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High Sensitive and Selective Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Trace Level Manganese in Some Real, Environmental, Biological, Soil, Food,

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Presentation on theme: "High Sensitive and Selective Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Trace Level Manganese in Some Real, Environmental, Biological, Soil, Food,"— Presentation transcript:

1 High Sensitive and Selective Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Trace Level Manganese in Some Real, Environmental, Biological, Soil, Food, Fertilizer and Pharmaceutical Samples Using Bis(2-hydroxy-1-napthaldehyde)- orthophenylenediamine Dr. M. Jamaluddin Ahmed Chartered Scientist(EU); Chartered Chemist, FRSC(UK) Professor of Analytical Chemistry Department of Chemistry University of Chittagong Chittagong-4331 BANGLADESH 5/12/2018

2 CONTENTS 1 Aims and objectives 2. Choice of metal ions
3.   Manganese content in human body 4. Adverse health effects and exposure of manganese 5.  Development of the method for manganese 6.  Optimization of the analytical parameters individually 7. Interference from Foreign Ions 8.  Validation of the method 9.  Application of the methods in some real, environmental, biological, pharmaceutical, food, fertilizer, vegetable and soil samples. 10.  Comparison of present and existing methods 11.  Conclusions 12. Socioeconomic Importance of the methods 13. Acknowledgements 14. References 5/12/2018 2

3 Aims and objectives of the method
The basic aims and objective of this project are:   to introduce a new spectrophotometric Shiff-base ligand Bis(2-hydroxy- 1-napthaldehyde)-orthophenylene-diamine (HNA-OPD-HNA) through novel reaction techniques. to develop a simple, rapid, non-extractive and direct Spectrophoto- metric method for the determination of manganese using HNA-OPD-HNA in aqueous solution. to avoid existing tedious and time-consuming solvent extraction procedure which used toxic and carcinogenic organic solvents. to optimize the analytical parameters individually. to test the validity of the method by analyzing CRMs, recovery studies and also by comparison with conventional analysis (AAS). to apply the developed methods for the determination of manganese in various samples (e.g. in real, environmental, biological, pharmaceutical, food, vegetable, milk and soil samples). 3

4 Choice of metal ion The role of Manganese in human bio-chemistry illustrates clearly the dual nature of those trace elements which are both essential and toxic depends on its oxidation state and concentrations at which they are supplied. Manganese in trace amount is important industrially, as a: Toxicant: especially geno-toxicant and carcinogen Biological nutrient Pharmaceutically important Environmental pollutant Occupational hazard All these facts make it prime necessity for an accurate determination of manganese at trace levels. 5/12/2018 4

5 Manganese content in human body
Fig. 1. Metal/Metalloid Content of Adult Human Body Human body contains approximately 8.3 mg kg-1 Mn as per above chart *Threshold limit value for Mn= 0.05 mg m-3 in atmosphere as MnO2 *Tolerance limit for Mn=0.2 mgL-1 in Environment Source: M. Athar and S. B. Vohora, “Heavy Metals & Environment”,1995, p. 27 5

6 Adverse Health Effects and Exposure of Manganese
Metals MAC (EPA) mgL-1 TLV (WHO) mg m-3 Potential Health Effects Source of exposure Mn 0.2 0.05 Chronic liver cirrhosis, gallbladder disorders, bone malformation, diabetes, skeletal abnormalities, general weakness, skin rash, nausea, vomiting, Parkinson’s disease, DNA and chromosome damage, “manganese pneumonia” or pneumonitis and more commonly manganism, Earth’s crust, manufacture of alloys, steel and iron products, mining operations, the production and uses of fertilizers, fungicides, synthetic manganese oxide, dry-cell batteries and organo manganese fuel additives. 6

7 Development of the method for the determination of
Manganese using HNA-OPD-HNA 7

8 Synthesis and characterization of reagent
Synthesis of HNA-OPD-HNA Scheme1. Reaction Scheme of bis(2-hydroxy-1 - napthaldehyde) orthophenylenediamine (HNA-OPD-HNA) 8 Ref: L. Sacconi J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1953, 75, 5434

