmiento, Mitre. New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. Lynch, John. (1981). ‘Argentine Dictator Juan Manuel de Rosas ’. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Marmól, José. (2001). Amalia. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Operé, Fernando. (1987). Civilización y Barbarie en la Literatura Argentina del Siglo XIX. El Tirano Rosas. Madrid: Editorial Conorg. Rein, Monica. (2015). Politics and Education in Argentina Oxon: Routledge. Taylor, J.M. (1979). ‘Evita Perón: The Myths of a Woman’. Oxford: Blackwell.

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