county-wide initiative Tess Tremlett - Community Engagement Manager

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1 county-wide initiative Tess Tremlett - Community Engagement Manager
Social prescription The Forest of Dean approach to a county-wide initiative Introduction – Tess Tremlett, Community Engagement Manager, Forest of Dean District Council Social Prescribing is a pathway available to all adults across Gloucestershire. It is managed slightly differently in each district and I’m here today to give you a flavour of how we do this in the Forest of Dean and how it fits in with other existing services. Tess Tremlett - Community Engagement Manager

2 What is Social Prescribing?
‘A clear, coherent and collaborative process in which healthcare practitioners work with patients and service users to select and make referrals to community based services.’ (Langford et al, 2013) This is the accepted formal description of Social Prescribing. What does it mean in reality?

3 Social Prescribing in Practice
A referral pathway for patients with multiple, non-medical needs Referrals by practice staff and other health care professionals Linking to a wide range of local non-clinical services Often accessing the voluntary and community sector. In practice, SP is a means of offering help and support to people with non-medical needs that cannot be addressed by their health practitioners. Referrals can be made by GPs, practice nurses, health visitors, pharmacies and the Integrated Care Team. The service sits within the Community Engagement Team at the FODDC and benefits from its resources and local knowledge. Non-clinical services e.g. lunch clubs, art groups, physical activities, volunteering, health walks, Men in Sheds, singing groups etc Links with voluntary sector developed as a result of services being under-utilised

4 Who can it help? Anyone over the age of 18
Registered with a Gloucestershire GP Multiple, non-medical, needs Socially isolated, vulnerable and/or other emotional needs Living with long-term conditions Frequent attenders in primary care Anyone over 18 who is registered with a Gloucestershire GP. People with multiple, non-medical needs e.g. recently bereaved, carers, cared for, unemployed, retired/approaching retirement, housing issues. This could be almost anyone at certain stages of life. Socially isolated/vulnerable etc. e.g. due to poor health, finances, lack of transport, learning difficulty, loss of services, change in social circumstances. People with long term conditions, possibly life changing, with a wide variety of needs People who are frequent attenders at GP’s surgeries whose quality of life might be improved by access to services and activities to enhance their general health and wellbeing

5 Are there any exclusions?
People under 18 years of age. Patients where a clear referral route already exists e.g. Adult Social Care. Patients with high risk and/or complex mental health needs. Service intended for adults over the age of 18 The service is intended to be complementary to existing pathways rather than replacing them e.g. into Adult Social Care. BUT if there is a clear additional, social need the SP service may be able to connect them to services and activities which might be of benefit to them.

6 How does it work? Referrals to District Hub, based within Community Engagement Team at Forest of Dean District Council Practice based model Personalised assessment from Social Prescribing facilitator Listening, signposting and onward referrals Ongoing person-centred support Scheduled reviews and feedback to referrer Referrals are sent securely to the District hub, based within the Community Engagement Team at the FODDC. The model we are using is practice-based, working with surgeries across the Forest of Dean as well as the Integrated Care Team (Multi Disciplinary Team) based in Cinderford. Clients are offered a personalised assessment with one of our Social Prescribing facilitators. We have regular days and times where we are able to meet people at their GPs surgeries. The facilitator’s role includes listening to individuals and signposting and/or referring them to appropriate groups, agencies or activities. The service is totally person-centred and all advice and /or suggestions are rooted in the individual’s needs and wishes. The facilitator will hold regular reviews with the client and will feedback information about the progress made to the original referrer.

7 Carers’ Gloucestershire
Community support Volunteering Gardening Exercise referral GRCC Greensquare Lunch clubs Severnwye Art groups Age UK Health walks FODDC FVAF Peer advocacy Cookery Independence Trust P3 Dementia support Benefits advice This slide illustrates the process that helps to connect an individual to a whole range of organisations and activities that might improve their overall health and wellbeing. The Social Referral Hub has formal links with a number of community and voluntary organisations providing specific help and support. There are also a huge number of links to smaller and/or informal groups offering everything from art groups to health walks to lunch clubs. Everything is tailored to meet an individual’s specific needs abilities and interests – there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach. Citizens Advice Carers’ Gloucestershire I don’t know where to turn I know a service that can help! Befriending Debt advice SOCIAL REFERRAL HUB

8 What are the benefits? Research into social prescribing reports benefits in three key areas (Friedli and Watson, 2004): • improving mental health outcomes • improving community wellbeing • reducing social exclusion The benefits of Social Prescribing on individuals’ health and wellbeing have been researched and documented, with particular benefits being recorded in these three areas.

9 Social Prescribing in Action
We would like to share a short video made by Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group where three individuals talk about their experience of the Social Prescribing service in the Forest of Dean.

10 Feedback Art Lift on a Monday (I really enjoy this - time to think about other things); Swimming on a Thursday; Arts and Crafts on a Friday. Visited by Mike the Village Agent - helpful to do know what he can do. I have been put in touch with Wyedean Housing and Greensquare … it has allowed me to go from N.F.A to having my own place. The advice, encouragement and (as a result) confidence I've benefited from are very much appreciated. On Tuesdays I go to an exercise class, on Wednesdays I go to a luncheon club, on Fridays and Saturdays I see my friends at the café and I see my friends monthly for a Sunday lunch. I was also visited by the village agent and given a pack in case of a power cut. It gave me an overview into what was available which made me feel more optimistic. Greatly appreciated your support which helped me. As part of the evaluation of the service we have collected verbal feedback from people who have used the service and would like to share a few of these comments, showing the range of help and support we are able to connect people with.

11 For further information please contact
Tess Tremlett – Community Engagement Manager Tel: Gary Deighton – Exercise Referral Co-ordinator Tel: Website: As part of the evaluation of the service we have collected verbal feedback from people who have used the service and would like to share a few of these comments, showing the range of help and support we are able to connect people with.


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