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Static Electricity – Learning Outcomes

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1 Static Electricity – Learning Outcomes
Use simple materials to generate static electricity. Demonstrate the force between charged objects. Demonstrate the effect of earthing.

2 Generate Static Electricity
A conductor allows charge to flow through it easily (e.g. metals). An insulator does not allow charge to flow through it easily (e.g. plastic, glass). When objects are rubbed together, the friction can cause electrons (negative charges) to move between the objects, so the objects become charged. Conductors tend to become neutral very quickly, but insulators can keep their charges for a time.

3 Generate Static Electricity
Rub a balloon on your hair or wooly jumper to charge it. Hold it over some scraps of paper. The paper is attracted to the balloon.

4 Demonstrate Force Between Charged Objects
Charge a plastic rod by rubbing it with a cloth and then hang it from a retort stand using a paper sling. Rub another rod made of the same material with the same cloth and bring it up to the hanging rod. The hanging rod is repelled. Rub a different type of rod with a cloth and bring it near the hanging rod. The hanging rod is attracted. Like charges repel and unlike charges attract.

5 Demonstrate Force Between Charged Objects

6 Demonstrate the Effect of Earthing
Usually insulators will lose their charge very slowly. Earthing refers to connecting an object to Earth so that it loses its charge. In the previous demonstration, earth both conductors and repeat the experiment. Note no repulsion or attraction between the rods.

7 Effects of Static Electricity
Useful: Removing soot from chimneys. Spray painting. Photocopying. Unwanted: Television screens attracting dust. Lightning.

8 Effects of Static Electricity

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