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Calculations of Higgs x-sections at NkLO
ATL-COM-PHYS A.-C. Bourgaux, M. Escalier, L. Fayard
Tools and parameters used
Anastasiou Tools: FEHiP, HggTotal, HNNLO, HqT Factorisation (µF) and renormalisation (µR) scales : mF= mR in [mH/2 ; 2mH ] to limit computations (study in appendix) Pdf: mstw2008, (mrst 2004 for HqT) (study in appendix) default parameters used, while waiting for a common prescription: mt = GeV for FEHiP, 178 GeV for HNNLO (study in appendix)
Total x-sections (100-800 GeV)
• HNNLO mt ∞ No correction • FEHiP mt ∞ + correction: Opening of the on-shell phase-space Result table, approx of ∞ mass t; b appendix
Total x-sections with HggTotal
Available : Good agreement with calculations by De Florian and Grazzini, with a different choice for mR and mF. Anastasiou : arXiv: , arXiv:hep-ph/ "We present results for the Higgs boson cross section accounting for these effects. We account for the effect of soft-gluon resummation at the Tevatron by presenting values for the scale choice µF = µR = MH /2, which is known to very accurately reproduce the reference value of the resummation result [21] for a wide range of Higgs boson masses, and provide an estimate of the remaining theoretical uncertainties arising from unknown higher-order terms and PDF errors."
x-sections*BR with HNNLO
s × Br(H gg) Br(H gg) (Br tables of HNNLO seem to be computed from Hdecay)
differential x-sections with HNNLO
5 (jet) 1 3 H 4 6 (jet) 2 gg fusion Higgs 2 photons γ LO _ pT34 pT3 &pT4 y34 η3 & η4 NLO pT5 pT34 pT3 &pT4 NNLO pT5 pT34 pT3 & pT4 pT6 y34 η3 & η4
ATL-COM-PHYS-2009-161 Qian, Liu, Mansoulie, Purdham, Strandberg, Thun
photon g mH=100 GeV mH=800 GeV For high masses, the photon is more central normalized: stable observable / pert order mH=100 GeV ATL-COM-PHYS Qian, Liu, Mansoulie, Purdham, Strandberg, Thun
photon g mH=100 GeV fixed order calculation : LO bounded at pt=mH/2
NLO and NNLO unstables in this region normalized: ATL-COM-PHYS
Higgs mH=100 GeV mH=800 GeV normalized: stable observable / pert order
ATL-COM-PHYS Detector acceptance will limit the rapidity range that can be measured
Higgs compatible with statistical error mH=100 GeV
PT of Higgs : HqT Construction of the curve :
Resummed : divergent terms only « resummed »=exp(Sudakov factor) Asymptotic : limit of perturbative order when PT0 : divergent terms only Fix order : all perturbative developpement terms, including divergent terms Matched = Resummed + Fix order - Asymptotic
Higgs PT, @ LO and NLO mH=125 GeV Normalized : ≠ from HNNLO
Correction to pT(H) : appendix
resummation for low pT fix order for high pT
Influence of mR , mF at LO linear scale: log scale: with normalization:
Influence of mR , mF at NLO (1)
linear scale: log scale: with normalization:
Influence of mR , mF at NLO (2)
For high pT : dependance on scales remains almost constant : calculation is actually LO For low pT : dependance on scales decreases between LO and NLO NLO mH/2
Influence of resummation scale mRS at LO (1)
mRS=mH Matched calculation is closer to fix order when resumation scale is lower
Influence of mRS at LO (2)
linear scale: log scale: with normalization:
Influence of mRS at NLO (1)
Resumation scale influence is lower at NLO
Influence of mRS at NLO (2)
linear scale: log scale: with normalization:
Acceptances with FEHiP, PYTHIA and MC@NLO
Approximation of infinity mass of t ; b
Plot from Frank Petriello ?!?
Influence of µF µR Major effect: σ decreases with µR
maximum central value minimum mH=120 GeV mH=190 GeV mF 0.5 1 2 mR 14.7 15.02 15.10 5.98 5.87 5.71 11.8 12.02 12.10 4.86 4.77 4.64 9.62 9.84 9.91 4.03 3.95 3.85 Influence of µF µR Major effect: σ decreases with µR Minor effect: σ increases or decreases with µF depending on mass @ LO (same observations at NLO…), using mrst2001 Complete study in appendix
Influence of mt FEHiP mt ∞ HNNLO + correction:
mt ∞ without correction mt : little influence HNNLO and FEHiP differences due to F(mt)
Our results with FEHiP:
Influence of pdf Our results with FEHiP: mrst mstw2008 +14% LO, 100 GeV: 17, ,467 +6% NLO, 100 GeV 31, ,005 With HNNLO: mrst mstw2008 +13% LO, 100 GeV 16, ,704 +8% LO, 200 GeV 3, ,937 Results compatible with: Martin,Stirling,Thorne,Watt, arXiv: v2 +10%
Check of constistency:
2 equivalent photons ? (no cuts applied at generation) m=100 GeV
What is the uncertainty on PT(H)?
Balazs, Grazzini, Huston, Kulesza,Puljak arXiv:hep-ph/ v1
Corrections to pT(H) Finite top quark mass ; Bottom quark contribution
Keung, Petriello, hep-ph Finite top quark mass ; Bottom quark contribution LHC : 30 ≤PT≤50 GeV : -4 % 50≤PT≤150 : % PT~300 GeV : -30 %
EW gauge boson terms (W, Z)
Keung, Petriello, hep-ph EW gauge boson terms (W, Z) LHC : 100≤PT≤300 GeV : -3 %
Prescription used for ATL-COM-PHYS-2007-024
Should we use same prescription ? Arguments for prescription ?
EW corrections 2-loop EW corrections for Hgg :
eg of production corrections eg of decay corrections
-top quark contributions : ~15 % of light contribution
Degrassi, Maltoni, hep-ph/ Total : 5-8 % correction contrib. of top
-light fermions contributions
Aglietti, Bonciani, Degrassi, Vicini, hep-ph/ production decay QCD total EW (no top correction) 9 % to LO up to –10 % correction
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