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Faculty Senate Special Meeting June 12, 2014

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1 Faculty Senate Special Meeting June 12, 2014

2 Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Melanie Mormile, Secretary
Bylaw Amendment Adjourn Pres. Fitch apologizes for failing to spell check his titles. “Tomroow” is only 25% in error?

3 Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Melanie Mormile, Secretary
Bylaw Amendment Adjourn

4 Applicable CRR G Amending the Bylaws -- Amendments may be proposed by twenty (20) faculty members of the General Faculty by submitting them to the Rules, Procedures, and Agenda Committee. This committee must transmit the proposal to the General Faculty within fifteen (15) school days and then include the proposal in the agenda of the next General Faculty meeting. Voting on the proposed amendment shall be by a mail ballot and shall take place within fifteen (15) school days after completion of its consideration at a meeting of the General Faculty. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of those voting shall be required for the adoption of the proposed amendment. If adopted, the amendment will become effective immediately upon approval by the Board of Curators.

5 Ad-hoc committee of RP&A moves the amendment as distributed:
Add colleges Members (= faculty) may call special meetings Meetings each semester Responsible for “appeals of departmental academic actions and review of new certificates, minors, and degree programs, with a primary responsibility for maintaining and improving the academic excellence of all departments within the college” Add Vice Provost and Deans as college executive officer Member of General Faculty Select Department Chair (was Provost) Hiring process Role in special program proposal, changes, and elimination, and curriculum thereof

6 Changes: Add Chancellor as ex-officio non-voting member of Faculty Senate Standing Committee Chairs Exclude VP&D and Demi-deans (now exclude Dep’t Chairs) Previous chair organize election of next, else FS President Administrative Review Committee from 4 to 3 members Campus Curriculum Committee to receive proposals for new certificates, minors, and degree programs from DSCC and with VP&D recommendation Remove representative from graduate faculty

7 Name/purview, add Technology Transfer
Changes: IP Committee Name/purview, add Technology Transfer Composition, delete “Priority for nominated members should be those with patent and/or copyright experience and appropriate representation from engineering, liberal arts, management and science academic departments.” (Instead trust us to elect such.) Tenure (Policy) Committee Grievance Hearing panel “functions in accordance with CRR ” Parking Committee, from 12 to 7 faculty members and from 2 to 1 member appointed by Chancellor Minor grammar change Motion is made. Suggest friendly amendments.

8 Proposed: When the position of Vice Provost and Dean is vacated, the Vice Provost and Dean shall be recommended by the Provost and appointed by the Chancellor after formal consultation with a committee of whom more than half shall be elected from and by the college faculty. Each department of the college shall have representation on the committee. Each department of the college shall elect two to three potential faculty representatives from which the Provost will select one from each department to serve on the committee. The Provost shall be able to add committee members for the purpose of providing appropriate diversity and representation. The committee, whose chair shall be from the college faculty, shall recommend candidates for interviews and present an unranked list of at least three acceptable candidates to the Provost. The Provost will recommend from the preferred list or shall inform the committee why the list is insufficient to allow a recommendation to be made.

9 Proposed with friendly, pre-vetted amendments:
When the position of Vice Provost and Dean is vacated, the Vice Provost and Dean shall be recommended by the Provost and appointed by the Chancellor after formal consultation with a committee of whom more than half shall be elected from and by the college faculty. Each department of the college shall have representation on the committee. Each department of the college shall elect two to three potential faculty representatives from which the Provost will select one from each department to serve on the committee. The Provost shall be able to add committee members for the purpose of providing appropriate diversity and representation. The committee, whose chair shall be from the college faculty, shall recommend candidates for interviews, thereafter consider feedback from the campus community, and present an unranked list of at least three acceptable candidates to the Provost. The Provost will recommend from the preferred list or shall inform the committee why the list is insufficient to allow a recommendation to be made. Motion to amend the CCC wording next

10 Possible friendly, amendment:
Proposals for new certificates, minors, and degree programs shall be submitted to the Campus Curricula Committee via the Discipline Specific Curricula Committee (DSCC) associated with the proposal and with the recommendation of the Vice Provost and Dean associated with the proposal. The Vice Provost and Dean and DSCC recommendations shall be submitted with the proposal.

11 Faculty Senate Report April 17, 2014 The issue: Dean search process. Existing language on Deans search: Previous (2007) language: The chief executive and administrative officer of each school or college is the Dean. When the position is vacated the Dean shall be nominated by the Chancellor after formal consultation with a committee elected from and by the school or college faculty.

12 Proposed with friendly, pre-vetted amendments:
When the position of Vice Provost and Dean is vacated, the Vice Provost and Dean shall be recommended by the Provost and appointed by the Chancellor after formal consultation with a committee of whom more than half shall be elected from and by the college faculty. Each department of the college shall have representation on the committee. Each department of the college shall elect two to three potential faculty representatives from which the Provost will select one from each department to serve on the committee. The Provost shall be able to add committee members for the purpose of providing appropriate diversity and representation. The committee, whose chair shall be from the college faculty, shall recommend candidates for interviews, thereafter consider feedback from the campus community, and present an unranked list of at least three acceptable candidates to the Provost. The Provost will recommend from the list or shall inform the committee why the list is insufficient to allow a recommendation to be made.

13 Agenda Adjourn

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