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Designing Careers in Evaluation and Preparing Evaluation Students and New Evaluators for the Profession 2016 American Evaluation Association Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing Careers in Evaluation and Preparing Evaluation Students and New Evaluators for the Profession 2016 American Evaluation Association Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing Careers in Evaluation and Preparing Evaluation Students and New Evaluators for the Profession 2016 American Evaluation Association Conference Atlanta, GA Wednesday, October 26, 4:30 to 6:30, Room A705 Chair: David J. Bernstein, Ph.D., Westat: Rockville, MD. President, Washington Evaluators

2 Introduction No single path for becoming an evaluation professional.
Evaluation is trans-disciplinary and trans-sector (public, non-profit, private), leading to multiple professional paths. This panel will explore diverse approaches to train graduate/undergraduate students in evaluation. Focusing on successful transition strategies.

3 Panel Introductions Kathryn Newcomer, Director of the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration at the George Washington University. AEA President-elect. Rodney Hopson, Professor of Education Policy and Evaluation; Senior Research Fellow, Center of Education Policy and Evaluation, George Mason University Professor of Education, George Mason University. AEA Past-president. Jennifer Greene, Professor of Quantitative and Evaluative Research Methodologies, Educational Psychology. AEA Past-president. Stewart I. Donaldson, Director, Claremont Evaluation Center; Dean & Professor, Claremont Graduate University. AEA Past-president.

4 Panel Introductions Molly Engle, Professor and OSU Extension Service Evaluation Specialist, Oregon State University. AEA Past-president. Jean King, Professor of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development and Director, Minnesota Evaluation Studies Institute (MESI), University of Minnesota and Member. Former AEA Board Member. Joseph Wholey, Discussant. Visiting Scholar, University of Delaware; Professor Emeritus, University of Southern California; Past President, Evaluation Research Society; Co-founder, American Evaluation Association (AEA).

5 Panel Format Panelists will be asked a series of questions related to today’s topic. Panelists will take turns briefly answering one question at a time. The discussant may also address the question, or may hold his comments. Audience questions will be taken at the end of each question session, after the panelists’ comments.

6 Academic Focus, Degrees
In which disciplines/schools at your university would we expect to find courses in evaluation or related to evaluation? Do you offer a degree or major field in evaluation?

7 Hands-on Work Experience
Do you offer opportunities to design and conduct evaluations?

8 Career Paths Where have your former students worked in the evaluation field?

9 Turning Pro What advice do you have for new evaluators regarding making the shift from school to work in the evaluation field?

10 Networking What types of professional and networking activities would you recommend to further careers in evaluation?

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