9 Characterization of the Ligand (HNA-OPD-HNA)
Parameters Proposed value Values from literature * Melting point 111oC 113oC Elemental Analysis C = 70.65 N = 11.94 H = 5.48 C = 70.85 N = 11.02 H = 5.55 FTIR ν C=N ( cm-1) νO-H (3390 cm-1 ) ν C-N( 1384 cm-1 ) νC=C (1564 cm-1 ) ν C=N ( cm-1) νC=O( cm-1 ) ν N-N ( cm-1 ) νC=C ( cm-1 ) Thermogravimetry 80-90 oC 1.0gm for 6 hour *Reference : M. A. Salam, D. A. Chowdhury and S. M. A. Hossain, Bull of Pure and Appl. Sci., 1995, 14 C ,129. 9

10 Fig. 1. Job’s method for determining the composition of Mn(II) : HNA-OPD-HNA (1 : 1) Complex.

g of manganese(II) ( mL of 1.83 10-5 M MnII) + 1:100 -1:500 fold molar excess of HNA-OPD- HNA reagent (Preferably 1mL of 2.40×10-3 M) (Preferably 0.05 mL) of 0.001M H2SO4 + 5 mL of DMF 10-mL volumetric flask and made up to the mark with de-ionized water, an orange colored complex was formed immediately at room temperature (25±5°C) The absorbance was measured at 508 nm against a corresponding reagent blank. The manganese content in an unknown sample was determined using a concurrently prepared calibration graph. 11

12 Results of Optimization Determination of Manganese .

13 Optimization of Analytical parameters
 Absorption spectra (for selection of λmax).  Effect of solvent  Effect of acidity /pH  Effect of time  Effect of temperature  Effect of the reagent concentration  Effect of metal ion concentration(Beer’s Law)  Effect of foreign ions

14 Optimization of analytical parameters of manganese
Fig. 2. A and B absorption spectra of MnII-HNA-OPD-HNA system and the reagent blank (λ max = 508 nm) in aqueous solutions 14

15 Optimization(continued)
Fig. 3. Effect of the solvent on the absorbance of the MnII –HNA-OPD-HNA system 15

16 Fig. 4. Effect of acidity on the absorbance of MnII-HNA-OPD-HNA system
Optimization(continued) Fig. 4. Effect of acidity on the absorbance of MnII-HNA-OPD-HNA system 16

17 Optimization(continued)
0.12 0.08 0.04 24 Fig. 5. Effect of the time on the absorbance of the MnII –HNA-OPD-HNA system 17

18 Optimization (continued)
Fig. 6. Effect of reagent on the absorbance of MnII-HNA-OPD-HNA system 18

19 Fig. 7. Calibration graph A: 0.02 – 0.1 mg L-1 of Mn(II)
Optimization (continued) Fig. 7. Calibration graph A: 0.02 – 0.1 mg L-1 of Mn(II) 19

20 Fig. 8. Calibration graph B: 0.1 – 1.0 mg L -1 of Mn(II)
Optimization (continued) Fig. 8. Calibration graph B: 0.1 – 1.0 mg L -1 of Mn(II) 20

21 Fig. 9. Calibration graph C: 1 – 10.0 mg L -1 of Mn(II)
Optimization (continued) Fig. 9. Calibration graph C: 1 – 10.0 mg L -1 of Mn(II) 21

22 Optimization (continued)
Fig.10. Calibration graph D: 10 – 25.0 mgL-1 of Mn(II) 22

23 Table 1. Selected analytical parameters obtained with the optimization experiments.
Studied range Selected value Wavelength / λmax (nm) 508 Solvent / % N,N-dimethylformamide(DMF) 10-80 50-80 (Preferably 50) Acidity / M H2SO4 (Preferably ) pH (Preferably 4.22) Time / h 0 - 72 1min-24 h (Preferably 1 min) Temperature / °C 10-70 15-40 (Preferably 25 ± 5) Reagent concentration (fold molar excess, M:R) 1:1 - 1:500 1: :500 (Preferably 1: 200) Linear range/mg L-1 Molar absorptivity / L mol-1 cm-1 4.52 x 106 _5.26 x 106 4.89x 106 Sandell’s sensitivity/ng cm-2 1-100 10 Detection limit/ µg L-1 1 Reproducibility (% RSD) 0 - 10 0 –2% Regression Co-efficient (R2) 0.9998

