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The Holy Spirit, and Movements for Justice

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1 The Holy Spirit, and Movements for Justice
He has shown you, O man, What is good and what the Lord Requires of you But to do justice And to love mercy And to walk humbly With your God (Micah 6:8) The Holy Spirit, and Movements for Justice Te Hau MorioraTena koou, katoa. PRAY Bro. Viv Grigg Tena kotou katoa greetings from New Zealand

2 Story: Land Rights Confrontation
½ the world are dispossessed, and landless Ownership of land is the basis of entrance into the economic systems View a Video of Manila Slums

3 The Biblical Basis for Doing Justice
I like God for he is a God of Justice (Jer 9:23,34) Story of Hector, man of justice We are to Seek first his Kingdom, his justicia (Matt 6:33) Story of Raineer - rescued five communities from bulldozers – the justice bringer

4 The Spirit Anointed Justice Servant Foretold
Behold my Servant whom I uphold My chosen one in whom I delight I will put my Spirit on him and he will establish justice in the earth He will not falter or be discouraged till he has established justice in the earth. Isa 42:1-4 If we begin with Jesus we have to begin back in the book of Isaiah, and there are four servant songs in Isaiah. Are you familiar with the servant songs? In Isaiah 42:1-4, is the first song. This is a prophesy about Jesus from 600 years before his birth. – 42:1-4, 49:1-6, 50:4-9, 52:13-53:12 So here is Jesus as a little child, and he is meditating on the book of Isaiah. And he comes across these passages about the servant. And he realizes that he is the servant about which the scriptures talk. You are i n Christ, and you also are the servant. “Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one, in whom I delight.” Does he delight in you? If you delight in him he will delight in you. “I will put my Spirit on him.” You’ve experienced this, no? The Spirit of God is on you. He is in you, he is on you, he is anointing you. This we hunger for, thus we walk in this spirit. But why was the Spirit on Jesus. Have a look at the verse. “To bring justice to the nations.” But you say, but the Spirit is on my so I can plant churches. That’s the objective. To plant churches. But how come the objective for Jesus was to bring justice to the nations. Are you a follower of Jesus? I am trying to expand your vision. An intermediate goal is to have a church. Evangelism, discipleship, churchplanting. But the ultimate goal is justice for the nations. So from our church, we have to see our community transformed. We could say, transformed slums. So as we see this happening, then we will see justice come to the nations. The objective is not just a little church inside a bowl which it cannot get out of. The goal to to enable the church to get out to transform the community. The objective is justice for the nations. This is not like justice like the marxists, with every week their bombs and marches down the street. There in verse two, it tells us Jesus’ manner, Jesus style of bringing justice. “He will not raise his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and a dimly burning wick he will not snuff out.” It is like the skit last night. There is the evangelist coming very gently very softly, and these drunkards among us making so much trouble. But still he keeps his soft gentle manner. Through meekness, the gospel moves. Through meekness, you can smash through a wall. See, the people we are among, they are broken reeds. You walk along beside the lake there are some reeds and they are bent over. So what do you want to do? Just snap it off. But Jesus he walks along and gets some scotch tape. He binds up the reed. And those drunkards last night were broken reeds. The evangelist came and bound them up. And some of us were like the candle which his almost dead. And Jesus comes along and puts the wax there and blows on the candle and makes it come alive. And among the people you work, these people need the flame of life. And a third thing about his character, faithfulness. He will not falter or be discouraged til he has established justice on the earth. So we just keep going without being discouraged until justice is discouraged. India is in what I would call phases two of a whole process of changing a nation. After revival comes to a nation, 50 years later the economy of the country is transformed. Today we are seeing this in Brazil. There is research that shows 50 years after the revival, the economy peaks. The reason, is because the children who are born during the revival grow up in holy families. By the age of 25 many will move into business. Because of those qualities that come from the revival, by the age of 50, they will be the leaders of society. And you will find the society transformed. It begins in the slums. 50 years later it reaches the top of society. Maybe God will do it faster. But at least we can work with the processes of God and watch him bring this about. Hallelujah. So here is Jesus. I am just introducing you to the beginning of Jesus. We find these verse repeated again and again. So in Luke 3:22, we find Jesus at his baptism, and the Spirit of God descending on him like a dove. And that Spirit is speaking the words of God from this psalm in Isaiah. “You are my son who I love, with you I am well pleased.” So we find Jesus the Servant. You have chosen. A fourth kind of poverty. We talked of 3 kinds of poverty yesterday. Injustice, Calamity, personal sin and injustice or oppression. Now there is a fourth kind of poverty. This is chosen poverty. And many of you have chosen to be poor among the poor. And you have done this because “Jesus, though he was rich, chose to become poor, so that through him we may become rich.” (11 Cor 9:8) This is the most honorable poverty. When you are in the presence of great pastors and leaders remember, you have the most honorable of callings. You have simple chosen to follow Jesus.

