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China Regents Review.

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Presentation on theme: "China Regents Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 China Regents Review

2 Geography of China Isolated and Protected by geographic features:
Mountains, Deserts, Rivers, and Oceans.

3 China Geography Geography allowed for a unique and original culture and a feeling of superiority or ethnocentrism.

4 Society of China Religions: Confucianism and fileal piety.
Buddhism in the region of Tibet.

5 Society of China Most Chinese are Peasants and live in small villages.

6 History of China Yellow River Valley Civilization
Ruling families or Dynasties. The Han Dynasty: Golden Age of China (Arts, literature, discovery)

7 History of China Mandate of Heaven or power from God – similar to the Divine Right theory from Europe.

8 History of China European control through trade zones called Spheres of Influence. These became “mini colonies” The U.S. believed in an “open door” policy with China.

9 History of China Opium War between Britain and China over the sale of Opium and the major problems it caused Chinese society. Great Britain won.

10 History of China Boxer Rebellion, where frustrated Chinese rebelled against anything of foreign influence in China. International army put down the rebellion.

11 History of China Chinese Nationalist movement led by Chiang Kai-Shek.

12 Chinese Civil War Nationalists, led by Chiang vs. Communists, led by Mao Zedong.

13 Chinese Civil War In 1949, Mao wins, China becomes communist (People’s Republic of China) due to the support of the Peasant class (Long March)

14 Chinese Civil War Nationalists flee to Taiwan which is still free from China. Mao’s China: Great Leap Forward (communes), Cultural Revolution (Little Red Book, harsh totalitarian dictatorship.

15 History of China After Mao, Deng Xiaoping in power.
Moves China partially away from Communism and toward Capitalism (like Gorbechev in the USSR).

16 History of China Xiaoping ordered the massacre at Tiannamen Square, where student protestors were killed. They were protesting in support of democracy.

17 Current Issues in China
Freedom for Tibet (Buddhist Region) China’s desire to regain Taiwan Large population (1.3 Billion) and the one-child policy.

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