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MENOPAUSE Definition:

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1 MENOPAUSE Definition:
Menopause is physiological cessation of menstruation due to exhaustion of primordial follicles in the ovary climatric  initiate period of weaning ovarian function. [The ovary age between [45-55] average 50]

2 MENOPAUSE Hormonal changes after menopause:
Pituitary Gn mainly FSH  to loss of –ve feed back mechanism with estrogel. Later on the FSH Estrogen . The main source of estrogen is: Supra renal gland Good amount of circulating conversion of androstendion into estrone in the adopise tissues Androgen  slightly Thyroid gland  slight hypothyroidism Progesterone  absent

3 Menopausal symptoms: 1. Vasomoter  hot flushes and sweating ( FSN)
2. Psychological  irritability Depression Headache insommia 3. Rheumatic pain  Due to osteoporosis ( estrogen) osteothritis

4 Menopausal symptoms: 4. Gastro interstinal erect  5. Obesity 
dyspesia Constipation 5. Obesity  Increase appetite Due to alteration in CHO metabolism 6. Sexual  Lipido dyspareunia

5 General changes after menopause Breast 
Shrivelled Flat Bone  as a result of increase estrogen Osteoporosis  backpain Spinal compression 5 times 2.5. height Celles fracture 10;  mobility Hand 0.3/1000 ; 20/100; % die  and fracture of vertebral body, humerous, upper femme distal forearm and ribs. Atherosclerosis Hypertension Coronary heart diseases

6 Uterus  small and lined with basal layer of endometirum only.
Vulva  loss of fat from labia Narrow entroitsus Vagina  the epithelium is thin and atrophic Loss of vaginal rugae Glycogen deposition Alkaline PH  senile vaginitis Uterus  small and lined with basal layer of endometirum only. Ovaries  ovaries shrunken and atrophic Pelvic cellular tissue and ligament – lax Menstruation  may stop suddenly or gradual in amount or in pregnancy

7 Emotional changes after menopause;
Some women may develop – depression Anxiety Nervousness Depresssion.

8 Management of the climatric – menopausal symptoms
1. General treatment: Reassurance Avoid obesity Improve the general condition 2. Medical treatment: Sedative may be indicated 3. Hormonal treatment Estrogen – control hot flushes by inhibiting FSH Estrogen and progesterones – progesterone used to prevent of endometrial hyperplasia  so that result from estrogen alone. Androgen – may be use to FSH But they have androvirilising effect

9 4. Other consideration Women receiving Ga & phosporous should have blood test for Ca & phosporous yearly for the first 2 years. Clomidine  to reduce hot flushes but it is less effective.

10 Menopausal symptoms: Gastro interstinal erect  Obesity  Sexual 
dyspesia Constipation Obesity  Increase appetite Due to alteration in CHO metabolism Sexual  Lipido dyspareunia

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