5 Discipling and Justice
Matt 28: Go, disciple the nations If we disciple the nation, We bring it under the rule of God Thus it becomes a just nation But ONLY IF discipleship is to obey all that the scriptures teach economically, socially, politically, spiritually i.e. holistic discipleship brings justice to the nations Simply planting spiritual churches does not bring justice to the nation e.g. Los Angeles burning down, 12,000 churches for 12 million

6 From Discipling Movements To a Just Nation
Poor Peoples Discipling Movements Evangelism Discipling Churches Bible Schools Economic Uplift Diaconal NGO’s Revival Touching across Classes Jumps of the Spirit Between castes, classes, economies, ethnicities Upper Class Transformational Movements The elite determine societal infrastructure Advocacy (Pickett, McGavran)

7 Four Levels of Doing Justice
Personal justice Family & Community Justice Movements that Seek Justice National / International Justice

8 1. Personal Justice Just Lifestyles: Hunger for God does not lead us to pietism, but into the thick of injustice Social justice includes personal uprightness in our daily lives Peter, the apostle didn’t live in a palace, but wore the cheapest wooden sandals A true apostle is among the poor. A true bishop lives among the poor, or near the poor, or works with the poor.

9 Bringing Justice begins in being one of the people= just living

10 What is Justice? There are 1000 definitions Being and Doing
The right thing The right place The right way The right timing

11 2. Spirit & Relational Justice
God Cares about Garbage Relationship to Authorities Speaking Truth + Submissive Spirit Equity: Favoring the poor in order that justice is done Is God biased No, he equalizes, so he helps the poor

12 3. Development of Justice Movements
Forming the church, developing economic discipleship Credit coop Society is strong when small organisations multiply Economically – small businesses Spiritually – movements of churches Politically – grassroots organizations These diffuse power in society Seek the welfare of the city (Jer 29:7)

13 Confronting the Powers with Community Organizing Electricity Water Garbage Land Rights

14 Style of Movements for Justice
Two levels of movements to transform society Mass: Religious movements among the poor Penetration of systems through Uplift of 10,000’s (Middle Class Oppositional: Signficance of “social protest movements”?) Insider: Social transformation movements among the elites

15 Discipling Movements = Justice Making
Poor Peoples Discipling Movements Evangelism Discipling Churches Bible Schools Economic Uplift Diaconal NGO’s Revival Touching across Classes Jumps of the Spirit Between castes, classes, economies, ethnicities Upper Class Transformational Movements The elite determine societal infrastructure Advocacy Justice Making (Pickett, McGavran, Grigg)

16 Justice and Justice Makers
1 Sam 10:26 A band of men whose hearts God had touched became his constant companions Toynbee - a suppressed minority, released has tremendous drive for national transformation Ask for Mighty Men and Women from among the Dispossessed Corrie – 500 Preschools = 500 churches – mighty woman Pr Jun – 5 churches, 100 trained workers, 3 pre-schools, a school of 800 – my constant companion – he took his stand for 30 years Pr Jun Answered

17 National/International Movements

18 Justice as peacemaking: Required reconciliation between parties; rectifying unjust situations
Injustice cried out from the land: We must understand the history of exploitation that force people Upper class evangelism: The rich can be the key to unlocking the poverty of the poor The loyal reformers: Bible as textbook for issues of labor, profit, work, management, business Demonic politics: We reject demonic philosophies, but honor and respect all humans Contention with authorities: Love, honor and reconciliation should define our contention Time and change: Change comes through suffering servants who disarm evil, hatred and violence Political options: Spiritual discipleship or holistic discipleship Squatter politics: Steps we can take as Christian people in the slums!! Unattached: Though we are unattached to this world, we serve it because justice compels us

19 50,000 from the slums to the slums
International Movement Mobilization The Encarnacao Alliance of Slum Movement Leaders 50,000 from the slums to the slums Messy Colaborative Seeds spring up all over the place Commonalities No command and control

20 Report back to Spreydon
Indigenous Movements in the Slums What is God doing? They are now exploding Kolkata, 10 Mumbai, 400 Phnom Phen, 3 Bangkok, 3 Mexico, 1500 Addis Ababa, 6 Chennai, 2500 Manila, 2500 Nairobi, 2500 Sao Paulo, 10,000 Indigenous movements in the slums are multiplying far more rapidly in some cities. In others there are still few churches, no movement. &p

21 Dr. Viv Grigg, International Director
Girding an international movement with knowledge and workers MA in TRANSFORMATIONAL URBAN LEADERSHIP Dr. Viv Grigg, International Director


23 Spirituality and Building People Power
e.g.Deposing Marcos e.g.Praying out the BJP E.g. Seeing God’s Kingdom principles being utilized by non-believers in alternative economic systems. Bless his work in secular dynamics. His kingdom is far wider than the church. 50 years after revival a nation peaks (McLelland) Brazil, Philippines, Nairobi all struggling with a new phenomena of Christians in parliament who have not learned the principles we are talking about. Wonderful catastrophe!!

24 Insider Upper Level Justice
Joseph, entrusted with the care of his masters house (Genesis 39:6). Training Elite: Those of us who have gone among the poor, God may use to speak to the elites of the nations. Oyay Ed Jiminez Bolette ….Prayer Tenakotou, tenakotou, tenakotou katoa

25 Spirit and Justice The God of Justice
Anointing you to be a servant of Justice Pray Tenakotou, tenakotou, tenakotou katoa

26 References Grigg McGavran Pickett McLelland

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