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Evolution of the atmosphere

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1 Evolution of the atmosphere
Earth Science II (Session 5)

2 European Southern Observatory (1999)
The solar nebulous from which the Sun and the planets were formed 5 thousand years ago was mostly hydrogen and helium.

3 Therefore: Scientists hypothsize 4.5 billion of years ago, the atmosphere was formed by hydrogen and helium. This started a slow and extraordinary process of formation of the actual atmosphere.

4 When the Earth was formed approximately 4
When the Earth was formed approximately 4.5 billion years agos the atmsophere started to undergo changes: H2 , He, dust Other gases heat lightening N2 . CO2 , CH4 , NH3 , H2O Primitive atmosphere gravity LUV lightening Larger organic molecules Small organic molecules organization LUV evolution Organisms that degrade carbon dioxide Primitive cell Radiation H2O vapor Oxygen (O2)

5 Actual atmosphere Actual atmosphere is very diffrerent from when the beginning of Earth. Now it is mostly composed by nitrogen and oxygen.

6 Composition of primitive atmosphere vs. Actual atmosphere
Gas Primitive Actual Carbon dioxide 92.2% 0.03% Nitrogen 5.1% 78.0% Sulpher dioxide 2.3% Traces Hydrogen Sulfide 0.2% Ammonia 0.1% Methane Oxygen 0.0% 21.0% Argon 0.9% DiSpezio, Michael , et al. (1999)

7 Production of life in the laboratory
Sidney W. Fox et. al. From the Molecular evolution Institution in Miami have informed in recent years about a series of experiments about synthesizing life in a test tube: They wanted to grow live proteins fabricadted under similar conditions of the primitive earth A = indicate the proteinoide highly similar to a baceria seen from an electronic microscope. B = indicates formations in the proteinoide similar to a bacteria or yeast when it is asexually reproducing by the process known as gemation.

8 Class reading From your textbook…
Science and Society: Solutions to air pollution Page 410

9 Bibliography DiSpezio, M. et al. (1999). Science Insights: Exploring Earth and Space. 1era ed. Estados Unidos de América: Prentice Hall. European Southern Obsevatory (1999). A powerful twin arrives [Imagen]. European Southern Obsevatory. Extraído el 1 de abril de 2003 de la World Wide Web: :

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