24 Interference of Foreign Ions
The effect of over 50 cations, anions and complexing agents on the determination of 1mg L-1 manganese was studied. The criterion for interference was an absorbance value varying by more than ± 5% from the expected value for manganese alone. With suitable masking agents, the reaction can be made highly selective. However, for those ions whose tolerance limit have been studied, their tolerance ratios are mentioned in Table 2. 24

25 Table 2. Tolerance limits of foreign ions, tolerance ratio [Species(x)]/Mn (w/w) ]
Ammonium (I) 100 Lithium 20 Arsenic (III) 50 Lead (II) Arsenic (V) Magnesium Aluminum 20b Manganese (VII) 10 Azide 200 Mercury (II) Ascorbic acid Molybdenum(VI) Antimony Nitrate Bromide Nickel Bismuth (III) Oxalate 500 Beryllium(II) Potassium Calcium Phosphate Chloride Selenium (VI) Cobalt(II) 20c Selenium (IV) Cobalt(III) Silver Chromium (III) Sodium Chromium (VI) Strontium Cadmium Sulfate Carbonate Titanium(IV) Cesium Tellurium(IV) Citrate Tartrate Copper (II) Thiocyanate Cyanide Thiourea EDTA Tungsten (VI) Fluoride Tin(II) Iodide Tin(IV) Iron (II) Vanadium(V) Iron (III) Zinc a Tolerance limit was defined as ratio that causes less than ± 5 percent interference. b with 10 mg L-1 tartrate. c with 10 mg L-1 oxalate. 25

26 Validation of the method
The precision was evaluated by determining different concentration of manganese (each analyzed at least five times). The relative standard deviation ( n = 5 ) was 2.0 – 0 % for 0.2 – 250 g of manganese in 10-mL solution which indicates that method is highly precise and reproducible. The average molar absorptivity, detection limit (3s/S of the blank) and Sandell’s sensitivity (concentration for absorbance unit) for manganese were found to be 4.89 x 106 L mol-1 cm-1 , 1 µg L-1 and 10 ng cm-2 of Mn(II), respectively. The analytical results must be evaluated with regard to the validity of analytical method. Poor analytical quality may lead to false conclusions. Keeping this in our mind the validity of our method was tested by analyzing several Standard Reference Materials, Recovery Studies and also Comparing the results with Conventional Analysis(AAS).  Hence, the precision and accuracy of the method were excellent. 26

27 Validation ( continued)
Table 3. Determination of manganese (II) in synthetic mixtures Sample Composition of mixtures (mg L-1) Manganese(II)/ mg L-1 Added Founda (n=5) Recovery ± SDb (%) A MnII 0.50 1.00 0.49 98 ± 0.5 100 ± 0.0 B As in A + Na(25) + Ca (25) 1.02 102 ± 0.8 C As in B + VV (25) + Cd (25) 0.99 99 ± 0.3 D As in C + Mg (25) + Zn (25) 0.53 1.05 106 ± 1.3 105 ± 1.0 E As in D + Hg2+ (25)+ TeIV (25)+ Tartrate (50) 0.54 1.08 108 ± 2.0 108 ± 1.8 aAverage of five analysis of each sample bThe measure of precision is the standard deviation (s). 27

28 Validation ( continued)
Table 4. Determination of manganese in some certified reference materials Sample Certified reference materials (Composition, %) Manganese (%) In C.R.M sample Found (n=5) R.S.D.a 1 BCS-CRM 163, Unalloyed steel (C=1.2,Mn=0.472,Ni=0.608, Si=0.18,Cu=0.05,Cr=0.03) 0.472 0.471 1.5 2 BAS-CRM-10g,High-speed brass (Cu=60.8,Fe=1.56,Pb=0.23, Ni=0.16,Sn=0.21, Al=3.34, Zn=32.0, Mn=1.36) 1.36 1.35 1.0 3 BCS-CRM-238, Unalloyed steel (C=0.2,Si=0.06,S=0.05,Mn=0.51, Ni=0.06, Cr=0.06 and Cu=0.05) 0.51 0.505 2.0 4 BAS-CRM-1d,Mild steel (C=0.19, Si=0.06, S=0.04, Mn=0.52, P=0.04) 0.52 0.518 2.5 5 BAS-CRM-33b,Alloy cast iron (Mn=0.64,Cr=0.61, Mo=0.04, Ni=2.24) 0.64 0.632 1.8 aThe measure of The precision is the standard deviation (s) bThe measure of precision is the relative standard deviation(RSD) cThese CRMs were obtained from Beijing NCS Analytical Instruments Co. Ltd., China 28

