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TIM 155 Week 2 – energy systems: concepts

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Presentation on theme: "TIM 155 Week 2 – energy systems: concepts"— Presentation transcript:

1 TIM 155 Week 2 – energy systems: concepts

2 System – Related parts that work together
System – Related parts that work together. An organized method or scheme.

3 the energy supply chain: extraction, conversion, delivery, and use

4 Energy systems have four overall requirements: - meet demand fluctuations, - adapt to supply fluctuations, - operate efficiently, - abide by regulations.

5 Storage – decouples energy supply and energy demand, thereby giving greater system flexibility, essential for both technical and economic reasons.

6 Energy Pathway: Movement/transitions of energy from the energy source to its end-use, with storage, transmission, and distribution in between.

7 Energy Pathway: may also comprise storage-transmission-distribution-storage, or some other combination examples?

8 Energy Pathway: - lets us think of an integrated system approach to energy-supply operations - life-cycle-based, - benefit-cost analysis possible

9 Infrastructure is needed for each of the energy pathways
Infrastructure is needed for each of the energy pathways. Different energy carriers need different infrastructure Examples?

10 the energy supply chain: extraction, conversion, delivery, and use
Repeat slide… the energy supply chain: extraction, conversion, delivery, and use

11 Why is any centralized planning needed
Why is any centralized planning needed? Why can’t markets take care of all of the coordination needed to operate energy pathways?

12 GEA reading - p of pdf/1138 of text – paragraph on RHS starting “Aging equipment…” – Let’s discuss this paragraph - Why planning is needed.

13 If centralized planning is needed, then why have markets involved at all? Why not let the government manage all of energy supply?

14 See GEA p. 1156 of pdf/1138 if text (same page)
See GEA p of pdf/1138 if text (same page). Read the very next paragraph starting with “Superconducting…”

15 Review GEA figures (pdf page #): 1. 1 (122). 15. 1 (1154) TS 20 (75)









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