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Brigitte Gruson - IFÉ seminar, ENS de Lyon, Oct. 14

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1 Brigitte Gruson - IFÉ seminar, ENS de Lyon, 20-23 Oct. 14
A network of Associated educational Design-experiment Places (LéA) coordinated by IFé BB Towards international collaboration Brigitte Gruson - IFÉ seminar, ENS de Lyon, Oct. 14

2 Sharing experiences and working together A design-experiment perspective, giving a major importance to the collective aspects of learning and teaching processes and of producing research results Teachers, researchers and teacher trainers working together A national conference involving different actors

3 A new form of fundamental research on educational phenomena
A true metamorphosis for educational research A broad network triggering cooperation (with institutes for teacher education, European researchers, etc.) New questions for research in education, both on its methods and on its foundation

4 Main objectives Meet national educative challenges (support from the French Ministry of Education – Department of research & innovation) Develop cooperation in order to foster teachers’, trainers’ and researchers’ professional development (Grangeat, 2012; Sensevy, 2011; Vinatier, 2013) Bring people together for sharing experiences, designing cooperative engineering (Sensevy, 2013), producing resources for teaching Enhance research impact and, overtime, rethink teacher training programs

5 A network in constant evolution
From 27 LeA to 35 in Sept. 2014 Academic and non-academic institutions primary schools, lower and upper secondary schools and vocational upper schools, etc. cultural or scientific associations, associations for health education and therapeutic education, etc.

6 A new map is under progress
A better national coverage area Oversea areas : La Réunion Guyane New areas : Bordeaux Nancy-Metz A new map is under progress

7 A great variety of research questions

8 From 2011 to 2014 : an annual call in Spring
How to become a LéA? From 2011 to 2014 : an annual call in Spring Four conditions to be(come) a LéA Research questions coming from the field Different actors’ involvement Implication of a research team A co-constructed project

9 Official agreements between partners
A crucial moment in the life of a LéA The director of the local authorities signing an agreement with a school in the presence of researchers

10 Two main actors for each LéA
LéA coordinator IFE coordinator Role In charge of communication issues Coordinates and follows up all LéA activities Organises collaborative research and boosts reflexive approaches Is in charge of communiation issues and coordinates actions towards the LéA, institutional, training and education actors Status Associated teacher (primary or secondary school) Researcher, from a research centre or team Or trainer leading the research

11 IFé’s scientific, logistic and technical support
Two main committees A scientific committee: main orientations, selection of new LéA and evaluation of the project A steering committee: network coordination, meeting with the actors, organizing seminars and national conferences, dissemination

12 The LéA Website

13 Le blog

14 Main dissemination procedures
IFé previous monthly research newsletter The LeA annual national conferences The participation to national seminars organized by the ministry of education Etc.

15 Ressources production
Scientific publications Articles, book chapters, conference proceedings and presentations Ressources for teacher training and teaching Professional journals, training courses for initial and in-service-training Initial and in-service training courses A major contribution: the in-service training plan

16 the plan

17 the plan

18 Main questions and future development How to ….
…find a satisfactory balance between the time needed to conduct a research project and the necessity to produce ressources? …ensure the institutional recognition of the work produced by all the actors? …improve the dissemination process? …support the use of the collaborative tools?

19 Main questions and future development How to ….
…reinforce the links between the network and the new schools of education (ESPE)? …organize the analysis of the cooperative work conducted in the network? …develop national and international partner ships?

20 International perspectives
Aims to explore methodological questions to open up the LéA network to identify potential partners: similar networks international researchers in education Current potential partners University of Sherbrooke, Canada L’East China Normale University (ECNU), China

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