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2 instructions Write “Quickwrites” at the top of the page.
Draw a line halfway down by the hole, splitting your page in two. You have 5 minutes to write ½ a page. I’ll collect them when we’ve filled up a single sheet with 4 Quickwrites. Full credit will be earned for ½ a page of serious thoughts on the subject.


4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pig (cha 3) Stranded (cha 1) Mastery (cha 4) Ass-mar (cha 1) Civilization (cha 4) Conch (cha 1) Mask (cha 4) Piggy (cha 1) Metal (cha 4) Blade (cha 1) Ship (cha 4 Crash (cha 2) Chant (cha 4) Beastie (cha 2) Broken (cha 4) Signal (cha 2) Structure (cha 5) Glasses (cha 2) Dreams (cha 5) Jack (cha 3) Sense (cha 5) Shelter (cha 3) Animals (cha 5) Littluns (cha 3) Grownups (cha 5)

5 CONTENTS continued… Follow the Leader (cha 8) Awake (cha 6) Vote (cha 8) Not Seeing (cha 6) Tribe (cha 8) Power (cha 6) Lord of the Flies (cha 8) Fire (cha 6) Gift (cha 8) Habit (cha 6) Silence (cha 9) Condemned (cha 6) Blind (cha 9) Hope (cha 6) Party Time (cha 9) Hunting (cha 6) Simon (cha 9) Kill It (cha 6) Murder (cha 10) Brave (cha 6) Leader (cha 10) Dark (cha 7) Sucks to Ass-Mar (cha 10) Hunters (cha 7) Defense(cha 10)

6 CONTENTS continued… Think Deeply (cha 10) Lost (cha 11) Assembly (cha 11) Fight (cha 11) Beast (cha 11) Better (cha 11) The Lord (cha 12) Hunted (cha 12) Smoked Out (cha 12) Mirror (cha 12)


8 Stranded CHAPTER 1 After their plane crashes, the boys are stranded on an island. What does it feel like to be stranded? What do you think it must have been like that first day on the island? What feelings would they all be having? What fears would be rising inside them?


10 Ass-Mar CHAPTER 1 What do you think it’s like for Piggy to have asthma? The other boys say, “Sucks to your ass-mar.” Does it suck to have asthma? What about other health conditions? How should the other boys treat a boy like Piggy with a health condition?


12 Conch CHAPTER 1 What do you think about this conch shell that they find? About the way they call their assemblies? What about their rule that you can’t speak unless you have the conch? Will that work? What might not work about that rule?


14 Piggy CHAPTER 1 Piggy is the only boy who is given a nickname, and even he didn’t want to be called that. Why do you think the boys gave him the nickname he least wanted? What do you think of nicknames? Have you ever had a nickname? Who chose the name for you? What did you feel about your nickname?


16 Blade CHAPTER 1 Why do you think Jack was unable to kill his first pig? Would you have been able to? Why would you have been able to do what Jack couldn’t? Or why would you have been like Jack?


18 Crash CHAPTER 2 Who do you think shot down the boys’ plane? Why do you think that?


20 Beastie CHAPTER 2 The littluns are afraid of the beastie in the dark. Are you or were you ever afraid of the beastie in the dark? How did it feel to think something was out there that was going to get you?


22 Signal CHAPTER 2 What do you think about their idea to light the signal fire? How important do you think the fire is? Why?


24 Glasses CHAPTER 2 Piggy’s glasses are possibly the most important item that the kids have. How is it ironic that a kid named Piggy has them? What could that mean when we think about the bigger picture of humanity?


26 Jack CHAPTER 3 Jack is the first kid to really go out hunting for the pig. Describe Jack’s personality and how Jack is different than the other boys. How is Jack’s desire and ability to hunt a good thing? How could it be a bad thing?


28 Shelter CHAPTER 3 The boys have to build their own shelters. Think about your shelter that you live in. What does it give you? How did it get there? What would happen to your life if it was gone?


30 Littluns CHAPTER 3 The older boys immediately take charge of taking care of the littluns (the little boys). No that there aren’t any adults, why do the boys feel like they need to take care of the younger ones? Why don’t they just let them fend for themselves?


