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chapter 3 Disturbance of water and electrolyte metabolism

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1 chapter 3 Disturbance of water and electrolyte metabolism
Medical College of Henan University Zheng Hong

2 Normal metabolism of water and electrolyte

3 Water and electrolytes balance
volume composition osmotic pressure distribution maintain relatively  constant

4 Fluid of different groups of people
Body fluid TBW (%) Adult male TBW(%) Adult female TBW(%) Infant Normal 60 50 70 Lean 80 Obese 42

5 Total body water (TBW) 60%
Intracellular fluid (ICF) 40% Extracellular fluid (ECF) 15% Interstitial fluid(ISF) 5% Plasma Transcellular fluid(third space) 1%

6 The main distribution of body fluid and electrolyte
extracellular fluid: Na+、Cl-、HCO3- intracellular fluid: K+、HPO42-

7 Positive ion: 151mmol/L Osmotic pressure of body fluid (plasma)
Negative ion: mmol/L total mmol/L Nonelectrolyte: 10mmol/L (678.3kpa) Plasma colloidal osmotic pressure: 3.72kpa(28mmHg)

8 Movement of water and electrolytes 1. plasma interstitial fluid
capillary protein 2. intra- and extra- cellular fluid proteins and positive ion: permeability water and negative ion: permeability (water movement balance of osmotic pressure) R B C

9 Balance of body water Daily intake (ml/day) Daily output
Drinking Urine Water in food Lungs Water of oxidation Skin Stool Total Total

10 Regulation of water and sodium balance
Thirst Antidiuretic hormone(ADH) Aldosterone

11 Regulation of osmotic pressure and volume
Hypertonic thirst of ECF 1.body water ADH ; aldosterone sodium thirst AngⅡ ADH body volume aldosterone receptor of volume ADH   2.body water sodium ADH reabsorption of sodium 3.blood volume ANP aldosterone(ADS) tension 4.others ADH pain

12 dehydration isotonic water excess isotonic hypotonic hypotonic
water and sodium disorders hypertonic hypertonic dehydration isotonic water excess isotonic hypotonic hypotonic

13 Hypotonic dehydration
sodium loss > water loss serum sodium < 130mmol/L plasma osmotic pressure < 280mOsm/L

14 1) cause and Pathogenesis
excessive loss of water and sodium replaced with water only. vomiting, diarrhea; burn; diuretics; Addison’s disease (ADS ) ; chronic renal failure; renal tubular acidosis 2) adaptive response and effect on body ①  movement of body fluid ECF ICF cellular swelling Blood volume Extracellular fluid Shock dehydrated signs edema of brain and lung

15  ②  urinary alteration urine specific urine volume gravity [Na+] early ADH ± or stage ADS   late ADH stage ADS (注:经肾失钠的低渗性脱水,尿钠不减少)

16 ① treating primary disease ② 0.9%NaCl
3) principles of treatment ①  treating primary disease ②  0.9%NaCl

17 Hypertonic dehydration
water loss > sodium loss serum sodium > 150mmol/L plasma osmotic pressure>310mOsm/L

18 1) cause and pathogenesis
lack of water(desert;sea) ①  intake to drink inability(coma;baby) lung: hyperpnea(hypoxia;acidosis)  skin: fever; hyperthyroidism; sweat; exposure to hot environment  ②  loss digestive tract: vomiting; diarrhea; baby diarrhea([Na+]: 60mmol/L) kidney: diabetes(ketosis); diabetes insipidus diuretic(mannitol;hypertonic glucose)

19 2) effect on body ①   hypertonic of ECF thirst ②   movement of the body fluid ICF ECF cell dehydration Brain dehydration Sleepiness subarachnoid space bleeding Dehydration of sweat glands dehydrated fever dehydration of heat regulating center

20 ③urinary alteration urine specific urine volume gravity [Na+] early ADH stage ADS ±   late ADH stage ADS   3) principles of treatment Water first, later sodium, and water is greater than sodium.

21 isotonic dehydration ① water loss ≈ sodium loss
② serum sodium = mmol/L ③ plasma osmotic pressure: mOsm/L 1) cause and pathogenesis    ① vomiting; diarrhea; gastrointestinal suction; biliary fistula; intestinal fistula      ② ascitic fluid; pleural effusion

22 Supplement slightly lower hypotonic liquid.
2) effects on body ① slight thirst ② blood volume dehydrated signs; BP   ③ urinary alteration urine specific urine volume gravity [Na+] early ADH stage ADS  late ADH   3) principles of treatment Supplement slightly lower hypotonic liquid.

