Welcome to First Grade Parent Orientation

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1 Welcome to First Grade Parent Orientation
September 19, 2017

2 Communication Alvin Website www.alvinisd.net
* Please visit this website for important information (student handbook, calendar and dress code). Alvin ISD Technology Connect *Download free Mobile APP for quick district communication. *Follow the District, Brothers Elementary on Facebook Bearkat Bulletin (e-news) – accessed from Brothers home page *Weekly updates for the district and Brothers

3 Communication Student planners will go home daily.
Teacher * (first initial, full last * Limited information pertaining to child as teacher’s respect student confidentiality Shirley Brothers Phone: Conference time: 9:55-10:45 Tuesday Folder: * Used to send important information home * Used as “one-way” communication * Send home on Tuesday and returned to school on Wednesday Student planners will go home daily. Change of Transportation – Pick Up Patrol by 2:40pm

4 Classroom Management All students will be expected to behave in a manner which does not prevent me from teaching and/or other students from learning. If a student makes poor choices, behaviors will be documented using the academic planner. Examples of consequences are verbal warnings (at least 2), think time, Behavior Reflections, walking at recess, and office referral. Capturing Kids’ Hearts * Good Things/Affirmations * Social Contract * Hand Signs * Home and School * Flip Flippen – The Flippen Group

5 Evaluation Key for Reading and Language Arts
Grading Guidelines Grades and attendance are posted on Skyward Family Access. This website is a resource for parents/guardians to view their child's grades, attendance, discipline information and update contact information. Phone, text, and notifications can also be set to receive notifications whenever an absence is posted or for low grades or missing assignments. Register to activate the letter received via mail. Access through internet or download Skyward Mobile App Alvin ISD Elementary Grading Guidelines: With the Reading/Language Arts K-2 report card being based on a continuum of learning rather than based on a grading scale, multiple opportunities should be given for a student to master skill prior to documentation on the report card. This documentation will be noted as 3, 2, 1. Math/Science/Social Studies is based on a grading scale. Access AISD Elementary Grading Guidelines 20Guidelines%20Update.pdf Evaluation Key for Reading and Language Arts 3 – Proficient 2 - Working on 1- Not Proficient

6 Homework Homework is a reinforcement of skills learned in class. Math
ASTROS stands for Alvin Students Training Rigorously on Skills. Homework assignments will go home on Mondays and should be returned on Fridays of that week. Usually 2 ASTROS assignments per week. Reading Minimum of 20 minutes daily Reading logs should have date, title of book read and parent signature.

7 A.S.T.R.O.S Example

8 Book Level Comparison Chart

9 Student Friendly Websites
Your child will be interacting with several of the websites listed below. Please feel free to use the following online website resources at home. Click on the link and it will take you directly to the webpage. Book Adventure - Social Studies Weekly – Storyline Online - Tumble Books – Seussville - Online Story time National Geographic for Kids - NASA for Kids - PBS Kids - Starfall - Kids Spell - ABCya - Dance Mat Typing - Internet Safety -

10 Thank you for attending this evening
Thank you for attending this evening. Please any questions, comments and concerns to your child’s teacher.

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