29 Determination of Mn(II) and Mn(VII) speciation in mixtures
. 1-2-mL of Manganese(II+VII) mixtures (preferably 1:1, 1:5, 1:10) + 2-3drops of 4M H2SO4 + 3-4mL of 2.5%(w/v) sodium azide + 5 mL of H2O 25 mL conical Flask + heat for reduction of Mn(VII) to Mn(II) for 10min + 3-4 drops of 2.5% (w/v) freshly prepared azide solution + heat for 5 min to remove excess azide The contents were cooled and neutralized with dilute NH4OH and transferred quantitatively into 10-mL volumetric flask. Then the total manganese (II and VII) content was determined according to the general procedure with the help of the calibration graph. The manganese(II) content was measured after neutralization with NH4OH following the general procedure with same mixture using tartrate as masking agent. This value was subtracted from that of the total manganese to get manganese(VII) present in mixture. The results were found to be highly reproducible 29

30 Table 5. Determination of manganese (II) and manganese (VII) speciation in mixtures.
Serial No. Mn(II) : Mn(VII) Mn, taken (mg L-1) Mn, found Error Mn(II) Mn(VII) 1 1: 1 1.00 0.98 0.99 0.02 0.01 1.02 0.00 0.97 0.03 Mean error : Mn(II) = ±0.017; Mn(VII) = ± 0.018 Standard deviation : Mn(II) = ± 0.015; Mn(VII) = ± 0.011 1: 5 5.00 4.98 4.99 Mean error : Mn(II) = ± ; Mn(VII) = ± 0.017 Standard deviation : Mn(II) = ± ; Mn(VII) = ± 0.006 1:10 10.00 9.98 9.99 Mean error : Mn(II)= ± ; Mn(VII) = ± 0.017 Standard deviation : Mn(II) = ± 0.015; Mn(VII) = ± 0.015 30

31 Application of the method
The method was applied in some Environmental, Biological, Pharmaceutical, fertilizer, food and Soil samples The samples were collected from different parts of Chittagong division and preserved using suitable preservatives. The samples were digested using acid digestion method recommended by Greenberg1 and Stahr2. Manganese content was determined as described under general procedure using concurrently prepared calibration graph and suitable masking agents. E. A Greenberg et al (ed.) “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”,18th ed., APHA, Washington, D.C., 1992, p. 121. H. M. Stahr, “Analytical Methods in Toxicology,” 3rd ed., John Wiely & Sons, New York, 1991, p.75. 31

32 Application (continued)
Table 6. Determination of manganese in some environmental water samples Sample Manganese(II)/µg L-1 Recovery ± s (%) srb Added Found a (n=5) Tap water 100 500 45.0 145.0 550.0 100±0.0 100.9±0.1 0.00 0.35 Well water 30.5 135.0 530.0 99.6±0.5 0.39 River water Karnaphully (upper) 65.0 165.0 570.0 100.8±0.6 0.21 (lower) 70.5 174.0 565.0 102±0.4 99±0.5 0.29 Halda 48.0 148.0 100.4±0.8 0.36 50.0 154.0 102.6±0.7 0.38 Sea water Bay of Bengal 25.0 125.0 100.9±0.3 0.31 27.5 128.0 100.3±0.5 100.5±0.6 0.17 0.27 Drain water T. S. P. Complex c 225.0 630.0 100.8±0.5 0.25 PHPd 155.0 255.0 660.0 BSRM e 245.0 740.0 101±0.8 0.45 0.23 K.P.M Waterf 185.0 285.0 690.0 100.7±0.6 Eastern Refinery g 265.0 365.0 670.0 100.6±0.8 0.53 a Average of five replicate determinations of each sample . b The measure precision is the relative standard deviation(sr). c T. S. P. Complex Ltd., Patenga, Chittagong. d PHP Steel Mills, Kumira, Chittagong. e Bangladesh Steel Re-rolling Mills Ltd.(BSRM) , Baizid Bosthami, Chittagong. f Karnaphuly Paper Mills, Chandraghona, Chittagong. g Eastern Refinery, North Patenga, Chittagong. 32