23 brain cells swelling extracellular fluid excess 1. water intoxication
water intake , total sodium ±; ECF , ICF ; hyponatremia; Serum sodium < 130mmol/L 1) cause      excessive water intake      renal loss (acute renal failure; acute congestive heart failure) 2) effects on body brain cells swelling water moves into cells pulmonary edema 3) principles of treatment diuresis

24 2. Edema interstitial fluid fluid in the body cavities hydrops
fluid in the cells cellular edema (1) pathogenesis 1)imbalance of exchange between intra- and extra- body fluid (retention of water and sodium) basic mechanism: glomerular-tubular imbalance ① GFR acute glomerulonephritis heart failure ② reabsorption of proximal tubule sympathetic nerve filtration fraction ANP reabsorption of water and sodium

25 frank edema

26 Obstruction of lymphatic vessels


28 ③ reabsorption of distal tubule ADH , aldosterone
④ redistribution of renal blood flow sympathetic nerves and renin 2) imbalance of exchange between intra- and extra-vascular fluid ① capillary blood pressure ② plasma colloid osmotic pressure ③ permeability of capillary ④ obstruction of lymph 3) kinds of edema

29 Potassium Disorders

30 Preface: normal metabolism of potassium
1. normal serum potassium: mmol/L 2. distribution of potassium ICF:98% (muscle:75%) ECF: 2% 3. balance between intra- and extracellular K+ normal: 15 h 4. intake and loss of potassium intake: food; loss: urine; feces; sweat

31 5. influencing facter of potassium homeostasis
acidosis alkalosis hypoxia serum insulin serum damage of cells [K+] ADS [K+] catabolism anabolism distal flow rate distal flow rate

32 concept: serum potassium<3.5mmol/L
Hypokalemia concept: serum potassium<3.5mmol/L 1.  cause and pathogenesis ①  intake fast alkalosis injection of insulin ② move into Barium poisoning cells hypokalemic periodic paralysis

33 GI: vomiting; diarrhea;
Gastrointestinal suction Skin: excessive sweats furosemide diuretic ③ losses diamox diuretic phase of ARF ren: pyelonephritis primary hyperaldosteronism lack of magnesium renal tubular acidosis

34 3. effect on body 1) nerves and muscles excitability serum[K+]
hyperpolarization Et Em

35 2) heart arrhythmia 0 mv serum[K+] mv -60mv -90mv depolarization

36 [K+]ECF K+ permeability depolarization
Excitability: [K+]ECF K+ permeability depolarization repolarization excitability ECG T wave Conductivity: RP phase of AP   conductivity conductive block unidirectional block ECG P-R

37 Autorhythmicity: Contractility: acute ; chronic ③ Ren polyuria (sensitivity of ADH ) ④ GI smooth muscles (hyperpolarization) ⑤ acid-base balance (metabolic alkalosis)  4. principles of treatment supply potassium, po best. Principle: The urine volume is normal to supplement potassium.

38 Concept: serum [K+]>5.5mmol/L
Hyperkalemia Concept: serum [K+]>5.5mmol/L 1. cause and pathogenesis acute renal failure chronic renal failure GFR ① loss of shock potassium Addison’s disease Anti aldosterone diuretics

39  ②  K+ move out of cells Acidosis; hypoxia; hemolysis; crush syndrome; Hyperkalemia with periodic paralysis       ③ intake of % KCl potassium penicillin potassium transfusion of bank blood 2.   effects on body ①   skeletal muscle <8mmol/L RP (depolarization) excitability stabbing; tremor >8mmol/L RP inactivation of Na+ channel depolarization paralysis

40 ② heart (hyperkalemia K+ permeability ) 5.5-7mmol/L→ RP → E
excitability 7-9mmol/L→ RP → E T wave ; QT short cardiac arrest PR QT

41 Autorhythmicity: K+ out ward of phase 4
Spontaneous depolarization heart rate Conductivity: RP Na+ inward of phase 0 conductivity conductive block unidirectional block Contractility : inhibition of Ca2+ inward flow contractility ③ acid-base balance

42 3.   principles of treatment
①  transfusion of insulin and glucose ②  transfusion of sodium bicarbonate ③  transfusion of calcium

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