32 Pig CHAPTER 3 Why do they so badly want to kill a pig?


34 Mastery CHAPTER 4 When Henry is playing around with sticks in the water, he figures out how to make little pools to trap swimming creatures. He feels “himself exercising control over living things” and feels “the illusion of mastery.” Explain the feelings Henry is having. What does it mean that he’s having these feelings after his plane crashed on an island in the middle of the ocean?


36 Civilization CHAPTER 4 At one point the boys start throwing rocks, breaking a school yard rule that they all know well. But he doesn’t throw them near the other boys because that rule is somehow stronger still has “the protection of parents and school and policemen and the law.” How come he’s still following the rules? And what does this quote foreshadow might happen in the future?


38 Mask CHAPTER 4 When Jack paints his face, what changes in Jack? What changes in the boys? What changes on the island?


40 Metal CHAPTER 4 Clocks, airplanes, TV sets, steam engines “You have to have a lot of metal things” for those. The boys are faced with the reality that they don’t have metal. What would your life be like without metal? How would you feel? How would it make your life more difficult? How would it make your life simpler?


42 Ship CHAPTER 4 The first time they see a ship on the horizon, the kids responsible for the fire haven’t been doing their job, so there isn’t any smoke. How do you think Ralph feels about this? How would you feel?


44 Chant CHAPTER 4 “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood.” When the kids start chanting this together, what does the mood feel like? What is happening to the boys that is turning them from choir boys to kids who can chant something like this…and even mean it?


46 Broken CHAPTER 4 How do you think Piggy feels when he hears his glasses “tinkle” off the ground? How do you think Ralph feels? What about Jack?


48 Structure CHAPTER 5 Ralph likes responsibilities taken care of - water, shelter, fire, etc. Why do you think he wants all these things set in order? What does he think will happen when all the structure is set up and the rules put in place? What does he think will happen if they don’t set up all the structure?


50 Dreams CHAPTER 5 The littluns are having bad dreams. What's one of the scariest bad dreams you've ever had?


52 Sense CHAPTER 5 Do you believe there are places outside the cities where "things don't make sense," where ghosts and monsters and boogie men and beasties are possible? Why do you think that?


54 Animals CHAPTER 5 Ralph is worried that no one is going to come anymore when he blows the conch, that they'll "soon be animals." What kind of animals is he afraid they'll become? Why is he afraid of this?


56 Grownups CHAPTER 5 Piggy says that "Grownups know things...things 'ud be all right" if grownups were in charge. Why does he think that grownups would make things better on the island? In what ways do you think grownups make things better? In what ways do grownups make things worse? In what ways are grownups no different than kids?


58 Awake CHAPTER 6 Two boys have to stay awake all night and watch the fire, taking turns sleeping. Have you ever had to try to stay awake all night? What was it like? If you haven't tried, what do you think it would be like? What parts would be fun/easy? What parts would be difficult? What does it feel like between 3-5am?


60 Not Seeing CHAPTER 6 Sam & Eric get terrified when they see the trees moving in the very early morning. But they never really see anything. How can not seeing something be scarier than seeing something? Can you think of a time this happened to you?


62 Power CHAPTER 6 How do you think Ralph feels when Jack decides to ignore the rule about the conch and being in charge, being able to speak? Why does he feel that way?


64 Fire CHAPTER 6 Ralph says that the signal fire is all they've got. What does he mean? How is he right? How is he wrong?


66 Habit CHAPTER 7 Ralph has started biting his nails again because he's so nervous about everything that's happening. Do you have a nervous habit? Describe it. What does it feel like to do it? Why do you think you can't stop from doing it? If you don't have a habit, what do you think it would be like to have a habit that you can't control?


68 Condemned CHAPTER 7 Ralph says that when he's looking at the ocean by the lagoon, he feels like they "might dream of rescue," but when he looks at the rocky cliffs and "the brute obtuseness of the ocean," he feels "clamped down, helpless, condemned." Why do you think he has these opposite feelings? Which feeling is better for a leader to have?


70 Hope CHAPTER 7 Simon whispers in Ralph's ear that he thinks Ralph will get back home all right. How do you think Ralph feels to hear his friend tell him this? How would you feel?


72 Hunting CHAPTER 7 What do you think it's like to go hunting, to battle your wits against the animal? Would you enjoy the hunt? Why or why not?


74 Kill It CHAPTER 7 Jack says if they see the beast on the mountain, they'll kill it. He has the mindset that the best way to deal with the scary unknown is to kill it. How might this belief be good? How might it be tragic?


