Corporate Design – ESB Student Consulting e.V.

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate Design – ESB Student Consulting e.V."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate Design – ESB Student Consulting e.V.
Success Through Design

2 Corporate Design Handbook – ESB Student Consulting e.V.
Content Overview Typography Colors Picture Use Logo Corporate Design Handbook – ESB Student Consulting e.V.

3 Corporate Design Handbook – ESB Student Consulting e.V.
Typography Text and Clarity For clarity and ease of reading, please use Palatino Linotype. Standard: 18pt Medium: 16pt Small: 14pt For all applications - screen or printed ! Corporate Design Handbook – ESB Student Consulting e.V.

4 Our Colors For quick draws Please be aware:
Green to be used for subtitles and as normal differentiator Orange is to be our highlighting color For quick draws RGB 0/0/0 RGB 44/44/44 RGB 96/96/96 RGB 210/210/210 RGB 28/33/71 RGB 16/61/117 RGB 35/107/166 RGB 107/140/24 RGB 237/110/23 Please be aware: These are our basic colors. Use them wherever possible! This does not mean that other colors are strictly forbidden (e.g. a lighter blue or grey) in case needed! Corporate Design Handbook – ESB Student Consulting e.V.

5 Corporate Design Handbook – ESB Student Consulting e.V.
Picture Use Worth a Thousand Words As an organization, we want to make sure our graphics not only enhance our presentations, but build an emotional tone that drives our conclusions home on all levels. On the following slides, some guidelines for picture use are given. Corporate Design Handbook – ESB Student Consulting e.V.

6 Corporate Design Handbook – ESB Student Consulting e.V.
Quality Pictures should be of high resolution and well executed- blurriness, blemishes, framing issues, and printability should all be evaluated to make sure a picture belongs in a presentation. Always use the largest available size for a given picture. Watermarks for stock photo companies, such as the lower picture, are unprofessional and in many cases, illegal to use. Do not use them. Sometimes, a picture might be perfect for a situation, but may not meet these technical guidelines. In such cases, the picture use is at the consultant’s discretion. Corporate Design Handbook – ESB Student Consulting e.V.

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