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Published byVincent Cannon Modified over 6 years ago
A Flexible Approach for Ranking Complex Relationships on the Semantic Web
By: Chris Halaschek Advisors: Dr. I. Budak Arpinar Dr. Amit P. Sheth Committee: Dr. E. Rodney Canfield Dr. John A. Miller
Outline Background Motivation Ranking Approach System Implementation
Ranking Evaluation Conclusions and Future Work 6/8/2004
The Semantic Web [2] An extension of the Web
Ontologies used to annotate the current information on the Web RDF and OWL are the current W3C standard for metadata representation on the Semantic Web Allow machines to interpret the content on the Web in a more automated and efficient manner 6/8/2004
Semantic Web Technology Evaluation Ontology (SWETO)
Large scale test-bed ontology containing instances extracted from heterogeneous Web sources Developed using Semagix Freedom1 Created ontology within Freedom Use extractors to extract knowledge and annotate with respect to the ontology 6/8/2004 1Semagix Inc. Homepage:
SWETO - Statistics Covers various domains
CS publications, geographic locations, terrorism, etc. Version 1.4 includes over 800,000 entities and over 1,500,000 explicit relationships among them 6/8/2004
SWETO Schema - Visualization
Semantic Associations [1]
Mechanisms for querying about and retrieving complex relationships between entities A is related to B by x.y.z x y z z’ y’ 2. A is related to C by i. x.y’.z’ A u v ii. u.v (undirected path) B 3. A is “related similarly” to B as it is to C (y’ y and z’ z x.y.z x.y’.z’) So are B and C related? ? C 6/8/2004
Semantic Connectivity Example
“Chris” “Halaschek” fname lname Semantically Connected name “The University of Georgia” &r1 &r6 worksFor associatedWith &r5 name “LSDIS Lab” 6/8/2004
Motivation Query between “Hubwoo [Company]” and “SONERI [Bank]” results in 1,160 associations Cannot expect users to sift through resulting associations Results must be presented to users in a relevant fashion…need ranking 6/8/2004
Observations Ranking associations is inherently different from ranking documents Sequence of complex relationships between entities in the metadata from multiple heterogeneous documents No one way to measure relevance of associations Need a flexible, query dependant approach to relevantly rank the resulting associations 6/8/2004
Ranking – Overview Define association rank as a function of several ranking criteria Two Categories: Semantic – based on semantics provided by ontology Context Subsumption Trust Statistical – based on statistical information from ontology, instances and associations Rarity Popularity Association Length 6/8/2004
Context: What, Why, How? Context captures the users’ interest to provide them with the relevant knowledge within numerous relationships between the entities Context => Relevance; Reduction in computation space By defining regions (or sub-graphs) of the ontology 6/8/2004
Context Specification
Topographic approach Regions capture user’s interest Region is a subset of classes (entities) and properties of an ontology User can define multiple regions of interest Each region has a relevance weight 6/8/2004
Context: Example e5:Person e1:Person e9:Location
e7:Terrorist Organization e4:Terrorist e8:Terrorist Attack e6:Financial e2:Financial e1:Person e9:Location e5:Person friend Of member Of located In e3:Organization supports has Account works For involved In at location Region1: Financial Domain, weight=0.25 Region2: Terrorist Domain, weight=0.75 6/8/2004
Context Issues Issues Associations outside context regions rank lower
Associations can pass through numerous regions of interest Large and/or small portions of associations can pass through these regions Associations outside context regions rank lower 6/8/2004
Context Weight Formula
Refer to the entities and relationships in an association generically as the components in the associations We define the following sets, note c Ri is used for determining whether the type of c (rdf:type) belongs to context region Ri: where n is the number of regions A passes through Xi is the set of components of A in the ith region Z is the set of components of A not in any contextual region 6/8/2004
Context Weight Formula
Define the Context weight of a given association A, CA, such that CA = n is the number of regions A passes through length(A) is the number of components in the association Xi is the set of components of A in the ith region Z is the set of components of A not in any contextual region 6/8/2004
Subsumption Specialized instances are considered more relevant
Organization Specialized instances are considered more relevant More “specific” relations convey more meaning Specialized instances are considered more relevant More “specific” relations convey more meaning H. Dean Democratic Party member Of AutoClub Ranked Higher Lower Political Organization Democratic Political Organization 6/8/2004
