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Zoning rewrite A Refresher on Key Components

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1 Zoning rewrite A Refresher on Key Components
Abington Township Zoning Rewrite Committee (Commissioner Steven Kline, Chair) Abington Staff (Larry Matteo, Mark Penecale) Mike Narcowich, AICP, Principal Planner II, MCPC

2 Conceptual planning: Density + Intensity
In beginning, we planned for range of density + intensity. Reconfigured districts accordingly (work expanded on Comp Plan) Reviewed uses in each district.

3 design (“form”) “Hybrid” Zoning (more flexible than pure form- based code, but includes elements of it): Extensive Study of Built Environment Context-sensitive. Heavy design element. Promotes mixed uses and allows greater range of uses. Heavily illustrated.

4 design (“form”) Extensive design consideration for villages of Keswick and Roslyn. New development to respect traditional town character. Promotes walkable development (built near street, with doors and windows oriented to window- shopping). High-quality architectural design encouraged.

5 New approaches: commercial
Began with Survey Walkable, transit-supportive Streetscape standards Mixed uses encouraged in appropriate locations

6 New approaches: commercial (cont.)
“Street Wall” Flexibility for developer (numerous bonus options) Civic spaces, shared parking encouraged High-quality design

7 Signs and billboards Zoning now addresses Billboards.
Sign Ordinance updated Conforming w/Legal Considerations Addresses Digital Signs Influenced by MCPC Model Sign Ordinance

8 New approaches: Expanded “Bonus”
Various ways for developer to attain “bonus” Encourages amenities desired by Township Provides flexibility to developer to choose which to provide

9 New approaches: Residential
Infill/expansions – Ensures new development fits into neighborhood. Accessory Dwellings –Allows aging relatives to live near family while retaining independence.

10 New code: user-friendly
Use Regulations, Use Matrix, & Definitions greatly expanded. Less need for page- flipping. Text-Heavy Regs transformed into more easy-reference Tables

11 New code: user-friendly
Web-based. Color, w/tabs. Fewer redundancies. Greater use of explanatory illustrations. Vertical Articulation

12 Subdivision and land development
Changes to Zoning need to be consistent with SALDO. Landscaping Riparian protection ZRC made detailed recommendations SALDO changes to adopt concurrently w/zoning.

13 Questions?

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