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Is there equity for all students?

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1 Is there equity for all students?
Dual Language Immersion Program School Administrators Speak Up – A National Study of Dual Language Immersion Programs Is there equity for all students? Patricia Espinoza Fernandez, Ed.D. CABE Conference 2016

2 Dual language immersion programs in the U.S. : Growing Models
We know… Dual language immersion programs in the U.S. : Growing Models Academic achievement Equity and access issues exist Dual Language Immersion programs have become increasingly popular over the past forty years in the US and students typically outperform their counterparts . Extensive research has shown students enrolled in Dual Language Immersion models yield high academic achievement. This study expands on current research that suggests there are issues of equity and access in programs that offer Dual Language Immersion.

3 Statement of Significance
Dual Language Immersion (DLI) literature review over the past 40 years suggests various DLI models have been implemented successfully in the the U.S. Yet… little is known regarding School Administrators who lead Dual Language Immersion programs. We know… school administrators report they experience challenges when leading DLI programs. Professional development for teachers and Administrators! Stakeholders report knowing where these programs are located and getting a seat in these programs is very difficult

4 “The principal is a key player in making the model happen as planned.”
School Leadership “The principal is a key player in making the model happen as planned.” Collier & Thomas, The Astounding Effectiveness of Dual Language Education for All, 2004 Collier and Thomas’ report one challenge dual language immersion schools face is its school leadership. A school can fulfill no higher purpose than to teach all its members that they can make what they believe in happen. Roland S. Barth

5 Research Design Study participants were school administrators with expertise leading dual language immersion programs in U.S. 498 school administrators total pool 132 respondents Mixed Methods Surveys Interviews

6 Procedures Permissions / Recruitment Data Collection Data Management
Center for Applied Linguistics’ Directory of Two Way Bilingual Immersion Programs in the U.S. Data Collection link -> Survey at Qualtrics Informed Consent DLI School Administrator Interviews Data Management Database of schools offering DLI programs nationally was created Survey created for this research 17 items +/-10 minutes to complete confidential survey School demographics DLI student demographics DLI program model DLI targeted languages of instruction DLI program strengths and challenges Interviews conducted for this research 10 DL school administrators interviewed

7 Which states participated in this national study?
Considering switching out this slide and making it into a poster instead….

8 Who participated in this study?
School Administrators who self-reported they had dual language immersion programs in grades K-12 in U.S. 10% self-identified as monolingual English speaking 90% self-identified as bilingual English + speak, read and write in one or more languages 94% described themselves as familiar with their DLI program admission process

9 Findings Dual Language Immersion School Administrators report their programs are experiencing: equity and access challenges funding challenges staffing challenges social political tensions collaboration challenges resource challenges policy and accountability challenges

10 Equity and Access Challenges
Who is hearing about being DLI opportunities Who is being served Who is not being served Students living in low socioeconomic communities Capital (economic, social…)

11 Funding Challenges No funding earmarked for dual language immersion program implementation or sustainability. State pipeline in California?

12 Staffing DLI programs need highly qualified, bilingual teachers who are qualified to teach dual language immersion classes. Critical demand for teachers certain languages ie. Mandarin

13 Social Political Tensions
General unwillingness to share resources Competition amongst programs on campuses where strand programs are implemented

14 Collaboration Challenges
Limited opportunity for collaboration Between language programs Between language programs and mainstream programs

15 Resource Challenges Need for greater support from district administration and personnel. Instructional resources Quality target language translations Facilities Funding

16 Policy and Accountability Challenges
Lack or non-existent local and federal accountability alignment to dual language immersion programs.

17 Summing up the Findings
Characteristics of Leadership Socio-political tensions Funding Resources Support Characteristics of Dual Language School Administrators in the U.S. There are more dual language immersion school administrators leading DLI programs who are bilingual in two or more languages than those who are monolingual. Dual language immersion school administrators reported school culture issues and socio-political tensions exist between immersion and non-immersion personnel. As immersion programs grow, funding is needed for campus facility enhancements, other resources and support, i.e., professional development does not follow.

18 Recommendations Curriculum and assessment
Address socio-political tensions Funding Strengthen university dual language ed leadership programs & district partnerships Create a Triangular Collaborative Model between University Leadership Program, County Office of Education, and Dual Language and English Learner Education Department (DLE) Create a local, state, national consortium of dual language Administrators Continued language education professional development for administrators

19 Next Steps It’s time stakeholders take action.
This is the current reality in our country – what is your district’s and program’s DLI current reality? How might this information be helpful to DLI programs being designed now?

20 Dual language immersion education means global communication and increased opportunities for all!

21 Acknowledgments

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