Subsumption Weight Formula
Define the component subsumption weight (csw) of the ith component, ci, in an association A such that cswi = is the position of component ci in hierarchy H Hheight is the total height of the class/property hierarchy of the current branch Define the overall Subsumption weight of an association A as SA = length(A) is the number of components in A 6/8/2004
Trust Entities and relationships originate from differently trusted sources Assign trust values depending on the source e.g., Reuters could be more trusted than some of the other news sources Adopt the following intuition The strength of an association is only as strong as its weakest link Trust weight of an association is the value of its least trustworthy component 6/8/2004
Trust Weight Formula Let represent the component trust weight of the component, ci, in an association, A Define the Trust weight of an overall association A as TA = 6/8/2004
Rarity Many relationships and entities of the same type (rdf:type) will exist Two viewpoints Rarely occurring associations can be considered more interesting Imply uniqueness Adopted from [3] where rarity is used in data mining relational databases Consider rare infrequently occurring relationship more interesting 6/8/2004
Rarity Alternate viewpoint
Interested in associations that are frequently occurring (common) e.g., money laundering…often individuals engage in normal looking, common case transactions as to avoid detection User should determine which Rarity preference to use 6/8/2004
Rarity Weight Formula Define the component rarity of the ith component, ci, in A as rari such that rari = , where (all instances and relationships in K), and With the restriction that in the case resj and ci are both of type rdf:Property, the subject and object of ci and resj must be of the same rdf:type rari captures the frequency of occurrence of the rdf:type of component ci, with respect to the entire knowledge-base 6/8/2004
Rarity Weight Formula Define the overall Rarity weight, R, of an association, A, as a function of all the components in A, such that (a) RA = (b) RA = 1 – where length(A) is the number of components in A rari is component rarity of the ith component in A To favor rare associations, (a) is used To favor more common associations (b) is used 6/8/2004
Popularity Some entities have more incoming and outgoing relationships than others View this as the Popularity of an entity Entities with high popularity can be thought of as hotspots Two viewpoints Favor associations with popular entities Favor unpopular associations 6/8/2004
Popularity Favor popular associations
Ex. interested in the way two authors were related through co-authorship relations Associations which pass through highly cited (popular) authors may be more relevant Alternate viewpoint…rank popular associations lower Entities of type ‘Country’ have an extremely high number of incoming and outgoing relationships Convey little information when querying for the way to persons are associated through geographic locations 6/8/2004
Popularity Weight Formula
Define the entity popularity, pi, of the ith entity, ei, in association A as pi = where n is the total number of entities in the knowledge-base is the set of incoming and outgoing relationships of ei represents the size of the largest such set among all entities in the knowledge-base of the same class as ei pi captures the Popularity of ei, with respect to the most popular entity of its same rdf:type in the knowledge-base 6/8/2004
Popularity Weight Formula
Define the overall Popularity weight, P, of an association A, such that (a) PA = (b) PA = 1 – where n is the number of entities (nodes) in A pi is the entity popularity of the ith entity in A To favor popular associations, (a) is used To favor less popular associations (b) is used 6/8/2004
Association Length Two viewpoints
Interest in more direct associations (i.e., shorter associations) May infer a stronger relationship between two entities Interest in hidden, indirect, or discrete associations (i.e., longer associations) Terrorist cells are often hidden Money laundering involves deliberate innocuous looking transactions 6/8/2004
Association Length Weight
Define the Association Length weight, L, of an association A as (a) LA = (b) LA = 1 – where length(A) is the number of components in the A To favor shorter associations, (a) is used, again To favor longer associations (b) is used 6/8/2004
Overall Ranking Criterion
Overall Association Rank of a Semantic Association is a linear function Ranking Score where ki adds up to 1.0 Allows a flexible ranking criteria k1 × Context + k2 × Subsumption + k3 × Trust + k4 × Rarity + k5 × Popularity + k6 × Association Length = 6/8/2004
System Implementation
