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Netiquette Minding Your Ps & Qs.

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1 Netiquette Minding Your Ps & Qs

2 is the social code for good etiquette.
Netiquette is the social code for good etiquette. Network + Etiquette “is being considerate of other people in a way that supports a healthy ecosystem of conversation” Cite:

3 Netiquette Keep personal & business email separate! Please & Thank you
How to address a person – Mr. Mrs. Dr. Tone in how things are said Emoticons – when appropriate – when NOT appropriate! Capital letters = shouting Lower case = mumbling Text abbreviations – chat lingo Keep personal & business separate!

4 Golden Rule of Netiquette
Do unto others on the internet as you would have done to you.

5 Trolls someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community; such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response DFTT: do not feed the trolls DFTT

6 Flaming Flaming, also known as bashing, is hostile and insulting interaction between Internet users. Flaming usually occurs in the social context

7 Behaviors Lurk before leap: listen to a chat or reading the archives before jumping in Scrolling the screen: posting a multi-line message for the sole purpose for filling the screen Scrolling in the Chat room: typing the same sentence/word/phrase over & over in the chat room Creep: follow people around on the Social Web like a lost puppy

8 Emoticons Emoticons are emotional graphics--visual ways to express the way you feel when words alone just aren't enough.

9 email Reply Reply All Forward CC BCC
Do you know where the messages are stored? For how long? – cached? Who else sees the mail?

10 The Ten Core Rules of Netiquette
Spell Check & Proof Do Not Use All Caps Tell the Truth in Your Online Profiles Be Yourself Do Not Flame Stay Away From Spam Be Conservative in You Send Do Not Send Late At Night Shop Secure Websites Use Discretion On The Net

11 Core Rules of Netiquette
Remember the Human Adhere to the same standards of behavior online as in person Know where you are in Cyberspace Respect other people’s time and bandwidth Make yourself look good online Share expert knowledge Help keep flame wars under control Respect other people’s privacy Do not abuse you power Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes

12 For Mail Know the laws about the ownership of electronic mail which will vary from place to place. The cost of delivering an message is, on the average, paid about equally by the sender and the recipient. Control characters or non-ASCII attachments may not be decodable. The Internet is not secure. Never put in a mail message anything you would not put on a postcard. Understand about Forwards, Chain letters, Sending excessive mail, sending unsolicited mail. Know who (the person, group, …) & what you are sending. If the message is a long message, state it in the subject.

13 For Mail continued Check all mail before responding to the mail
If needed, respond that you have received the information and will send a longer reply later Make things easy for the recipient (include your contact info) Have subject headings which reflects the content Keep your signature short Be brief but not terse Wait overnight to send emotional responses to messages

14 For Mail continued Be considerate of time zones – Global World
Be considerate of culture, language, and humor differences Can use symbols That *is* what I meant. _War and Peace_ is my favorite book. Emoticons , :) Don't assume that the inclusion of a smiley will make the recipient happy with what you say or wipe out an otherwise insulting comment. Use them sparingly!

15 One-to-Many Communication
Read both mailing lists and newsgroups for one to two months before you post anything. This helps you to get an understanding of the culture of the group. Consider that a large audience will see your posts. Assume that individuals speak for themselves, and what they say does not represent their organization. Be brief and to the point. If you are sending a reply to a message or a posting be sure you summarize the original at the top of the message, or include just enough text of the original to give a context. Don't get involved in flame wars, don’t be the flame. Keep in mind the fonts you are using – not all machines have them.

16 Guidelines of Netiquette
Show the image you want of you Stand up for yourself – not rudely or stepping on toes Spelling & Grammar will be judged Opinions - will be judged Be considerate: Their resources (time, bandwidth, storage, …) Excessive s, inconsiderate s Mistakes, remarks Of their privacy

17 Guidelines of Netiquette
Share your knowledge Do abuse your power Keep in mind Flaming – Flame Wars – Trolls Always know where you are in Cyberspace & be reflect of that environment Remember - this is your digital footprint! Likes & Dislikes Reviews / Comments All Photos – including the ones your friends/family post

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