33 Application (continued)
Table 7. Determination of manganese in blood and urine samples Serial No. Sample Manganese/µg L-1 Sourcea AAS (n=5) Proposed method (n = 5) 1 Blood Urine 908.2 ± 1.0 267.3 ± 1.5 910.5 ± 1.2 270.5 ± 1.5 Manganism (damage of central nervous system or neurological disorder) patient (Female) 2 459.3 ± 1.2 118.4 ± 1.6 465.2 ± 1.5 121.5 ± 1.8 Leucopenia patient (Female) 3 387.5 ± 1.3 107.6 ± 1.8 391.0 ± 1.5 112.2 ± 2.0 Liver cirrhosis patient (Male) 4 367.4 ± 1.5 95.5 ± 1.8 372.5 ± 1.8 98.5 ± 2.2 Pneumonitis (Manganic Pneumonia) patient (Male) 5 225.6 ± 1.6 82.9 ± 2.0 228.5 ± 2.0 85.5 ± 1.8 Hypertension patient (Male) 6 102.0 ± 2.2 40.2 ± 1.9 105.5 ± 2.0 43.5 ± 2.5 Asthma patient (Male) 7 12.5 ± 2.0 3.25 ± 1.2 12.8 ± 1.5 3.30 ± 1.0 Normal Adult (Male) 8 Hairb 685.8 ± 1.5 691.5 ± 1.2 Normal human hair (Male) aSamples were from Chittagong Medical College Hospital. bValues in ng g-1. 33

34 Application (continued)
Table 8. Determination of manganese in some soil samples Serial No. Manganese (mg kg-1) a (n=5) RSD (%) Sample Sourceb S1b 2. 5 ± 0.5 1. 5 Agriculture soil (Chittagong University Campus) S2 0. 85 ± 0.3 1. 3 Marine soil (Bay of Bengal) S3 17. 5 ± 1.0 1. 8 Traffic soil (Kadamtali Bus Terminal) S4 85.6 ± 1.2 2. 1 Industrial soil (Estern Cables) S5 75.8 ± 1.0 2. 4 (T.S.P. Complex, Chittagong) S6 ± 1.3 2. 5 (Bangladesh Steel Re-rolling Mills Ltd., Chittagong, Bangladesh) S7 5. 85 ± 0.8 Road side soil (Dhaka-Chittagong Highway) S8 107 ± 1.5 2. 0 Paint soil (Elite Paint, Chittagong) S9 3. 5 ± 0.5 1. 6 River soil (River Halda, Chittagong) S10 6. 8 ± 0. 8 1.8 (River Karnaphully, Chittagong) aAverage of five analyses of each sample. bThe measure of precision is the standard deviation. cComposition of the soil samples: C, Ca, Cu, Co, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, N, Na, NO3, NO2, P, Pb, SO4, Zn, etc.

35 Application (continued)
Table 9. Determination of manganese in some pharmaceutical samples Pharmaceutical samples Brand name Trade name Manganese/µgg-1 or mgL-1 RSD (%) Reported (Claimed) value Found (n=5) Tablet Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Mulvit plus (Multivitamin-mineral) /µgg-1 100.5 102.5 2.5 Eskayef Bangladesh Ltd (SK+F) Ostocal M (Calcium, vitamin D & minerals) 180.5 183.2 1.5 Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd (BPL) Bextram Gold (A to Z) 200.5 205 Syrup The ACME Laboratories Ltd. Nutrum Junior (Multivitamin-mineral) / mgL-1 150.0 152 2.0 Finecure Menuvit Syrup 160.0 158.5 35

36 Application (continued)
Table 10. Determination of manganese in some vegetable and fruit samples Serial No. Sample Manganese/mg kg-1 Founda  s (n=5) Sample source 1 White Cabbage (Brassica oleracea cupitata) 20.8±1.0 Local Market, Chittagong 2 Radish (Raphanus sativus) 28.5±1.5 3 Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) 12.75±1.3 4 Potato (Solanum tuberosum) 7.25±1.2 5 Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) 45.5±1.5 6 Garlic (Allium sativum) 49.8±1.4 7 Onion (Allium cepa) 75.5±1.5 8 Coriander seeds (Coriandrum sativum) 39.5±2.0 9 Olive (Olea europaea) 1.85±0.5 10 Banana (Musa acuminate) 0.19±0.05 36 a Average of five replicate analyses of each sample.