Ranking approach has been implemented within the LSDIS Lab’s SemDIS2 and SAI3 projects 2 NSF-ITR-IDM Award # , titled ‘SemDIS: Discovering Complex Relationships in the Semantic Web.’ 3 NSF-ITR-IDM Award # , titled ‘Semantic Association Identification and Knowledge Discovery for National Security Applications.’ 6/8/2004
System Implementation
Native main memory data structures for interaction with RDF graph Naïve depth-first search algorithm for discovering Semantic Associations SWETO (subset) has been used for data set Approximately 50,000 entities and 125,000 relationships SemDIS prototype4, including ranking, is accessible through Web interface 6/8/2004 4SemDIS Prototype:
Ranking Configuration
User is provided with a Web interface that gives her/him the ability to customize the ranking criteria Use a modified version of TouchGraph5 to define the query context A Java applet for the visual interaction with a graph 6/8/2004 5TouchGraph Homepage:
Context Specification Interface
Ranking Configuration Interface
Ranking Module Java implementation of the ranking approach
Unranked associations are traversed and ranked according to the ranking criteria defined by the user Ranking is decomposed into finding the context, subsumption, trust, rarity, and popularity rank of all entities in each association 6/8/2004
Ranking Module Context, subsumption, trust, and rarity ranks of each relationship are found during the traversal as well When the RDF data is parsed, rarity, popularity, trust, and subsumption statistics of both entities and relationships are maintained Finding the context rank consists of checking which context regions, if any, each entity or relationship in each association belongs to 6/8/2004
Ranked Results Interface
Ranking Evaluation Evaluation metrics such as precision and recall do not accurately measure the ranking approach Used a panel of five human subjects for evaluation Due to the various ways to interpret associations 6/8/2004
Ranking Evaluation Evaluation process
Subjects given randomly sorted results from different queries each consisting of approximately 50 results Provided subjects with the ranking criteria for each query i.e., context, whether to favor short/long, rare/common associations, etc. Provided type(s) of the components in the associations To measure context relevance Subjects ranked the associations based on this modeled interest and emphasized criterion 6/8/2004
Ranking Evaluation (1) 6/8/2004
Ranking Evaluation (2) Average distance of system rank from that given by subjects Based on relative order 6/8/2004
Conclusions Defined a flexible, query dependant approach to relevantly rank Semantic Association query results Presented a prototype implementation of the ranking approach Empirically evaluated the ranking scheme Found that our proposed approach is able to capture the user’s interest and rank results in a relevant fashion 6/8/2004
Future Work ‘Ranking-on-the-Fly’
Ranks can be assigned to associations as the algorithm is traversing them Possible performance improvements Use of the ranking scheme for the Semantic Association discovery algorithms (scalability in very large data sets) Utilize context to guide the depth-first search Associations that fall below a predetermined minimal rank could be discarded Additional work on context specification Develop ranking metrics for Semantic Similarity Associations 6/8/2004
Publications [1] Chris Halaschek, Boanerges Aleman-Meza, I. Budak Arpinar, Cartic Ramakrishnan, and Amit Sheth, A Flexible Approach for Analyzing and Ranking Complex Relationships on the Semantic Web, Third International Semantic Web Conference, Hiroshima, Japan, November 7-11, 2004 (submitted) [2] Chris Halaschek, Boanerges Aleman-Meza, I. Budak Arpinar, and Amit Sheth, Discovering and Ranking Semantic Associations over a Large RDF Metabase, 30th Int. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, August 30 September 03, 2004, Toronto, Canada. Demonstration Paper [3] Boanerges Aleman-Meza, Chris Halaschek, Amit Sheth, I. Budak Arpinar, and Gowtham Sannapareddy, SWETO: Large-Scale Semantic Web Test-bed, International Workshop on Ontology in Action, Banff, Canada, June 20-24, 2004 [4] Boanerges Aleman-Meza, Chris Halaschek, I. Budak Arpinar, and Amit Sheth, Context-Aware Semantic Association Ranking, First International Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases, Berlin, Germany, September 7-8, 2003; pp 6/8/2004
References [1] ANYANWU, K., AND SHETH, A r-Queries: Enabling Querying for Semantic Associations on the Semantic Web. In Proceedings of the 12th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW-2003) (Budapest, Hungary, May ). [2] BERNERS-LEE, T., HENDLER, J., AND LASSILA, O The Semantic Web. Scientific American, (May 2001) [3] LIN, S., AND CHALUPSKY, H Unsupervised Link Discovery in Multi-relational Data via Rarity Analysis. The Third IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. 6/8/2004
Questions & Comments 6/8/2004
Thank You 6/8/2004
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