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Northlawn Junior High School

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1 Northlawn Junior High School 2014-2015
PARCC AssessmENT Northlawn Junior High School

2 PaRCC ASSESSMENT Illinois has adopted new higher learning standards.
These standards have been adopted in 40 states.

3 PARCC Students in 3rd through 8th grade are required to take both parts of the summative exam. Part 1 Performance Based Assessment (PBA) Part 2 End Of Year (EOY)

4 Why are there two tests? The PARCC tests are designed to reflect what students must know each year as they build toward the knowledge and skills needed for college and careers. The PARCC states agreed to break the test into smaller sections in order to measure different kinds of knowledge and skills and to give students adequate time to show what they know and what they can do.

5 PARCC is the new state test and is replacing the isat
Students will be tested on math and English Language Arts. PARCC is the new state test and is replacing the isat

6 Math In mathematics, students solve multi-step problems that require reasoning and address real world situations. This requires students to use mathematical reasoning, make sense of quantities and their relationships to solve real-world problems, and show their understanding. Many previous assessments focused mostly on rote procedure only.

7 End OF YEAR ASSESSMENT Students participate in the assessment before the end of the school year. This test consists of innovative, short-answer questions and items to measure concepts and skills. Students demonstrate comprehension of literary and informational texts and give definitions of words based on their reading of texts, rather than on memorization. They also show understanding of mathematical concepts, procedures and short applications.

8 Students will be working on practice PARCC problems at school, but it helps to work on them at home.
Stamina will be important. Students will be sitting at computers for long periods of time.

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