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myspace. com/index. gfm. fuseaction=user

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1 http://profile. myspace. com/index. gfm. fuseaction=user

2 http://www. arthistoryarchive. com/arthistory/feminist/Barbara-Kruger

3 Biography Born in Newark, New Jersey in 1945
Attended Syracuse, SVA, and Parsons Worked for Conde Naste, Mademoiselle, House and Gardens “Direct address has been a consistent tactic in my work, regardless of the medium that I'm working in.” -Barbara Kruger

4 What is she trying to say?

5 Issues

6 Influences “…movies, television, and the stereotypical situations of everyday life…”

7 http://www. arthistoryarchive



10 http://www. arthistoryarchive. com/arthistory/feminist/Barbara-Kruger


12 http://www. arthistoryarchive

13 Twelve "All that seemed beneath you is speaking to you now. All that seemed deaf hears you. All that seemed dumb knows what's on your mind. All that seemed blind sees through you. All that seemed silent is putting the words right into your mouth." -Barbara Kruger

14 Another


16 Joey Krebs


18 ? Feminism Violence Money Corporations Greed Relationships Stereotypes
Consumerism Authority Authority Politics Control ? Identity Racism Society Capitalism Sexism Progress Advertising Oppression Rage Abortion Gender Roles Power

19 Power: Who has it and why

20 http://profile. myspace. com/index. gfm. fuseaction=user


22 Sources

23 Sources
Kruger, Barbara. Money Talks Skarstedt Fine Art. NY PBS:ART21 Volume Harry N. Abrams. NY. Gaze, Delia. A Concise Dictionary of Women Artists. Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997 Geyer, Martha. “Like TV: On Barbara Kruger’s Twelve”. Art Journal, , Vol. 66, Issue 3

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