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Old vs. New.

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Presentation on theme: "Old vs. New."— Presentation transcript:

1 Old vs. New

2 Essential Question What was life like in early times, and how did it change as civilizations began to develop?

3 Old Stone Age (Paleolithic Period)
Used stone to make tools Tools were made to meet three basic needs Food Shelter Clothing

4 Flaking: first use of “technology.”
Used a hammer stone to strike the sides of a stone or bone and formed a sharp edge.

5 Lifestyle Climate was very different from today. Much colder
People always on the move. Why? Moved with herds of animals (major food source). Called nomads Built temporary houses Used every part of the animal. Bones for tools and weapons. Skins for clothing and blankets.

6 Learned to travel across water and developed a spoken language
Learned to travel across water and developed a spoken language. Created “cave art.”

7 New Stone Age Neolithic Period
New Stone Age: People began to develop new skills and technologies. Dramatically changed the way they lived. NEO: New LITHIC: Stone

8 Went from a nomadic life to settled farming.
Used stone for tools Warmer Climate meant animals and people could stay in one place. People began raising their own crops Domestication: Training of animals People began to specialize in skills other than farming. Farmers produced a surplus of food

9 With all of this came the creation of CITIES.
Everyone needed to get along so rules were written and imposed. This led to “civilization” which means to live in a city. Trade began People began to discover new metals such as cooper People owned more personal property which created a difference in wealth Developed ways to protect crops and measure seeds. Learned to use oxen and water buffalo to plow fields Learned to weave clothing, make pots and pottery from clay.

10 Neolithic Villages

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