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Effective Leadership: What does it mean

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2 Effective Leadership: What does it mean
Effective Leadership: What does it mean? What is currently affecting your business? INCON University Sat 23 Feb 2008 Helen van Oers, MCI Mumbai

3 S taff Retention

4 Importance of staff retention
We are in the People’s business, therefore having the right people is key. 70% of cost is staffing Cost of recruiting and training new staff

5 Total Rewards (WorldatWork)
All of the tools available to the employer that may be used to attract, motivate and retain employees – everything the employee perceives to be of value. Five elements of total rewards Compensation Benefits Work-Life Performance and Recognition Development and Career Opportunities

6 Discussion Points What are unique features your company offers in view of the five Total Rewards elements? What programmes were successful, and what programs failed. Compensation Benefits Work-Life Performance and Recognition Development and Career Opportunities

7 J ob motivation entoring M


9 What Employees Want (SHRM)
Sense of Accomplishment Opportunity to Grow Chance to Use Existing Skills Recognition Opportunity for Advancement ADEQUATE PAY Fairness Pride in the Product Congenial Atmosphere Benefits

10 Demographics Boomers (1946 – 1964) Generation X (1965 – 1975)
What’s in it for me Loyal to their profession Focus on family Generation X (1965 – 1975) Accept change well and adapt easily Are comfortable with technology Are independent Not intimidated by authority – do not seek approval Are creative and add fresh perspective International focused Generation Y (Net Generation) (after 1975) Born in the era of the Internet: Peer collaboration, networking, working virtually Corporate Social Responsibility

11 Discussion points Job Motivation Mentoring
What motivates? / de-motivates? What works – what doesn’t work Out-of-the-box Ideas Mentoring “Mentors enspire their mentee to follow their dreams” What does it take to mentor talent Formal – Informal Mentoring Programme: Goals, Schedules, Training, Evaluation New-hire / High Potential How much % of time?

12 C ommunication D elegation

13 Communication Formal / Informal Up and down Culture
One-on-one / Company Internal Meetings Regular publications Intranet Daily communications (oral – written)

14 Delegation Delegation vs Dumping Confidence (in staff, and in self)
Trust Training Structured approach

15 M anaging Productivity

16 Productivity “billability” Hardware Time tracking Project evaluation
Software Work environment / conditions Culture – Atmosphere

17 C lient Management

18 How to manage your client?
Managing Expectations “No” is an answer too How to say Yes, when meaning No Complaint Management Account / relationship management Danger of staff turn over Prioritization Staff awareness of top account Effective Techniques for you?

19 Helen van Oers

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