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Next generation networks - next generation feature interaction

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1 Next generation networks - next generation feature interaction
Dr Evan Magill

2 today ... Contents : feature interaction: a quick review
next generation networks changed paradigm new approaches to interaction

3 a traditional view of the problem feature interaction: a quick review
interference between the actions of independently written telecommunications features as a simple example is CFB and CW on a single user CW CFB feature interaction: a quick review

4 traditional approaches feature interaction: a quick review
off-line full knowledge required commercial sensitivity scalability runtime partial view limited knowledge performance hybrid SEBPC limited work architectural TINA feature interaction: a quick review

5 feature interaction: a quick review
impact the problem has been constrained regulated market vendor testing caught by network provider testing relatively few features tolerance market values only private networks with large feature counts low feature uptake per user multimedia isolated working feature interaction: a quick review

6 next generation networks next generation networks
increased use of IP traffic mix video image voice data enabling standards H323 VoIP SIP Internet Telephony TINA CORBA TAPI TSAPI JAIN Parlay ADSL ISDN WAP =====> UMTS next generation networks

7 next generation networks
Impact volume more services larger margins in service provisioning de-regulated market new markets open service provisioning migration of services to periphery of network mobile data services improved service creation increased interworking between networks increased inter-service working across public & private networks pan-European services next generation networks

8 next generation networks
Impact nature Increased multimedia applications increased number of application outside the network increased interworking between applications in different (types) networks inside and outside the network provided by different service providers increased competition time-to-market validation compatibility next generation networks

9 next generation networks
Impact interactions increased number different nature on interaction more complicated services different service locations & owners even between identical services video conference and roles between near identical services video conference cardinality the basic tenet that services can added rapidly, easily and safely by (third) parties is jeopardised by feature interaction next generation networks

10 changed paradigm Services and features unaware of each other H323 Fn
POTS IN H323 H245 allows for “service negotiation” services aware of each other services can communicate directly TINA federation composition Call processing Fn F1 changed paradigm

11 new approaches to interaction
changed paradigm CORBA removal of signalling limitations services can communicate directly services aware of each other Parlay interworking - at least directly peer to peer communication Service 1 Service n new approaches to interaction

12 new approaches to interaction new approaches to interaction
peer to peer communication negotiation detection resolution avoidance mediation 3rd party e.g. H323 gatekeeper work to date Griffeth issues languages notations rules/algorithms rules per service upward compatibility new approaches to interaction

13 new approaches to interaction
some initial work TINA federation simple notation to describe service capabilities cardinality connections rules in general identical for federation cardinality can be negotiated new approaches to interaction

14 in short changing nature of regulations, services and networks
increased volume of services increased volume and complexity of service interactions new opportunities for interaction avoidance peer to peer communication negotiation and mediation To conclude

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