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Welcome to year 1 Introductory talks 2017/18

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1 Welcome to year 1 Introductory talks 2017/18
Mrs Jessica Cunningham - Head of Phase –Key Stage 1 Mrs Joanna Bull – class teacher 1B (DT Co-ordinator) Mrs Jenny Speight – class teacher 1S (Lead Teacher – Writing Lisa – Teaching Assistant

2 Objectives for this meeting
A chance to meet the teachers and to get information on the following: - School priorities - The curriculum - Ravenstone entitlement - Routines and timetable - Admin points - Key things to remember - Contact details - Answer any questions

3 Our Values Happy Kind Creative Honest Determined
Our Vision Children Fulfilling Their Potential In The Heart Of The Community Our Values Happy Kind Creative Honest Determined

4 Our School focus This year we are focusing on:
- Implementing our vision and values - Making sure every child reaches their academic potential and is happy and safe when they come to school - Improving the curriculum, including first hand learning opportunities - Developing as teachers through a range of professional development opportunities - Improving the school environment

5 The Curriculum The Curriculum focuses on an active engagement in all areas of learning while achieving the learning objectives outlined in National Curriculum Framework. We continue with the mastery approach to maths (CONCRETE PICTORIAL  ABSTRACT), which ensures children’s thorough understanding of mathematical concepts and develops their ability to explain and reason using mathematical language Our Autumn Term Topics are: RE: Myself, Celebrations –Diwali, Eid, Guy Fawkes, Christmas, Birthdays, Science: Animals including Humans, Bodies and Senses, Seasons: Autumn and Winter PE: Ball skills, Fine motor skills and control History: Changes within Living Memory: Toys (Autumn 1) Geography: Place Knowledge: Artic and Antarctica (Autumn 2) PSHCE: Class Charter and Class Rules. SEAL: New Beginnings Computing: We are Treasure Hunters- using programmable toys. Using Apps -Book Creator – creating fact files. Art: Self Portraits and Collages inspired by Peter Blake’s Self Portraits. DT: Designing and making a model rabbit hutch.

6 Ravenstone entitlement
The Ravenstone entitlement for this term is as followed; Trip – Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood (link to History topic: Changes within Living Memory – Toys ) Themed day – Animals in the world (link to Science topic – Animals including Humans) Internal visit – Drama Workshop/ Dance Workshop Total contribution in one payment via parent mail is £10 Thank you

7 Routines and timetables
Children work in small, mixed ability groups within a carousel system. Each day includes teacher guided sessions and independent learning activities. Our middle room allows for the children to interact while exploring through carefully selected hands-on activities linked to the current topics and areas of learning. Other lessons : Music/Dance : Mondays, this term 1B – Music , 1S – Dance Library: 1B - Mondays, 1S - Thursdays Spellings: to be practised for Thursday P.E: 1B - Friday, 1S – Tuesday

8 Admin points Milk - please order on-line with Cool Milk.
Water and fruit - Clearly labelled containers please. Book bags or rucksacks labelled for taking books and letters home. Morning bells will ring at 8.40, 8:45 – late children to front office Let the School Office know if children are coming to and from school by themselves and if this changes. Let the School Office know of any changes to your Emergency Contact details. Prompt dismissal in the playground at 3:15 Birthday treats - No nuts / class allergies. Sweet will only be given out at end of day and must be eaten at parents permission. Water bottles can come into school and be kept in class

9 Things to remember Homework
Homework sheets will come home on Friday in the home learning books. These will include suggested activities, tasks, space for parental comments and an area to sign to say you have read with your child (this is very important). We will also give you an update as to what we have been doing in class this week. Phonics In Year 1 children have the Phonics Screening Test, which takes place in early June. While children have phonics sessions on a daily basis we encourage further practice at home. The Phonics scheme that we use is called Thrass. Please let the class teacher know if you need a new Thrass chart.

10 Contact details We will be in the playground before & after school .
You can also us on the following: Parentmail/bookbag – please check daily Notes to the teacher are preferred on paper, ideally in the Message Book which is outside on the table by the Office door every day. The Message Book is taken straight up to the teacher at Registration time.

11 Any Questions?

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