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Plagiarism/Cheating!! Don’t do it!!.

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Presentation on theme: "Plagiarism/Cheating!! Don’t do it!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plagiarism/Cheating!! Don’t do it!!

2 What is plagiarism? Take 1 minute to work quietly by yourselves and come up with a definition of plagiarism. At the end of 1 minute, turn to your partner (or someone that is sitting close to you) and discuss your definition. Come up with a group definition and be ready to share!!!

3 Plagiarism Defined: Plagiarism is ANYTIME you take someone else’s words and pass them off as your own. Examples: Going to Wikipedia and copying an article without citing the source. Copying your friends’ homework word for word or very closely.

4 Why do we care? It is not fun to have someone else take/receive credit for something that you took your time to make! Imagine that you worked really hard over the summer and at the first big event, you do really well! Except someone else takes the credit for your hard work, how would that make you feel?

5 How do you avoid it? What do you guys think?
Cite EVERYTHING no matter where the source comes from, give credit where credit is due! Make sure everything is in your own words. Avoid copying your friend’s work!

6 Cheating! (dun dun dunnnnn!)
Tests are important, no matter how little we like them! By cheating (looking at someone else’s test, copying work etc.) teachers cannot tell what you have actually learned! Make sure that you are not letting your friends copy off of you either!

7 Cheating continued When you cheat, that means you have not learned the material that you need to, which means you are behind the rest of the class. When you get behind, it is really to get further and further behind! And you may look like this!

8 Cheating…still! Cheating also means that you are not getting the help that you need to succeed…soooo If you feel like you need to cheat on a test, please see me so I can help you get prepared and understand the concepts and be successful!

9 Cheating or not? Billy forgot to do his homework last night and was reminded by his bestest friend John that the assignment was due today. Billy asks John to see his homework, but does not copy word for word. Is that cheating?

10 YES! Even if you are just looking at your friends’ work and not copying word for word, you are not creating your own work, therefore it is a form of cheating.

11 Another Scenario Frank needs to get some extra information to complete his project. He goes online and finds a website that really says what he was trying to say. He copies the text word for word and remembers to cite the source. Is that Cheating?

12 YES!! Cheating can still occur even if you cite your sources. Words should never be copied word for word without “ “ those marks around the direct words.

13 Last Scenario! Jimmy and Jonnie decide that the assignment that is due tomorrow is really difficult. They agree to work together to help each other understand the material. They go to the library and work for an hour until the homework is completed. Is that cheating?

14 No!! As long as the two do not copy each other’s words, it is not cheating. Working together is highly encouraged, just make sure you are writing/drawing/constructing your own ideas!

15 Questions???? If you are unsure about a situation…please come ask me…before there are any problems!

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