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Moon Phases and Eclipses

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Presentation on theme: "Moon Phases and Eclipses"— Presentation transcript:

1 Moon Phases and Eclipses
animated GIF created by Antonio Cidadao Barbara Gage PSC Prince George’s Community College

2 Moon Phases The Moon revolves around the Earth
The phase of the Moon that we see from Earth depends on where the moon is in its orbit around the Earth. The moon does not produce its own light- we see the moon because it is reflecting light from the Sun.


4 Eclipses When the Sun or Moon is blocked from Earth an eclipse occurs.
If the Sun is blocked from Earth, it is a solar eclipse. If the Moon is blocked from Earth, it is lunar eclipse.

5 Solar Eclipse Shadow Shadow Moon passes directly between the Earth and the Sun (during the New Moon phase) Moon casts a shadow on the Earth. You will only see the solar eclipse if you are inside the shadow.

6 Solar Eclipse This is a photo taken from the former Soviet space station MIR. It shows the shadow of the Moon falling on the Earth in Anyone under the shadow saw a solar eclipse.

7 Solar Eclipse The blue line through Africa and Asia shows the path for the March 29, 2006 solar eclipse. Observers on this path saw the eclipse.

8 Lunar Eclipse Earth passes directly between the Moon and the Sun (during the Full Moon phase) Earth casts a shadow on the Moon Everyone on Earth (at night) will see the Lunar Eclipse Shadow Shadow

9 Images from Fred Espanak and may be found at

10 Lunar Eclipse Shouldn’t there be a lunar eclipse every time we have a full moon? (Once per month)

11 Lunar Eclipse Earth’s The Earth revolves around the Sun on a flat plane. Earth’s The Moon revolves around Earth on a tilted plane. This means that when the moon is full, it may be above or below the shadow of the Earth and no eclipse will occur.

12 The Next Eclipses… Date Type Location November 13, 2012
Solar (3.5 hours) Northern Australia November 28, 2012 Lunar Everywhere

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