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Civics Principles & Citizenship

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1 Civics Principles & Citizenship

2 Vocab Civics and Citizenship
Values Popular Sovereignty Naturalization Immigrants Alien deport Government Democracy Direct democracy Representative Democracy Republic Monarchy Authoritarian Totalitarian Majority Rule

3 What is Civics? Civics – study of citizenship, government & the rights and duties of citizens Class Question: Why do you think it is important to know about your gov’t, and your rights and duties as citizens?

4 Citizens Vote for national, state & local officials
Join political parties & interest groups to express views Government is put in place by the people to serve the people

5 Paths to Citizenship Birth – born in the U.S. boundaries including territories (jus soli – law of soil) or your parents are U.S. citizens (jus sanguinis – law of blood) Only kids born of foreign diplomats that the US has no jurisdiction over are not considered U.S. citizens Naturalization – process by which foreigners can become citizens

6 Other types of people in the U.S.
Alien – person from another country living in the U.S. who has not become a citizen – can be legal or illegal Immigrant – An alien who permanently moves to a new country – there is a quota Dual Citizenship – a citizen of two countries. Occurs when a child is born outside US boundaries and has only one parent that is a US citizen

7 Illegal Aliens People in the country without permission from the U.S. government Cannot legally hold a job in the U.S. If found, they will be deported Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE - ) investigates cases 2003 formation of Dept. of Homeland Security. Now part of the ICE Still pay taxes – sales tax, income, payroll, property

8 Illegal Aliens

9 Legal Aliens Lives are similar to U.S. citizen
Must obey U.S. laws & pays taxes Cannot vote in elections or run for office Cannot work most government jobs or serve on a jury Some eventually become U.S. citizens

10 Naturalization Process
Naturalization Process – where an alien becomes a U.S. citizen Declaration of Intent – intends to become a U.S. citizen Take citizenship classes Take citizenship test – in English Background check Ceremony & Oath in court All children of the naturalized citizen under 18 get automatic citizenship

11 Oath of Allegiance "I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."

12 Naturalization Activity
You will now be given a sample of questions that are on the naturalization test. How many did you get right? Oath of Allegiance Remember you must give up your old allegiance to your former country

13 Restrictions on Immigration
Quota – the U.S. restricts the amount of immigrants that come into the country every year Legal Immigration & Revision Act – 1990 Increased the quota of immigrants allowed to enter the U.S. (about 675,000 per year) Gave special considerations to those with needed job skills

14 Immigration to the US by Decade


16 School House Rock Clip Class Discussion:
What does it mean that America is a melting pot? Where did your ancestors come from? What things in America have we adopted from immigrants?

17 The Melting Pot that is Our Country
Diversity We live in a diverse society We are a nation of immigrants National Motto E Pluribus Unum – Out of many we become one – shows our diversity Slavery & segregation go against this concept

18 Nation of Immigrants

19 What is a government and what does it do?
Government – the power that rules a country or community Makes laws, provides services, keeps order & guides the community (public policy) Services include armed forces, police, fire department, schools, hospitals & road construction Governments make laws & enforce them Courts are established to decide truth & justice

20 What happens when there isn’t a government?
Anarchy – a state of lawlessness, without rules or order Class Question: What would life be like if we didn’t have rules?

21 Thomas Hobbes on Government
English philosopher Wrote about the need to have government because people are naturally bad Survival of the fittest – we act as animals Class Question: Do you think humans naturally bad?

22 Aristotle’s 3 types of Government
Ancient Greek philosopher, student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great Identified 3 types of government 1. Dictatorship Rule by a small group or a single person Leaders have complete control over laws & government & therefore over citizens Ancient example: Julius Caesar 2. Oligarchy Rule by few. Ancient example: Sparta 3. Democracy Rule by many (citizens). Ancient example: Athens

23 Modern Types of Government
Modern political scientists group them differently – Authoritarian and Democracy

24 Authoritarian Power held by a person or group that is not accountable to the people 3 types Absolute Monarchy – King with unlimited power Dictatorship – individual who takes power by force – complete control over the state - rely on police & military to stay in power - Totalitarian – political party does not take power by force – typically based on a political ideology - control all aspects of citizens lives.

25 Absolute Monarchy

26 Dictatorship

27 Totalitarian

28 Democracy Rulers are accountable to its citizens
Usually includes many rulers Usually limited by a constitution Allows people to voice opinions by voting or participating in government 2 types of Democracy

29 The Two Types of Democracy
Constitutional Monarchy King whose power is limited by a constitution Republic Leaders do not inherit positions but are chosen by the people 2 types Direct Democracy – people have the power to write laws & rule – established in Athens Indirect or Representative Democracy – citizens elect lawmakers allowing citizens to hold power over the lawmakers – ex. United States

30 Government Analogies Directions – You will create analogies to enhance your understanding of various forms of government. To do this, think about the key characteristics of a particular type pf government then think of another thing that has those same qualities. Type of gov’t is like a Analogy Explanation/Characteristic both have in common PICTURE

31 Example Dictatorship is like a game of “Simon Says.” In “Simon Says” the people do exactly what Simon tells them to do. In a dictatorship a single individual has absolute power.

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