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World War I 1914-1918.

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Presentation on theme: "World War I 1914-1918."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I

2 Long Term Causes 1) Militarism 2) Alliances Allies: France, GB, Russia
Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy 3) Imperialism 4) Nationalism


4 Immediate Cause Austrian Archduke (Franz Ferdinand) assassinated by a Serb June 28, 1914

5 Fighting Starts July 28, 1914: A-H declares war on Serbia
Alliance system pulled other countries into war Germans advancing quickly to the east and west Trench warfare begins “no man’s land” led to 2 year stalemate



8 US Neutrality Opposition to war Sympathy for Allies

9 Neutrality Tested British and German blockades hurt US trade
German U-boats Lusitania Sussex pledge Zimmerman Note German attempt to get Mexican support Germany would help get Mexico it’s land back

10 US Goes to War German submarine warfare resumes
April 6, US declares war on Germany

11 America Mobilizes Selective Service Act (draft)
Increased military production Breaking the blockade- convoy system

12 US in Battle Main contribution: freshness and enthusiasm
Filled in the gaps on the front lines American Expeditionary Force (AEF) led by Pershing Commander of ALL Allied forces- Ferdinand Foch

13 Tide Turns 1917: Russian Revolution (Russia w/drew from war)
By 1918 Germany was advancing into France Stopped Germany: Battles of Chateau-Thierry/Belleau Wood Started pushing the Germans back into Germany

14 Characteristics of War
New Weapons Big Bertha (cannon) Zeppelin (gas-filled airship) Poison gas, tank, airplane Hazards Dirty conditions Lack of sleep Trench foot/trench mouth



17 End of Germany German soldiers tired of fighting
Mutiny spread throughout Germany & Kaiser forced out

18 Final Toll Involved 60 nations 22 million killed

19 Industrial Changes War Industries Board (WIB) Railroad Industry
Led by Bernard Baruch Set production quotas and allocated raw materials Railroad Industry Fuel Administration Rationed gas Daylight savings time

20 Cont. National War Labor Board Food Administration
Settled labor disputes Food Administration Led by H. Hoover Encouraged conservation (ration books) Victory gardens

21 Getting Support Raising money (income taxes and bonds)
Getting public support (Committee on Public Information)

22 Attacks on Civil Rights
Anti-immigration hysteria (towards Germans) Espionage and Sedition Acts Jail time and fines for dodging draft, obstruction of selling bonds, saying anything disloyal about the US

23 Social Changes The Great Migration (African Americans moving north for jobs) Women (jobs and 19th amendment) Flu epidemic

24 Peace Conference Versailles, France Wilson’s Fourteen Points
Eliminate general causes of war League of Nations Rejected by Allies (felt it was too nice)

25 Treaty of Versailles Created new nations Punished Germany
Dismantled military Lost territory Had to pay for war Accept blame for war League of Nations (international peacekeeping org) New Nations Poland, Yugoslavia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Czechoslovakia


27 Weaknesses of the Treaty
Humiliated Germany Russia felt ignored and lost territory Unstable colonies

28 American Opposition Too harsh Didn’t like the League
Wilson went to the people for support but suffered a stroke US signed separate treaty with Germany

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