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Shi Shen By: Alyson Van Horn.

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Presentation on theme: "Shi Shen By: Alyson Van Horn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shi Shen By: Alyson Van Horn

2 Who Shi Shen was a Chinese astronomer. He was an astronomer at the same time as Gan De, a astronomer. The only resources from Shi Shen’s time that people could use for information was a eight chapter book. The book only told some information from Shi Shen’s time. People believe that Shi Shen wrote most of the eight chapters.

3 What Shi Shen was a very smart astronomer. He found 121 stars in the preserved text. He also made the earliest surviving undated record of sunspot observation. He assumed that these spots were eclipses. He was wrong and found out they were solar phenomena.

4 Where Shi Shen was born in the State of Wei in China. Then, later in his life he observed in the Warring State. In the Warring State Shi Shen observed planets and stars. While he was observing he positioned 121 stars.

5 When My TimeLine-

6 The End The End! Any questions?

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