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Cycles *Water *Life.

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1 Cycles *Water *Life

2 Water Cycle Cooler temperatures high in the air make water vapor condense. Little water droplets form clouds. Water droplets join to make bigger drops. Rain or snow falls from clouds. Rain flows across the ground. It goes into rivers and lakes. Rivers take some of the rain to oceans. Some of the rain soaks into the soil. It becomes groundwater. The sun warms the water. Water evaporates from oceans, rivers, and lakes to start the cycle again.

3 Life Cycles Frog Butterfly Human Plant

4 Frog’s Life Cycle There are 4 stages in the life of a frog: egg
tadpole emergent froglet adult frog

5 Butterfly’s Life Cycle
There are 4 stages in the life of a butterfly: egg larva (caterpillar) pupa (chrysalis) adult butterfly

6 Human’s Life Cycle There are several stages in the life of a human:
First, we start out as babies. Next, we become toddlers. Third, we become preschoolers. Fourth, we become younguns. Fifth, we become teenagers. Sixth, we become young adults. Seventh, we become adults. Last, we become elderly people. **Love You Forever is a book that shows these stages!

7 Plant’s Life Cycle There are a few stages with the life of a plant:
First, the seed is planted. Next, the seed germinates and breaks through the ground. Next, the seedling starts growing bigger. Last, the plant is ready to produce flowers, fruits, vegetables, or whatever it produces. Remember, the plant must have light and water for it to grow and produce.

8 Cycle Review Remember that a cycle is
something that happens over and over again. There are several kinds of cycles.

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