76 Brave CHAPTER 7 Is Ralph braver than Jack? What does it mean to be brave? How is Ralph braver? How is Jack braver?


78 Dark CHAPTER 8 Why does the boys' courage go away at night? Why is it easier to be brave when there's daylight?


80 Hunters CHAPTER 8 Describe the feelings that you think Jack has when Ralph calls his hunters, "boys armed with sticks." What emotions are stirring in Jack? Why is he feeling that way?


82 Follow the Leader CHAPTER 8 Jack asks the kids to vote whether Ralph should still be leader. Who would you vote for - Ralph or Jack - and why?


84 Vote CHAPTER 8 How do you think Jack feels now that no one voted to remove Ralph as leader? Why does he feel that way?


86 Tribe CHAPTER 8 Jack says that his tribe "hunts and feast and has fun." What is good about that? What could be wrong with that?


88 Lord of the Flies CHAPTER 8 What does the Lord of the Flies mean when he says, "Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill? You knew didn't you? I'm part of you? Close, close, close! I'm the reason why it's no go? Why things are what they are?"


90 Gift Why do you think this chapter is called "Gift for the Darkness"?


92 Silence CHAPTER 9 After Simon has talked with the Lord of the Flies for a while, he asks it, "What else is there to do?" But there's no reply. What does the Lord mean by his lack of reply? What do you think Simon thinks about his silence? How do you think this makes Simon feel?


94 Blind CHAPTER 9 What would it feel like for Piggy to lose his glasses? Describe all his various feelings. Do you have something like Piggy's glasses that gives you similar feelings? Describe it.


96 Party Time CHAPTER 9 Why do you think Ralph and Piggy start dancing and chanting with Jack's tribe? What do you think they're thinking and feeling when they join in?


98 Simon CHAPTER 9 What do think is going through the boys' minds as they watch Simon's dead body float out to sea?


100 Murder Piggy says they murdered Simon. Was it murder? Why or why not?
CHAPTER 10 Piggy says they murdered Simon. Was it murder? Why or why not?


102 Leader CHAPTER 10 Is Ralph still the chief leader? Why do you think that? If Ralph isn't in charge, who or what is? How did the change happen?


104 Sucks to Your Ass-Mar CHAPTER 10 How do you think Piggy feels to have asthma so bad and not be able to help gather the fire logs? How do you think Piggy's feelings compare to other students around you in your classes at school who might have similar health conditions?


106 Defense CHAPTER 10 Jack tries to convince his tribe that Ralph's people will sneak into their camp and try to mess up everything they do. What does Jack gain by telling his tribe this? Why does he need to get them to feel this way?


108 Think Deeply CHAPTER 10 Think deeply now and write about what you think it means that Jack's tribe now has Piggy's glasses. What does Jack's tribe stand for, or represent? What does Ralph's tribe represent? And what do the glasses represent?


110 Lost How do you think it feels to Ralph to no longer have fire?
CHAPTER 11 How do you think it feels to Ralph to no longer have fire?


112 Assembly CHAPTER 11 Why does Piggy feel like gathering an assembly is "all we got"? Why does he feel this way? What does he feel like an assembly is going to do for them?


114 Fight CHAPTER 11 Why are Ralph and Jack fighting over hunting or the signal fire? They've been fighting about this for almost the whole novel. What is their battle really about?


116 Beast CHAPTER 11 The first person Ralph ever calls "a beast" is Jack, and Ralph yells the words at his rival. Why do you think Ralph feels like Jack is "a beast"?


118 Better CHAPTER 11 Piggy asks, "Which is better - to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill?" Answer his question. Why do you feel that way?


120 The Lord CHAPTER 12 Why does Ralph attack the Lord of the Flies? What does it mean that the skull is split in half and staring up at the sky?


122 Hunted CHAPTER 12 How do you think Ralph feels to hear Eric say that Jack's tribe is going to hunt him down tomorrow and stick him with spears like a pig? How would you feel?


124 Smoked Out CHAPTER 12 What do you think about Jack's idea to smoke out Ralph by lighting the island on fire? Why does he do it?


126 Mirror CHAPTER 12 So...the kids' plane was shot down; the parachuter's plane was shot down; and a navy cutter vessel show up on the shore. How is the World War a mirror of the chaos the boys go through on the island?


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