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To make the Christmas Fayre a success we need your help!

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Presentation on theme: "To make the Christmas Fayre a success we need your help!"— Presentation transcript:

1 To make the Christmas Fayre a success we need your help!
Dobcroft Schools Christmas Fayre Wednesday 14th December 2016 Are you able to help? To make the Christmas Fayre a success we need your help! Raffle Prizes Could you or a local business provide a small raffle prize? If so please contact the PSA on the below . Stall Holders We still have a small number of stalls left, please contact the below if you are interested in taking one. 3) Donations Required We require donations of: - Mulled Wine - Mince Pies - Jam jars filled with mini toys, crayons, sweets, anything! For our jam jar raffle. Any empty jars would also be appreciated for us to fill. - Chocolate for our chocolate tombola, bars, selections boxes, tins, in fact any type of chocolate is good for the chocolate tombola. Please leave above items in Busy Bee room for Infants and in Junior reception in the box provided. 4) Help on the Night Can you help out on the night? We need assistance in running the PSA Stalls, serving food and monitoring the arts & craft area. It doesn’t have to be for the full night, 1 hour, ½ hour would be great! If you can help on the night, provide a raffle prize or would like to take a stall, please contact the PSA at Please also state what time you can help and if you have any preference for a particular area!

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