37 Application (continued)
Table 11. Determination of manganese in some fertilizer samples Sample Fertilizers Concentration / ( mg kg-1) Found (n=5) RSD (%) 1 Urea 685.0 ± 1.5 2.0 2 T.S.P (Triple Super Phosphate) 232.5 ± 1.8 2.5 3 MOP (Muriate of Potash) 145.8 ± 1.9 2.8 37

38 2, 2′-bipyridine.(Solvent
Table 12. Comparison of present and existing spectrophotometric methods for manganese Reagent ( Reference) Reaction condition Method λmax ( nm) Beer’s Law mgL-1 ε (Lmol-1cm-1) Detectin Limit μgL-1 Remarks 2-Hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde isonicotinoylhydrazone (OHNAINH) DMF and M H2SO4 DMF And solvent extractive 495 1.02 x 104 30 Less sensitive. Less selective due to much interference. Solvent extractive hence, lengthy and timapplication.e consuming. Limited 1-phenyl-1-hydrazonyl-2-oximinopropane-1,2-dione (HPHOPD) Chloroform and 0.5 M H2SO4 solvent extractive 430 1-100 0.89 x103 50 Solvent extractive hence, lengthy and time consuming. Application in limited samples. N,N′-bis(2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl)tolidine (HSPT), periodate Chloroform and 0.25 M 2, 2′-bipyridine.(Solvent Extractive) 670 2.5 x104 20 Limited application. Nitrilotriacetic acid,potassium periodate Chloroform and 0.1M H2SO4 Nonionic microemulsion 580 3.5 x104 37.5 Less selective due to much interference Application in foodstuff only. 4-(2-pyridylazo) resorcinol Chloroform and 0.5-2M HCl solvent extractive 3.5 x103 34 Bis(2-hydroxy-1-napthaldehyde) orthophenylenediamine (HNA-OPD-HNA) (Present method) (50%) And M H2SO4 Aqueous 508 4.89 x106 1 Highly selective. Ultra sensitive. Aqueous reaction medium. Simple and rapid. Color stable more than 24 h at 25±50C. Non -extractive. Application in various real, environmental, biological, soil, food, fertilizer and pharmaceutical samples. 38

39 Conclusions  A new simple, sensitive, selective and inexpensive method with manganese-HNA-OPD-HNA complex was developed for the determination of manganese in industrial, environmental, biological, pharmaceutical,food and soil samples, for continuous monitoring to establish the trace levels of manganese in different samples matrices  Although many sophisticated techniques such as pulse polarography, HPLC, AAS, ICP-OES, and ICP-MS, are available for the determination of manganese at trace levels in numerous complex materials, factors such as the low cost of the instrument, easy handling, lack of requirement for consumables, and almost no maintenance have caused spectrophotometry to remain a popular technique, particularly in laboratories of developing countries with limited budgets.  The sensitivity in terms of molar absorption coefficient and precision in terms of relative standard deviation of the present method is very reliable for the determination of manganese in real samples down to ng g-1 levels in aqueous medium at room temperature (255)°C.

40 Socioeconomic Importance of the Project
. It is a new approach and could be an alternative of the standard methods for the rapid determination of manganese in food, drugs, soils, cosmetic, pharmaceuticals, water supplies and waste disposal methods, etc. The following outcomes may be achieved: to give the benefit to non – analytical scientists who use these methods in different scientific disciplines. to provide contributions to assist in diagnosis of illness and in monitoring the condition of patients. to enhance our capability to predict the effects of manganese pollution in environmental waters to help to test the quality of drinking water supplies in Chittagong cities which are more deteriorating due to industrial pollution. to apply the method for continuous monitoring of environmental parameters. to increase the awareness of the people against the effect and remedies of the manganese pollution. 40

41 Acknowledgements I am highly grateful to the Dean,Faculty of Biological Science, University of Chittagong,for generous help and permiting me for analyzing Biological Samples by AAS. I am thankful to the Authorities of Chittagong Medical College Hospital and of C.S.C.R Hospital for supplying biological samples. Last but not least I am thankful to my PhD student Md. Tazul Islam of Dept. of Chemistry, University of Chittagong who actually done this work. 5/12/2018 41

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43 Dept. of Chemistry, University of Chittagong

44 Analytical & Environmental Research Group Dept
Analytical & Environmental Research Group Dept. of Chemistry, University of Chittagong

45 THANKS 45

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